Help I need support

HELP!!! I've hit the wall and am going backwards. My parents bought pizza last night and ate like 5 slices! Then I was snacking on slices all the next morning. I've got no motivation and am feeling depressed at the thought and wanting to eat more again. :(


  • xochi71
    xochi71 Posts: 33
    Quick find something high in protein, like chicken and drink lots of water. Then do anything u can to keep busy. Hope that helps u!
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    I know the feeling... But don't despair! Its ok to blow it for a day or so... just get back in the game. You CAN do it.

    Some things I have learned...
    1. In the first weeks of starting exercise program most folks gain weight because a cubic inch of muscle weighs more than a cubic inch fat. SO don't just weigh yourself... MEASURE to see what your body is really doing.
    2. NEVER eat less than about 125O calories... OR try to loose too much too fast. Your body goes into starvation mode and retains fat.
    3. It took YEARS to put on the weight... eat HEALTHY (food pyramid) exercise regularly... and slowly it will come off.
    4. Also, SLOW weight loss is most likely to stay off long term.
    5. DON"T "diet"... just learn to eat properly and exercise regularly. Make your goal "good health."
    6. Eat back at least SOME of your exercise calories. This motivates me to exercise more!
    7. Don't deprive yourself. Learn to have just ONE bite of that cake. Total deprivation may lead to fast weight gain later.
    8. As you gained weight you probably had plateaus going up. Your body remembers these plateaus and will automatically plateau there again on the way down. Some refer to these as "set points." It may take some time and sometimes some adjustments to get past them.
    9. Mix it up. Vary your exercise from day to day and vary your menu. If you get bored you are less likely to be successful.
    10. Fill out your profile, particpate on the boards and add some friends who will encourage you (and maybe inspire you too) .... and HAVE FUN with it!!
    11. Move More + Eat Less = Lower Weight

    "It matters not if we try and fail, and try and fail again. But it matters much if we try and fail and fail to try again."
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    The way I see it you have two choices, two things you could say to yourself:

    1. "I'm such a failure, I ate all that pizza, there is just no point even trying to lose weight or get healthier, I'll never succeed"
    2. "Wow, I ate all that pizza, it was NOT a good idea. I'd better make sure I stick to my calories today. Maybe the dog would like the other half of this slice of pizza in my hand while I go find something healthier for lunch".

    Your choice (but personally I recommend no 2 !)
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Honey, you can do this. It's a setback, we all have them. Just dig in deep and start over tomorrow. If you feel like it, get a work out in tonight. I have anxiety & depression, so I totally understand. Log all that pizza and look at how it affects your nutrients. Is it really worth your health? No. Look at me...I am @ 325ish and my high was 361. Three hundred freaking sixty one pounds. eeewww!! That was from eating pizza, burgers and junk in excess constantly. Just take a breath. Make sure you stay honest and start over tomorrow.
    Every day I tell my daughter, I love you, have a great day and remember to make good choices.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    First, forgive yourself. Second, make a plan. Plan out what you are going to eat tomorrow so it is a no-brainer. Make sure you eat lots of protein, drink plenty of water, and get some exercise. You can do this!