Anybody doing not killer exercise?

I'm seeing all these killer exercise routines. I'm seeing people exercising for 2 hours a day. Is this necessarily a good thing? I know, for me because I'm out of shape and hate to exercise anyway, I'm starting slow. I know if I tried any of those things, I'd most likely quit in a couple of weeks, so I've chosen something I can live with for life. 30 minutes of aerobics or bike or walking every day. Maybe when I get a little more fit, I'll step up the pace. I feel guilty like that is not enough, but frankly, I'm too lazy to do more and I know if I tried, I'd end up quitting altogether. I'm trying to change my life, not just my body.

Anybody else want to weigh in on this? Am I being too easy on myself?


  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i am working out 30 minutes five times a week. i started out with 20 minutes five times a week and after about a month or so, maybe three weeks, moved up to half an hour. if i make it too hard on myself i know i'll just run out of steam and i don't want to make it too easy either so i just keep gradually moving it up
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    Everyone has to start somewhere and as the weight comes off you might find out that you actually enjoy it. Do what you like to do so that you stick to it!! Walking is a great exercise! Good luck on your journey!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    LOl, I know what you mean. I started off with Leslie Samsone walk at home DVD. They start off from very easy to not so easy. They are actually fun and evn I kept up with them...Melva
  • I started out by taking walks and slowly, over the years, made my way to where I am now :) Do what's best for you!
  • Don't feel lazy! Everyone likes to do different things, and some people just like to sweat buckets when they workout. Try doing yoga or pilates. You'll sweat a little bit, but you'll become more flexible, lean, and you'll become stronger mentally. I did water aerobics with my grandma at our local pool and it was super fun too! Walking is also great.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I think u are doing just great!! Baby steps at first! 30 minutes of excercise everyday is a great commitment! You will notice that as you lose weight and feel better, your energy level goes up,so because u have more energy from losing weight it will make u feel like excercising longer . This is what happened to me. Right now.. the more I excercise, the more I want to excercise cause I love how I feel afterwards!!! Hope this helps.. :smile:
  • No I totally agree with you - I am at the same point in my life....I had my daughter 3 years ago and put on a lot of weight with her and am now struggling to lose it. Since joinging this which I found is a great tool, I have now started a 30 to 45 minute walk each day. Until I get my fitness back up I am going to take it easy. We need to be gentle with ourselves other wise it can turn you off. So keep up the good work and please don't call yourself need to think positive that the little start you make will show for itself in the end. Good luck, keep up the good work and heres to a good healthy future for all of us.
  • roozombie
    roozombie Posts: 188 Member
    I don't think that you should worry about what other people are doing. Do what you can handle, what you have time for, and manage your weight with diet and exercise. It depends on your goals too . . . if you want to be super ripped up and in killer shape, eventually you'll want to up what you can handle. But if you just want to lose weight, do things at your pace.

    If you try to do too much, and you aren't used to exercise, you could very well hurt yourself with muscle strain, etc.

    I started out my weight loss first by curbing portions, then by walking a bit everyday, and now I have a set routine. You'll find your groove. You may want to insert a little bit of strength training with your mostly cardio workouts just for variety, but I don't think you should worry about people who work out 2 hours a day, all week long. I try to exercise 5 days of the week, but I've worked up to that and I certainly don't do the same amount of workout every single day. Partly I do this to avoid getting bored, but partly it's because your body needs to recover from the workouts you put it through as well.
  • mamasamantha79
    mamasamantha79 Posts: 9 Member
    I have to take it easy. I've had two major surgeries this year and am preparing for one more. But I'm trying to be consistent and walk on the treadmill every day even if it is slow. Keep going and don't give up is my motto right now. I've lost over 60 pounds so it's working. :-)
  • KV47374
    KV47374 Posts: 8 Member
    Check out Workouts for Women...they are good to start out get a really good workout on the important parts and can feel the burn :)...they start out at only 12 minutes at a time. It has helped me to start out and then you can add circuits as you get more and more comfortable.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    This is about you and what works for you. Don't get caught up in what others are doing - it's like living up to someone else's expectations. Do something that interests you and that you can stick to.
  • I second that. From my personal experience, I noticed that I naturally up my time and intensity of my work out as my body becomes stronger / healthier. I noticed that may people on here do P90X. I felt it started on far to high level for me, ( 10+ of sets of 30+ push ups? 30+ pull ups? Sheez! ). I figure I will get there when I get there :smile:
  • the goal is not to start up doing lots of excercises everyday, but to improve little by little everytime you excercise, remember to do what you like doing and not to feel guilty, because any excercise is better than no excersice. My goal is basicly to excercise a little more everyday:) good job so far :D and also if you think you are going to get bored with excercising, mix it up a little and add some energetic music :)
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hey Lisa,

    Yeah, I totally on board with you. I am not at a point where I am "fit" enough to do these hard core hours upon hours of work outs. I tried Jillian's 30 Day Shred...and got through 5 minutes, before I was defeated. So I took it back a few notches and brought back the Richard Simmons. Not only is it an attainable workout for a newbie, but it's just so dang funny to see how fruity he is! I got my DVD @ Hastings for $10.
  • funauntsherry
    funauntsherry Posts: 41 Member
    when i started on this adventure in January - i would walk 15 minutes per day. One of my work breaks, and I only got about 1/3 of a mile in that time.

    I eventually upped it to both of my 15 minute breaks, and after dinner (and my dog LOVED me for that) for a half an hour.

    I now go anywhere from 5-7 miles per day, after 10 months. I try to walk before work, on each of my 15 minute breaks and in the evening (on weekdays) and on weekends the dog/dogs and I will go in the AM and then in the PM.

    With my calorie reduction and this walking, I've been steadily losing and am down 114... just take it as far as you can. you will get farther and farther with very little noticeable effort!
  • I walk an hour almost every day at about a 3.5 mph pace. I have one tough hill. So it says I burn about 195 calories. I stayed around 1200 calories per day. I have lost 30 pounds. So it is possible to do without absolutely killing yourself. I was on a "program" but am not sure if you are supposed to talk about other companies products. It worked and is working for me. Listen to music and get out there. I think consistently getting in some exercise every day and building up the time is more important than overdoing so you either get hurt or stop altogether. Take the word lazy out of your don't need an "excuse" label. You just need to want to do it for you and get motivated to take care of you because you are worth it. There is my ten cents. Good luck on your journey :)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I started out by walking at a comfortable pace for 30 min, 3 times a week. I have knee and low back problems. Over time, as my body lets me, I've increased my pace and I am at about 5 days of walking per week. I also do some strength training. If my body hurts, I just do what I can. I ask myself "is this something I can do for the rest of my life?" If I think no, then it's probably not the right exercise for me.

    My doctor supports my strategy and I've gotten my cholesterol down to 164 and my blood pressure down to 110/73.
  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    I've been doing 30 Day Shred, but that's only 20 minutes a day. Between that and staying around 1300 calories, I'm still losing about a pound a week. I'm TOTALLY happy with that :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    You are right on target. I started my exercise with the 100 day challenge. It's 30 min of any type of exercise for 100 days. I made a little calendar to chart my progress. If my legs hurt from running I would do a boxing routine, next day I might swim, next day dancing, next day walking.

    It was helpful for me to adjust things as I went along, I didn't get bored, if something hurt I could work around it.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    You are doing great! Youre absolutely right, half of the equation is figuring out what works for you, right?

    I like to do a lot of cardio because as an at-home mom of three, the gym has become great "me time", & my kids love the gym daycare. The biggest reason though, is that I love the extra calories it allots me! For me, too, working out hard is MUCH easier than dieting. But everyone's milage varies, and what works for YOU is what's the best method for YOU!