So, health really isn't the focus here I take it. Quite disa



  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    This is the post in which the OP is referring to:
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3

    I encouraged her because, if you actually read her response, you'd see she came a long way from where she was previously. So, *for her* the 18 point whatever BMI is good *for her* and she shouldn't have to be ridiculed from people who DON'T know her situation or history. Like you said, you've been here for a short while. Perhaps, you'd be better off reading a little more instead of pushing your standards off on others. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    okay, so this person has a BMI of 18.48, technically UNDERweight. She's eating 1300 calories MAX and not eating back her exercise calories. She said this explicitly. She knows from experience that 1000 calories = smaller, so she's done the starvation diet thing. She claims to be underweight her whole life BUT she counts her calories and has done so for a long time? Seems unnaturally underweight to me and attempting to justify it.

    Then the response to that is "you're doing fine hun, keep it up" how is she doing fine? She's already said she's basically starved herself with 1000 calories a day..."1000 calories and I get smaller." she is borderline underweight. She eats a weight loss amount and doesn't eat back her calories even though she exercises for 30 minutes a day (so burning an extra 200-300 on top of her BMR). How is this okay? She is making no effort of eating how many calories her body requires. Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle to me.

    She's doing fine because she's doing better than she was before, and her doctor says she's fine. That's all we need to know. A lot of people here are at different stages of their health/fitness/weight loss journey. Who are you to judge? That fact that she weighs more than she did previously before joining MFP, shows she's doing well! As time goes on, she may decide to increase her cals, but for now, let her move at the pace she and her doctor feels is comfortable.

    Take the chip off of your shoulder. If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't be so preachy about it. I've been here a tad longer than you and for some reason there's been an influx of new members lately who come on here and feel the need to force their way on everyone else. Please worry about yourself and if you want to help, try actually educating, instead of ranting; it'd help get your point across much better.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Ah, I don't think this is true. Most people follow a healthy weightloss programme. But there is certainly a vociferous minority who promote all kinds of nonsense. And there are a worrying number of people with florid eating disorders, and a clear pro-ana group in evidence that it vaguely shocks me isn't dealt with by the mods....

    Yes, there's certainly a subset of people who constantly seek validation for eating less than 1200 calories.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    And don't get me started on the VLC / HCG nonsense..... That just upsets me!
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I noticed the same thing. People get 400 calories and everyone says "great job!" I just learned to look past it, it's an uphill battle and ignorance is rampant.
  • RegularGuy
    RegularGuy Posts: 8 Member
    23 Years old. Check
    New member here. Check
    Here to lose 4 lbs. Check
    Wannabe lawyer. Check

    Please, enlighten us with your knowledge!!!!
  • This is the post in which the OP is referring to:
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3

    I encouraged her because, if you actually read her response, you'd see she came a long way from where she was previously. So, *for her* the 18 point whatever BMI is good *for her* and she shouldn't have to be ridiculed from people who DON'T know her situation or history. Like you said, you've been here for a short while. Perhaps, you'd be better off reading a little more instead of pushing your standards off on others. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    okay, so this person has a BMI of 18.48, technically UNDERweight. She's eating 1300 calories MAX and not eating back her exercise calories. She said this explicitly. She knows from experience that 1000 calories = smaller, so she's done the starvation diet thing. She claims to be underweight her whole life BUT she counts her calories and has done so for a long time? Seems unnaturally underweight to me and attempting to justify it.

    Then the response to that is "you're doing fine hun, keep it up" how is she doing fine? She's already said she's basically starved herself with 1000 calories a day..."1000 calories and I get smaller." she is borderline underweight. She eats a weight loss amount and doesn't eat back her calories even though she exercises for 30 minutes a day (so burning an extra 200-300 on top of her BMR). How is this okay? She is making no effort of eating how many calories her body requires. Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle to me.

    She's doing fine because she's doing better than she was before, and her doctor says she's fine. That's all we need to know. A lot of people here are at different stages of their health/fitness/weight loss journey. Who are you to judge? That fact that she weighs more than she did previously before joining MFP, shows she's doing well! As time goes on, she may decide to increase her cals, but for now, let her move at the pace she and her doctor feels is comfortable.

    Take the chip off of your shoulder. If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't be so preachy about it. I've been here a tad longer than you and for some reason there's been an influx of new members lately who come on here and feel the need to force their way on everyone else. Please worry about yourself and if you want to help, try actually educating, instead of ranting; it'd help get your point across much better.

    you are simply unbelievable. I'd be a much happier person if i never had to deal with someone with your attitude ever again. Call it a rant, call it whatever you want. I see you as nothing more than a "veteran" poster who doesn't know 2 s**ts about health/wellness. If you want to promote eating disorders go right ahead, doing better doesn't give her free reign to keep doing that very thing. Eating an apple is better than not eating anything but is an apple enough? Well, I'll just sit here and hope that someday they might add peanut butter. Until then, let's just praise them for eating an apple. Uh, no. Sorry, not helping the person. I'm sorry for FORCING health on people. I didn't realize that encouraging eating disorders was the preferred manner of going about things.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am maintaining on 1500 cals. I have a BMI of 22.5, right in the middle of healthy. I agree some people on here are aiming to be too thin, but eating 1500 cals a day hasn't anything to do with that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    ... at some point, you shift from wanting to just LOOK nice to wanting to MOVE nice, and at that point, you realize you need to treat your body the same way as any other athlete - and train and fuel accordingly.

    I think this is something that needs to be plastered everywhere! :smile:

    Every now and then, I've seen someone on here who "wants to be a fitness model" and is doing some starvation type diet to get there. That's just so sad to me.... that "looking" fit is more important than "being" fit.

    I don't have a visible 6 pack. But I do have some definition in my abs. My arms aren't cut. But they're strong. I have some jiggle on my thighs. But my legs can power me through six point two miles at 7mph, and I've only been running 10 months. I might not look like a fitness model.... but I'm fit, I'm strong, I'm healthy, and I'm eating pizza right now.

    Having only "essential" body fat instead of a "fitness" or "athlete" level body fat isn't going to make me any more fit. It's just going to make me grumpy because I'll miss my beloved pizza.

    I'm not saying don't go for it if that's what you want. Just remember that the "look" isn't what's most important. And remember to enjoy the journey.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Then EDUCATE people instead of complaining!

    Exactly...and there isn't anything wrong with eating 1200kCal a day as part of a weight loss regime, some people DO need to lose weight and in order to do so are going to need a calorie deficit to achieve that! This website alters the calories required to be consumed in relation to current weight, goal weight, activity level, and rate of weight loss to be achieved i.e 1 or 2lbs a week. It calculates them within healthy limits too. A small woman wouldn't be far off her daily caloric needs minus a small deficit at 1200 kCal... I started at that then slowed the rate of what I was losing and upped it. It encourages you to exercise too. I like to post on health and nutrition on here too. The website also lets you know if you're eating in balance. I.e. carbs/proteins and fats.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    MFP works on the idea that netting fewer than 1200 calories is where the trouble starts.

    Personally, I go by the 10-calorie rule. Multiply your goal weight by 10 and eat that many calories. 205 would be 2050. 120 would be 1200. 90 = 900, etc. (Men add 600 calories to the end figure.)

    You fail to realize that not all of us are of average height or average metabolism.

    I've been losing safely at 1200 calories/day since January and my health has never been better! I'm sticking with this number permanently, as my ultimate goal is about 120 lbs. anyway.

    Additionally, MFP says to NET 1200+. Anyone NOT eating their exercise calories is on their own (incorrect) interpretation. While incorrect, it may be sustainable and healthy for THEM as there are no hard-and-fast rules since EVERY body is different.

    Don't be sad. You just have too strict an idea of what proper nutrition means. It's more fluid than that. :)

    that's neat! I had never heard the 10x rule before. So simple!
  • regularguy...

    graduated summa cum laude: check
    worked at a gym for 2+ years: check
    worked as a teaching assistant at a top U.S. university in the anatomy and physiology department: check
    struggled with and overcame an eating disorder: check
    spent copious amounts of time reading/researching health/weight/fitness related issues: check

    what are your credentials? Are you struggling with your weight? Please enlighten me.

    If you didn't know those 4 pounds are ehhh, take em or leave em. I'd like to lose them but I'm not going to starve myself to do. I don't need this website to lose it.

    I simply thought, hey another community to get involved in. Why not ? I don't need your approval of my "credentials." If you think that the girl who posted that she eats 1250-1300 calories a day to maintain a nearly underweight BMI is healthy then please do some reading before you question my "credentials."

    Age doesn't bring brings experience, maybe. It doesn't give you more of a right to tell me anything about health/wellness. I've done my research. I know more about human metabolism and physiology than MOST of the people here and I can say that with confidence.

    I don't know everything but I work to fill in the gaps and learn from knowledgeable others. That's where my "credentials" come from.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    This is the post in which the OP is referring to:
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3

    I encouraged her because, if you actually read her response, you'd see she came a long way from where she was previously. So, *for her* the 18 point whatever BMI is good *for her* and she shouldn't have to be ridiculed from people who DON'T know her situation or history. Like you said, you've been here for a short while. Perhaps, you'd be better off reading a little more instead of pushing your standards off on others. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    okay, so this person has a BMI of 18.48, technically UNDERweight. She's eating 1300 calories MAX and not eating back her exercise calories. She said this explicitly. She knows from experience that 1000 calories = smaller, so she's done the starvation diet thing. She claims to be underweight her whole life BUT she counts her calories and has done so for a long time? Seems unnaturally underweight to me and attempting to justify it.

    Then the response to that is "you're doing fine hun, keep it up" how is she doing fine? She's already said she's basically starved herself with 1000 calories a day..."1000 calories and I get smaller." she is borderline underweight. She eats a weight loss amount and doesn't eat back her calories even though she exercises for 30 minutes a day (so burning an extra 200-300 on top of her BMR). How is this okay? She is making no effort of eating how many calories her body requires. Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle to me.

    She's doing fine because she's doing better than she was before, and her doctor says she's fine. That's all we need to know. A lot of people here are at different stages of their health/fitness/weight loss journey. Who are you to judge? That fact that she weighs more than she did previously before joining MFP, shows she's doing well! As time goes on, she may decide to increase her cals, but for now, let her move at the pace she and her doctor feels is comfortable.

    Take the chip off of your shoulder. If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't be so preachy about it. I've been here a tad longer than you and for some reason there's been an influx of new members lately who come on here and feel the need to force their way on everyone else. Please worry about yourself and if you want to help, try actually educating, instead of ranting; it'd help get your point across much better.

    you are simply unbelievable. I'd be a much happier person if i never had to deal with someone with your attitude ever again. Call it a rant, call it whatever you want. I see you as nothing more than a "veteran" poster who doesn't know 2 s**ts about health/wellness. If you want to promote eating disorders go right ahead, doing better doesn't give her free reign to keep doing that very thing. Eating an apple is better than not eating anything but is an apple enough? Well, I'll just sit here and hope that someday they might add peanut butter. Until then, let's just praise them for eating an apple. Uh, no. Sorry, not helping the person. I'm sorry for FORCING health on people. I didn't realize that encouraging eating disorders was the preferred manner of going about things.

    No need to take that tone and start swearing. I'm now done engaging you. Take care.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    This is the post in which the OP is referring to:
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3

    I encouraged her because, if you actually read her response, you'd see she came a long way from where she was previously. So, *for her* the 18 point whatever BMI is good *for her* and she shouldn't have to be ridiculed from people who DON'T know her situation or history. Like you said, you've been here for a short while. Perhaps, you'd be better off reading a little more instead of pushing your standards off on others. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    okay, so this person has a BMI of 18.48, technically UNDERweight. She's eating 1300 calories MAX and not eating back her exercise calories. She said this explicitly. She knows from experience that 1000 calories = smaller, so she's done the starvation diet thing. She claims to be underweight her whole life BUT she counts her calories and has done so for a long time? Seems unnaturally underweight to me and attempting to justify it.

    Then the response to that is "you're doing fine hun, keep it up" how is she doing fine? She's already said she's basically starved herself with 1000 calories a day..."1000 calories and I get smaller." she is borderline underweight. She eats a weight loss amount and doesn't eat back her calories even though she exercises for 30 minutes a day (so burning an extra 200-300 on top of her BMR). How is this okay? She is making no effort of eating how many calories her body requires. Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle to me.

    She's doing fine because she's doing better than she was before, and her doctor says she's fine. That's all we need to know. A lot of people here are at different stages of their health/fitness/weight loss journey. Who are you to judge? That fact that she weighs more than she did previously before joining MFP, shows she's doing well! As time goes on, she may decide to increase her cals, but for now, let her move at the pace she and her doctor feels is comfortable.

    Take the chip off of your shoulder. If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't be so preachy about it. I've been here a tad longer than you and for some reason there's been an influx of new members lately who come on here and feel the need to force their way on everyone else. Please worry about yourself and if you want to help, try actually educating, instead of ranting; it'd help get your point across much better.

    you are simply unbelievable. I'd be a much happier person if i never had to deal with someone with your attitude ever again. Call it a rant, call it whatever you want. I see you as nothing more than a "veteran" poster who doesn't know 2 s**ts about health/wellness. If you want to promote eating disorders go right ahead, doing better doesn't give her free reign to keep doing that very thing. Eating an apple is better than not eating anything but is an apple enough? Well, I'll just sit here and hope that someday they might add peanut butter. Until then, let's just praise them for eating an apple. Uh, no. Sorry, not helping the person. I'm sorry for FORCING health on people. I didn't realize that encouraging eating disorders was the preferred manner of going about things.

    So you a random stranger who knows nothing about this girls situation or physical health on the internet knows better than the Doctor the girl goes to see. Interesting.
  • she posted the bit about the doctor AFTER i already pointed out her very low weight and low calorie intake. i was making an observation based on the limited information she provided. I didn't say I knew better than her doctor.

    regardless, the point is still valid. Other people have also observed unhealthy behaviors being encourage and/or applauded.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    This is the post in which the OP is referring to:
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3

    I encouraged her because, if you actually read her response, you'd see she came a long way from where she was previously. So, *for her* the 18 point whatever BMI is good *for her* and she shouldn't have to be ridiculed from people who DON'T know her situation or history. Like you said, you've been here for a short while. Perhaps, you'd be better off reading a little more instead of pushing your standards off on others. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    okay, so this person has a BMI of 18.48, technically UNDERweight. She's eating 1300 calories MAX and not eating back her exercise calories. She said this explicitly. She knows from experience that 1000 calories = smaller, so she's done the starvation diet thing. She claims to be underweight her whole life BUT she counts her calories and has done so for a long time? Seems unnaturally underweight to me and attempting to justify it.

    Then the response to that is "you're doing fine hun, keep it up" how is she doing fine? She's already said she's basically starved herself with 1000 calories a day..."1000 calories and I get smaller." she is borderline underweight. She eats a weight loss amount and doesn't eat back her calories even though she exercises for 30 minutes a day (so burning an extra 200-300 on top of her BMR). How is this okay? She is making no effort of eating how many calories her body requires. Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle to me.

    She's doing fine because she's doing better than she was before, and her doctor says she's fine. That's all we need to know. A lot of people here are at different stages of their health/fitness/weight loss journey. Who are you to judge? That fact that she weighs more than she did previously before joining MFP, shows she's doing well! As time goes on, she may decide to increase her cals, but for now, let her move at the pace she and her doctor feels is comfortable.

    Take the chip off of your shoulder. If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't be so preachy about it. I've been here a tad longer than you and for some reason there's been an influx of new members lately who come on here and feel the need to force their way on everyone else. Please worry about yourself and if you want to help, try actually educating, instead of ranting; it'd help get your point across much better.

    you are simply unbelievable. I'd be a much happier person if i never had to deal with someone with your attitude ever again. Call it a rant, call it whatever you want. I see you as nothing more than a "veteran" poster who doesn't know 2 s**ts about health/wellness. If you want to promote eating disorders go right ahead, doing better doesn't give her free reign to keep doing that very thing. Eating an apple is better than not eating anything but is an apple enough? Well, I'll just sit here and hope that someday they might add peanut butter. Until then, let's just praise them for eating an apple. Uh, no. Sorry, not helping the person. I'm sorry for FORCING health on people. I didn't realize that encouraging eating disorders was the preferred manner of going about things.

    No need to take that tone and start swearing. I'm now done engaging you. Take care.

    Yeah, you know, she didn't swear. She quite deliberately *didn't* swear.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    she posted the bit about the doctor AFTER i already pointed out her very low weight and low calorie intake. i was making an observation based on the limited information she provided. I didn't say I knew better than her doctor.

    regardless, the point is still valid. Other people have also observed unhealthy behaviors being encourage and/or applauded.

    Welcome to the internet. It happens.

    I would suggest from this point forward instead of attacking the whole community over a few threads that you go into the threads and offer advice to the contrary.
  • she posted the bit about the doctor AFTER i already pointed out her very low weight and low calorie intake. i was making an observation based on the limited information she provided. I didn't say I knew better than her doctor.

    regardless, the point is still valid. Other people have also observed unhealthy behaviors being encourage and/or applauded.

    Welcome to the internet. It happens.

    I would suggest from this point forward instead of attacking the whole community over a few threads that you go into the threads and offer advice to the contrary.

    good suggestion :) you live and learn. my fault.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    This is the post in which the OP is referring to:
    I average 1,250-1,300. Don't eat back my exercise cals and work out on average 30 or so minutes a day. I figure if it is part of the way I live, why eat back the calories. -I zig zag a ton! My weight has been a stable 118 pounds - 5'7in and I'm happy with that. If I wanted to loose I'd probably eat 1,000-1,200...maybe I have a slow metabolism? But I feel good and am satisfied with how much I eat :) I've been counting calories for a very long long time and know that 1,300-1,400 calories I maintain, 1,600 up I gain, 1,000 ish I get smaller. :)

    Considering you're at the LOWEST weight to be considered healthy for your height it's not surprising that you're maintaining on a weight loss amount. 1250-1300 calories is "dieting" for MOST people and should be for you as well but I suspect that this is an unnaturally low weight for your body and it simply isn't losing because you're already at a dangerously low weight/body fat for your height.
    I have a bmi of 18.5-18.9 (I think). So I'm healthy. And like many people I probably underestimate my calories. (not by much but It's not like I measure the cream in my coffee). So. no need to attack me- if I have my calories higher I gain because I eat to much and don't feel good. I have plenty of energy. I think everyone is built different, their isn't a one size fits all. Some people have slower metabolisms which actually is not a bad thing (though many people think it is). I use calories more efficiently. And I have been underweight my whole whole life and also a small eater so a bmi of 18.5 is at the high end of what I am used to and I am happy to be there.
    Any ways. I'm not at a "dangerously low body weight", every time I go to the docs they say I'm doing great.
    ( really hope I don't get attacked for this post but If I do ell well.-Just trying to say that I believe people need to listen to their body's-it's ok to eat a little less if that feels right to you...maybe I'm wrong. But if I am you could tell me with out using caps locks...thnxs)

    You're doing just fine hun. Keep it up. <3

    I encouraged her because, if you actually read her response, you'd see she came a long way from where she was previously. So, *for her* the 18 point whatever BMI is good *for her* and she shouldn't have to be ridiculed from people who DON'T know her situation or history. Like you said, you've been here for a short while. Perhaps, you'd be better off reading a little more instead of pushing your standards off on others. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

    okay, so this person has a BMI of 18.48, technically UNDERweight. She's eating 1300 calories MAX and not eating back her exercise calories. She said this explicitly. She knows from experience that 1000 calories = smaller, so she's done the starvation diet thing. She claims to be underweight her whole life BUT she counts her calories and has done so for a long time? Seems unnaturally underweight to me and attempting to justify it.

    Then the response to that is "you're doing fine hun, keep it up" how is she doing fine? She's already said she's basically starved herself with 1000 calories a day..."1000 calories and I get smaller." she is borderline underweight. She eats a weight loss amount and doesn't eat back her calories even though she exercises for 30 minutes a day (so burning an extra 200-300 on top of her BMR). How is this okay? She is making no effort of eating how many calories her body requires. Seems like an unhealthy lifestyle to me.

    I've read this whole thread, and I have to agree that people telling this girl that she's doing fine eating 1000 calories a day and not eating back her exercise calories (meaning she's only NETTING about 700-800 calories a day) is bad advice. She's not technically anorexic, but encouraging this behavior could lead to that. Her BMI is at the upper end of UNDERweight, which means it would only take a gain of a few pounds to be back in the healthy range. Anorexics are in danger of organ failure due to insufficient fuel to keep those organs functioning. My niece went through a time a couple of years ago where she developed a phobia of swallowing. She was terrified she would choke to death if she swallowed food. She ended up in the hospital working with a psychologist. The insurance paid for it because after only a few weeks of this, she was dangerously malnourished. They had to do some intense work with her to get her over her fear. Thankfully, she did conquer it and is back to a healthy weight now, but if she hadn't, she could have eventually died from it. Being seriously underweight can be just as dangerous to your health as being obese; the health issues each causes may be different, but the end result can be the same.

    I don't question the motives of the OP; I think she was genuinely concerned. If she wasn't, she wouldn't have bothered to post in the first place. She also stated that she works with people with eating disorders, and I'm sure it's very frustrating to her to see people giving unhealthy advice because she sees the aftereffects of that unhealthy advice.

    I did some BMI calculations, and my ideal weight range is between 107 and 145. 107 is completely unrealistic for me. I'm aiming for 135-140, allowing for some slight fluctuations in weight while still remaining in the healthy range. If I get to 140 and I feel like I need to lose a little more, I'll address that then. But I have a feeling after a lifetime of being 50-70 pounds overweight, I will be thrilled with 140! I'm sure I'll have to experiment at that time with what my maintenance intake will be, but hopefully by then I will have developed a habit of healthier eating and I won't have to count every bite I put in my mouth. I'm hoping maintenance will be about 1800 or so. I'll always have to watch sugar and carbs due to my PCOS, but hopefully I will be able to eat what I want to, within reason, and not have to stress about it.

    OP, I know you've kind of been slammed for expressing your thoughts, but I appreciate it. I've not really run into anyone such as the person you mentioned (must be reading the wrong threads), but those folks are walking a dangerous path and they need someone to tell them the truth. Don't stop doing that, even when people slam you. It's like the people pushing the HCG diet...yikes! I always speak up about that one because it seems SO dangerous. If they don't like me for it, so be it.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Seriously, my diet is living proof that I eat what I want. It depends on the person.
  • RegularGuy
    RegularGuy Posts: 8 Member

    graduated summa cum laude: check
    worked at a gym for 2+ years: check
    worked as a teaching assistant at a top U.S. university in the anatomy and physiology department: check
    struggled with and overcame an eating disorder: check
    spent copious amounts of time reading/researching health/weight/fitness related issues: check

    what are your credentials? Are you struggling with your weight? Please enlighten me.

    If you didn't know those 4 pounds are ehhh, take em or leave em. I'd like to lose them but I'm not going to starve myself to do. I don't need this website to lose it.

    I simply thought, hey another community to get involved in. Why not ? I don't need your approval of my "credentials." If you think that the girl who posted that she eats 1250-1300 calories a day to maintain a nearly underweight BMI is healthy then please do some reading before you question my "credentials."

    Age doesn't bring brings experience, maybe. It doesn't give you more of a right to tell me anything about health/wellness. I've done my research. I know more about human metabolism and physiology than MOST of the people here and I can say that with confidence.

    I don't know everything but I work to fill in the gaps and learn from knowledgeable others. That's where my "credentials" come from.

    Did anyone here ASK for your advice? You come off as a pompous, know-it-all bi***. If you want to share your nuggets of wisdom, maybe post here for a while in a helpful manner not as a young, new member who thinks she can school people here.
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