According to Yoda there is no try.... just Do or Do Not.

I started my fitness pal four days ago after having a discussion on the phone with my friend Pam. Pam and I started changing exercise and eating habits a few months ago, but I was getting pretty down because I haven't seen the weight come down fast enough. A friend of hers told her about this site, and in turn she told me. Logging my calorie intake has been the rude awakening that I needed. I realized I wasn't eating enough and I'm slowly getting there now. I've only lost one pound since I started this last week, but I don't feel deprived and I'm already feeling a change in my energy level. My husband has now joined and we are going to do this together. No more TRYIING to lose weight and get healthy for me - I WILL lose weight and get healthy!


  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yoda was a Muppet! There is try and try again....
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Great outlook. I was having a very hard time losing weight, I worked out, ate healthy. A friend told me about MFP and I said yeah soon. Then I started TurboFire, and the first tip of the day that was given was to Log all food and track calories. So, I joined, my husband joined a day later. It has been wonderful and the tool I was missing. Now, I am almost down 40lbs in 19 weeks, and my husband is down 50. You can do this, key is to log, be honest and keep moving.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    Yoda was a Muppet! There is try and try again....

    Frankly, Yoda is WRONG. I mean, if I stopped trying after my first "not do" I'd weigh 300 pounds by now. I still have plenty of "not do" days.

    Seriously, never stop trying and you will DO IT, you will get there!
  • Congrats on your loss so far! You will find many people here are very supportive and helpful.

    Eating right and proper exercise will result in not only taking the weight off you want, but looking and feeling better along the way ;)

    But I wouldn't get too discouraged if the numbers aren't what you "want" to see... As long as you are moving in a healthy, positive direction, you will get there, no question!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Yoda isn't wrong, he's just misunderstood. :) He was saying you should go in with the attitude that you WILL succeed, not that you HOPE to succeed. It was NOT meant to advocate giving up if you don't succeed the first time.
  • GTaylor615
    GTaylor615 Posts: 17 Member
    EXACTLY! :smile:
  • Bugger Yoda.
    900 years old and still hadn't got the hang of basic sentence structure.
    My face he can get the hell out of. With his cod philosophy and living in a swamp.
  • nanlmille
    nanlmille Posts: 14 Member
    YES! I just watched The Empire Strikes Back and was reminded of Yoda... That is a powerful statement. Do or Do Not. So true.
  • badsteve
    badsteve Posts: 1 Member
    Yogurt the Wise! Yogurt the Magnificent!!! Nah, I'm just plain Yogurt! LMFAO!