Scared new member....



  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 394 Member
    Hi! I'm sorry that you have had such a scare. You sound like you have a good sense of why you want or need to do this and keeping a focus on that should help. One of my main reasons for doing this is my children as well. No better reason! Wishing you the very best of luck and the best of health. I'm looking forward to doing this journey with you : )
  • KelCanDoThis
    KelCanDoThis Posts: 83 Member

    This site is wonderful and you will meet some great friends. Feel free to discuss your worries or problems with people. They are all so friendly and here to support you.

    Great news to hear you survived such a horrible nightmare!! Dont give up, and take one day at a time

    Feel free to add me as a friend

  • suechristian65
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would imagine you are scared of exercise given what has happened. I would start out by diet, and then add in exercise when your heart feels stronger. June is pretty recently. What does your doctor say about exercise?
  • manjingirl
    manjingirl Posts: 188 Member
    Awesome start - see that wasn't so hard? Ease in to the exercise thing. You don't need to go from nothing to full on everyday 60 minutes weights cardio turbo power insanity in one hit. That walk you just did will have improved your heart fitness already.

    Some motivation comes AFTER you start. For me, a veteran of the gym and running paths I sometimes still have to psych myself into starting. I say to myself just go for 10 minutes then come home if you want. And then I get into it and do a full workout. Virtually every time.

    And there's a new campaign here in Australia about swapping the bad stuff. Big portions for small, Every day for occasionally. Walk for short drives, that kind of stuff.

    You'll be one of success stories before you know it.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    You have made the first step by joining us all here.....

    Just take it one meal at a time.....

    You can do it.....If you need help, just holler......
  • MJCalver
    Hi There! Wow - you are such an inspiration! Coming through what you've been through and wanting to move through this - thats incredible. There's no real secret to self motivation - you have to find something which works for you. This is scary and terrifying - I spent years refusing to even own a pair of scales! But you've obviously decided this is something you want to do for you and that's fantastic.

    I'd suggest starting off without exercising - just stick to the calories, track those and all the little bits you do around the house. Cleaning, walking to the shops, all count as exercise. Even cooking has a calorie burn! So just go about your normal life and see how you go for a couple of weeks. Or even a month. I found as I started to lose weight, I was inspired to begin exercising. And there's some great forum groups on here where you can all do the same exercise and cheer each other on :wink:

    Keep us posted on how you go - I'm sure you'll amaze yourself.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • passtnt
    passtnt Posts: 6 Member
    Every morning when you walk by the daunting exercise machine say,"The treadmill is my friend! It's an awesome tool I can use to help me reach my goals. I don't have to walk on it today but like all true friends it will be there on a rainy day when I can't walk outside and need it most!
  • ketchuplover
    (((((((((((OP))))))))))))) :)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    You can do this.. You've made the first step by coming on here in the first place. Small changes can make a huge difference. Go for it even after one day of sticking to your diet and doing a little exercise can give you a boost. You may even find you like the new changes you make (I have). I have never felt so motivated. You have been through such alot. Its now time for you to do something for you. With this site and the people on here you can do it. xxx GOOD LUCK xxx
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Don't be afraid of going slowly, as long as you're moving forward. If you do one small thing every day in the right direction, it can be less overwhelming and you will slowly get into and get more excited about your new choices. :-)

    P.S. Welcome.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Get the all clear from the doctor first before starting any work out. Especially after a heart attack.
  • passtnt
    passtnt Posts: 6 Member
    What does this mean?