I WILL reach my goal weight by christmas!! anyone want a mot


My goal weight for christmas is to be under 100kg. I am a part of a training group and the trainer is throwing a huge
christmas bash to motivate us all. With red carpet entry and heaps of prizes etc we all have to dress in cocktail dress and have our hair make up etc done.

I am so pumped for it! would any one else like to buddy up with me to help keep motivated?

I have Celiac Disease. I am a 30 year old mum of two children and i stay at home with them while my husband works
(woohoo for me) and i have been so focused on this lifestyle chnage, I want to be a fit healthy mum and wife.

Hope to hear from someone!


  • yvonmac
    yvonmac Posts: 47 Member
    GREAT goals! Feel free to add me as a friend--I am doing couch to 5k and will start week 2 tomorrow. I've been stuck with the last 10 lbs. since March and am determined to get it off. I would LOVE to have you as my friend since you are SO motivated!!! Best of luck!
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    Good luck - feel free to add me I love motivated people!
    Having a goal like yours you WILL do it - you know you will! - cos the image of you walking down the red carpet in an amazing dress will keep your mouth zipped up tight when you get tempted to indulge! It's a very powerful thing to have such a strong goal...best wishes for better health!
  • You most defintely can do it! Look up on youtube some mommy workout! You can do then with your kids some of them are called kid lifting workout!
  • Thanks for the reply! i have added you both woohoo my first friends;) It's great to find so many like minded people. Took me so long just to get to this point and still have a long way to go. So how do you guys stay motivated? how often do you work out?
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    THAT IS AWESOME! You will reach your goals because you've made achievements already. :drinker: :drinker: You may feel like it's taken you a long time but you gotta remember shedding all the old "bad" habits from our past lives is a long process. MFP has helped me stay motivated, having friends on here that are like family, joining challenges on MFP help me stay focused and just knowing that what I'm doing is having a positive effect on my own life as well as those around me. I hit the gym 6 times a week, run 4 times a week and swim 2 times a week. I am currently working part time and studying full time. I ALWAYS MAKE time to work out as it keeps me sane AND happy :bigsmile:
    The BONUS is having people who are like-minded and supportive. My #1 supporter is my hubby. My #1 enemy is that dreaded TOM! However, I'm learning to deal with it better than I have in the past!
    GOOD LUCK & FEEL FREE TO ADD ME! I'll help you on your journey and you can help me on mine :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • WOW that's great! you have so much going on.. sometimes it's like you never sit still hey?
    my workout is 4 x training sessions with my training group, 1 x netball, 1 x beach volley ball, 2 x gym session, 3 x hill walking, 2 x swimming. I do sometimes do more but that would be the minimum. I would never have thought 8 months ago that i would be able to do this. We just won the grand final in netball and made the semi's for volley ball too its those little achievements which help keep me motivated.
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    WOW that's great! you have so much going on.. sometimes it's like you never sit still hey?
    my workout is 4 x training sessions with my training group, 1 x netball, 1 x beach volley ball, 2 x gym session, 3 x hill walking, 2 x swimming. I do sometimes do more but that would be the minimum. I would never have thought 8 months ago that i would be able to do this. We just won the grand final in netball and made the semi's for volley ball too its those little achievements which help keep me motivated.

    :happy: :happy: :happy: That is AWESOME! Maaaaaaaan I gave up netball back in primary but I sure do miss a good game of volley! I miss the beach and have only just started up swimming (re-learning how to do it PROPERLY)
    It's amazing when you reflect on your past - even if it is between 3-6 months and compare with your life how it is now! It's a fantastic feeling isn't it? I love it - I had a half-marathon yesterday. My previous time was 2:32 and that was my best, yesterday I managed to SMASH it to SMITHEREENS :laugh: I finished in 2:08:31 and still felt I could've kept going!

    Anyway girl, I better hit the sack! Cheers for the add and looking forward to continuing this journey with you :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • You can do this. You are doing amazing workouts. I am exhausted just reading them.

    I am planning a romantic getaway with my hubby the week of Christmas and that is my motivation. I promised him a trip to Victoria's Secret first and that is my motivation. (Don't get me wrong, he loves me jiggles and all, I just want to knock his socks off!!)

    The food diary was a wake up call for me. I didn't realize how much I really ate through out the day. So I make sure I log in my food and I try to workout 4 to 5 days for 70 - 90 mins. That does not include the walks with the dogs. We do at least 2 a day for 30 mins.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and I would love to help keep you motivated.

    (by the way: I love that you are a stay at home mom. I was a single mom for so long and had to work, so whenever I hear of mom's being able to be at home with their kids I just am so happy for them. )
  • Hey!!

    thanks all for the motivational messages. Everyone works out so much. It is great to feel active and just more alive then i have in a long time. Great work on the marathon I would love to compete in one:)

    OHH I can't wait to visit a lingere shop, hubby would be stoked lol have fun trying on all the lovely pieces

    Sorry i have not replied i can't access the posts from my phone. Does any one know how I can????
    I have been reading everyones status etc though.


    Have a great weekend everyone!!!