First World Problems

binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
This is stolen directly from Reddit. It is a complaint, but petty in the larger picture.

For example, this morning I woke up early (too damn early). I realized that it was too cold for just a sheet, but too warm for a blanket.

When I think of a complaint in terms of it being a first world problem, it makes me smile.


  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I had to walk an extra 5 minutes to make my bus trip 1 zone instead of 2!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I used too much salt in my soup yesterday and now I am .2 lbs. heavier than I should have been. :sad: /firstworldproblems


    :laugh: Also, I lied! I lost more weight! Bwuahahahhaaa...

    I always think it's a first-world problem if it's ANY kind of complaint posted ON THE INTERNET FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR ELECTRICALLY-HEATED HOME.


    :drinker: Good post, bud.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I had to walk an extra 5 minutes to make my bus trip 1 zone instead of 2!
    I am glad you made it. It's a jungle out there. it isn't really or it wouldn't be a first world problem.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member

    I am glad you made it. It's a jungle out there. it isn't really or it wouldn't be a first world problem.

    exactly. it was chilly this morning and in my haste i forgot to put on a sweater and had to 'rough it' while walking about 30 feet to my car in 60 degree weather. UGH *clutches pearls* well I NEVER.
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    Today at the gym, two people used the treadmills RIGHT next to mine... :/
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member

    I am glad you made it. It's a jungle out there. it isn't really or it wouldn't be a first world problem.

    exactly. it was chilly this morning and in my haste i forgot to put on a sweater and had to 'rough it' while walking about 30 feet to my car in 60 degree weather. UGH *clutches pearls* well I NEVER.

    Made me think of:
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I *ALWAYS* think this when someone complains about their hunger at night or wonders what to do because they "need" snacks so frequently. The fact that you can say "I'm hungry" and you have your pick of what food is going to be in your mouth within the next minute floors me. In south FL we have a LOT of people from Haiti, Jamaica (from during the political uprising in the late 70s) Cuba, and other places that have had a lot of instability or are underdeveloped countries. So a lot of my friends know what true starvation feels like, or that they have eaten something that would make a US-born person throw up a little. It's made me very mindful of the things I complain about around them, especially hunger or being picky about what I eat.

    So - a first world problem for me? Counting calories. OMG the burden of LIMITING my fat *kitten* to 1,210!
  • jannah22
    I bought a new dining table, which meant i HAD to buy a new coffee table... and now i cant find a new entertainment cabinet to match!

    I was literally thinking to myself today about what a 'first world' problem this is. Hehe.
  • jannah22

    I am glad you made it. It's a jungle out there. it isn't really or it wouldn't be a first world problem.

    exactly. it was chilly this morning and in my haste i forgot to put on a sweater and had to 'rough it' while walking about 30 feet to my car in 60 degree weather. UGH *clutches pearls* well I NEVER.

    Hahaha loves it!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    The other day I went into the bathroom only to find out someone was using one of the two stalls. I had to check 3 other bathrooms to find an empty one.

    I bought deodorant and now I can't find it. I either forgot the bag or the cashier didn't put it in.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    My blender didn't adequately break down the ice in my smoothie this morning.
  • jannah22
    I had a caramel latte too close to 'bed time' and now i cant sleep!

    ALSO I accidently left pink paper in my printer and printed a whole assignment on pink... had to remove pink paper and reprint! Ugh!
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    i didn't turn the faucet on high enough but i had soap on my hands already so i couldn't touch it and it took me a long time to rinse my hands
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I went to the salon to get my nails done yesterday and the nail technician left a rough edge on the pinkie of my french manicure so, when I went to use my iPhone, I scratched the screen. MOMINEEDANEWONE!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I work at a hotel, and for our convenience we have a monitor (in the back office) that shows us the front desk. So, we don't have to actually sit out at the desk all day. We can chill in the back office on the computer until we see someone walk up. They mounted the monitor high on a shelf this week and now I can't see it from the computer chair I sit in. I have to stand up. So annoying.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    My facial recognition software was being a b*tch this morning, so I had to log into my computer manually. Typing in my password is a real pain in my index finger. FML.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I have to go to the grocery store after work. The inconvenience of being able to buy stuff after being able to work and being able bodied.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I work at a hotel, and for our convenience we have a monitor (in the back office) that shows us the front desk. So, we don't have to actually sit out at the desk all day. We can chill in the back office on the computer until we see someone walk up. They mounted the monitor high on a shelf this week and now I can't see it from the computer chair I sit in. I have to stand up. So annoying.
    They did it to help you with your wt. loss goal. Extra calories burned having to stand up.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I finally had to get up because the wind kept blowing the blind open causing the sun to flash in my eyes.
  • MKB83
    MKB83 Posts: 31
    I have to stay up late in my lounge on my laptop, editing a paper to turn in tomorrow morning - because I spent some time shopping and working out this afternoon.

    Laptop, post-graduate degree, living abroad, shopping... all while taking a "year off" from working