Starbucks! Anyone Addicted?

WOW! I have just really started watching my calories and when i went on their site : I seen how many calories were in my beloved Venti Caramel Frappaccino = 490 calories and just about any Pastry = 490 calories. I mean OMG! i did not know it was so much. Although i have no plans of giving up my coffee i did however once again go on the site and see what changes i could make to cut out some calories and low and behold i changed my milk to nonfat and you can also have no whipped cream or sugar free syrup. I think you can still have some of the things you love but its all about making those small changes. For example just by me changing the milk to nonfat it cut out half the calories! If you do drink starbucks what is it that you drink? What changes do you think you could make if you havnt made them already?


  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Their green tea, or skinny vanilla latte, or a chai made with nonfat milk. The green tea has zero cals I believe and a tall skinny vanilla latte has about 90, and the chai has about 120 I believe.
  • lwhitman4
    lwhitman4 Posts: 144 Member
    Isn't it ridiculous how high in calories their stuff is? I try to tell the hubs all the time not to stop there, but he's a cop and they get anything they want free when in uniform. *le sigh* Men, they never learn.

    For me though, I'm not a huge fan because I'm more of a plain-Jane coffee lover. I like it either just black, or with a bit of creamer. I even love the chicory coffee from Cafe Du Monde without anything in it. So, not a huge stretch for me to go without Starbucks for... gosh... 6 months or so.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I gave up on *$'s after they were charging FDNY firefighters a dollar for a cup of water on 9/11. I know they went public with an apology and donated 'generously' to the 9/11 family and victims fund, but it left a very bad taste in my mouth :-(
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Nope cuz Starbucks tastes like burning.

    Try Turkish! It's homemade, takes less than 3 minutes to brew, doesn't require any special equipment and tastes heavenly at 10 calories per cup!

    YouTube some how-to's. It's so easy. :)
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Hi, my name is Kyle and I'm addicted to Starbucks. Lol :-)

    I would have 2 iced grande white chocolate mochas with caramel drizzle on top of the whip each day.

    Now I get an iced coffee with vanilla and some cream or strawberry smoothie with protein, much nicer on the calorie side.
  • I am a HUGE Starbucks fan..especially around the colder months. Now that I am watching my calories.. I drink Venti Soy Cappuccino's with 2 splendas, they are only 140 calories.
  • Love Starbucks...pretty much stick to coffee with skim milk though. The calories from the other stuff are rarely worth it. I only get them with my free drink coupons (about once or twice a month).
  • ohh my gosh i used to get the enormous sized soy chai latte every single day for lunch. and then i started feeling really dizzy and nauseous from all the sugar, so begrudgingly i had to give them up. now i get one about once a month and it's still the best drink ever invented.
  • cgirly422
    cgirly422 Posts: 19 Member
    I love my Starbucks! I like the skinny caramel macchiatto or just an iced coffee with splenda and nonfat milk.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Iced Nonfat Caramel Macchiato... 190 calories. This is my special treat about twice a week. :smooched:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I drink Starbucks quad espresso macchiatos - it has 25 calories. [but I add a raw sugar +20] so a total of 45 calories. :tongue:
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Get an unsweetened passion tea. I'm pretty sure there aren't many, if any, calories in that.

    If you really love a frou frou coffee, just get it unsweetened without the whipped cream.

    Personally, I'm more addicted to the caffeine than I am the sugar.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I love Starbucks (but wouldn't exactly call it an addiction), but their stuff is far from healthy. Even the skinny muffins are ridiculous amounts of calories which really makes me think they shouldn't be allowed to call them skinny, just less fatty. Anyway, I am pretty much staying away from their food completely, and stick to light caramel frappuccinos and nonfat chai tea lattes. I don't have them a lot anyway (maybe once a month?) so when I do, it's worth the calories for me. Yeah, a real caramel frappuccino is better (especially the cream) but you have to make some compromises.
  • purplehorizon
    purplehorizon Posts: 16 Member
    I use to HAVE to have Starbucks or Caribou coffee to get through my mornings but after I added up the cost for a week's worth of coffee, I stopped drinking it. But occasionally - like once every other week - I will allow myself a treat and get a grande skinny mocha or latte - which comes out to approx. 220 calories, which is still alot but moderation is the key.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I go with an 8 oz. soy pumpkin spice latte for a treat. It's only 150 calories. 190 with whip ;-)
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    i LOVE my starbucks drinks and i had the same problem! but i always get skim milk now in everything becuase i can hardly tel the difference in taste. and i try to get sugar free syrup but i dont really like the taste as if i have the calories i will just treat myself. but cutting back to skim milk does make a big difference. and the whipped cream. hope this helps!
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    I love getting tall pumpkin spice latte's with non fat milk @ 200 calories. At least they only come out for part of the year. Does anyone know how to make this drink even less calories but still taste yummy?

    I've only had one so far this year, but I will be back for it before it's gone :)

    My normal starbucks order is just black coffee. I use to get grande ice vanilla latte's w/ soy and 3-5 extra espresso shots, for an amazing energy boost.
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    I used to be REALLY addicted to the Caramel Frapp Light which not very many calories then I got pregnany and for some reason the Light just tasted soooo weird to me and I couldn't bring myself to use the calories to drink the reg one so broke my addiciton pretty fast LOL now we have moved and there isnt a Starbucks within 20 miles.....guess its a good thing LOL
  • weelee87
    weelee87 Posts: 20 Member
    mmm... soya iced lattes are amazing. I prefer Costas though (in the UK just another Starbucks-like place) and they have one IN MY GYM. Like as soon as you walk into the reception :noway: but will let myself have something once or twice a week after a hard work out as long as its soya/skimmed milk :love: only AFTER a work out though :tongue:
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    Weelee...that is soooo wrong!!

    We have a "simply juicy" in our gym and they have great smoothies and protien drinks but they also have a bakery and when we are doing zumba or class in the morning thats all you can smell!!!