Team Abnehmen October (Closed Group)



  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Ok ladies. I feel like I'm back on target today after a great lunch time workout. I still have to do strength training from Monday and my fresh meal has to be done tomorrow, but I don't feel so blah anymore. On another note is anyone in the Philly, Pa area? Thought may be if any one were clsoe we could go hiking or something some saturday mornings or something
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Ok ladies. I feel like I'm back on target today after a great lunch time workout. I still have to do strength training from Monday and my fresh meal has to be done tomorrow, but I don't feel so blah anymore. On another note is anyone in the Philly, Pa area? Thought may be if any one were clsoe we could go hiking or something some saturday mornings or something

    Yay! I think a lot of us have the blahs... I'm working on powering through mine too.

    Sadly, not anywhere near PA, but if you're ever in Washington State and want to go hiking I know some great spots. ;)
  • KelieHerrera
    I'm in Utah, tons of killer hiking spots here, too :D However, we just entered our cold snap so that's soon ending and snow-shoeing season will begin shortly.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    We still have a trophy! We still have a trophy! *happy dance*

    Keep it up! We DOMINATED this last week! :D
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    We still have a trophy! We still have a trophy! *happy dance*

    Keep it up! We DOMINATED this last week! :D

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats team!!!!
  • adamkat
    adamkat Posts: 21 Member
    Hello team mates. As mentioned I am the new team member Adamkat aka Kathy. I have been on MFP for a few months but am now getting serious. I have only used this for tracking food and exercise so I am still new on how to use the forums and community so any tips would be appreciated. Speaking of I don't use google docs so how should I track or get onto it and i don't know how to add the team banner with the pumpkin (which is kick *kitten* btw) so although I am technically challenged I swear i will do you all proud and make me glad that you chose me to join your team.
    K Also I am Canadian living in Toronto! ;c)
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Hi Kathy!

    The google doc is actually really easy- just paste the link I provided into your browser and it should open right up. Add your info and it automatically saves. Pretty easy, yes?

    For the pumpkin banner, change the upper case I in Img to a lower case i. Copy (highlight and then press Ctrl and C OR right click and select copy), click on Signature at the top of the page, and paste (Ctrl and V OR right click and select paste) into your signature.

    banner.jpg[Img]I've no doubts that you'll do well in our little group. :) Now... let's kick some tail! Remember to take a 30 minute walk today (1pt) and leave a tip or recipe on the main board. (1pt) If nothing else, check out my delicious recipe for chicken taco chili that I posted there. Soooo delicious.....[/img]
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Welcome Kathy! Glad to have you on the team :drinker:

    Team, I'm feeling a bit off. I can't seem to get my hectic daily schedule to match up with the challenge schedule. So I apologize for the lack of points on my behalf and I'm going to work next weekend to make it better.

    October kinda came in with a blast and I'm booked up throughout the weeks and weekend. But I'm going to work on kicking it up a notch and work my schedule out a bit better.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    *Climbs on Soapbox*

    Yes, this month is shaping up to be crazy! Between work and home I've barely had a moment to breathe and it can be a heck of a challenge to schedule things in. But, and here's the important thing, so important that I'm going to put it in all caps, and this goes for all of you lovely people-


    There. I said it. I love the trophy, and I love the feeling of accomplishment it gives me when I see our team name on it. But that's a side benefit. The main thing that keeps me going isn't that graphic, but rather all of you. You wonderful, crazy people who have joined in this challenge with me. You keep me from quitting, you keep me from giving up, you keep me going when I don't want to. So pat yourselves on the back.

    This isn't about points (though it's fun to tally.) This isn't about a trophy (though I love gloating.) It's about being involved with people, staying motivated, and challenging yourself.

    And if you've tried, if you've challenged yourself, then even if you don't get that point, you've still won.

    We've still won.

    No apologies. No mercy. No backing down.

    We're owning October.

    *Climbs off Soapbox*
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Thanks for that Gwynne.

    Alrighty...I'm making some adjustments and I'm just going to go with what I can do and not worry about what I can't :tongue:
  • KelieHerrera
    I feel like a weenie saying this, but I can't do planks. I tried again last night, but I simply cannot hold them for more than 2 seconds before flopping to the ground.

    What the heck is with me? I can run, I can Zumba, I've done P90x with the boyfriend, but this simple little strength exercise has kicked my *kitten*.

    Do you think the fact that I've had 3 C-sections could be the cause? I've babied my stomach muscles a lot (meaning not used them whatsoever) over the past 10 years because of my surgeries. I also had a pretty intense emergency surgery on my ovary a couple of years ago so there is a lot of scar tissue happening in the abdominal region.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I feel like a weenie saying this, but I can't do planks. I tried again last night, but I simply cannot hold them for more than 2 seconds before flopping to the ground.

    What the heck is with me? I can run, I can Zumba, I've done P90x with the boyfriend, but this simple little strength exercise has kicked my *kitten*.

    Do you think the fact that I've had 3 C-sections could be the cause? I've babied my stomach muscles a lot (meaning not used them whatsoever) over the past 10 years because of my surgeries. I also had a pretty intense emergency surgery on my ovary a couple of years ago so there is a lot of scar tissue happening in the abdominal region.

    Have you tried doing the modified planks on your knees? You can also do planks in the pushup position instead of on your elbows- standard plank vs dolphin plank.
  • shesblossoming
    While this week has been filled with awesome, I hopped on the scale and noticed that the number has gone up. I attribute this to my strength training, and I think I could actually eat more. I really want to make it to my goal by the end of the year. But I just need to realize that everything I'm doing is really benefitting me, and I'm glad I'm here, because I'm incorporating these challenges with the routine I already have. I really love it!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Options I'm a clutz. I fell while I was running yesterday and had to have my mom come pick me up. It's not as bad today as I was expecting but I'm going to take it easy this weekend so that I can get in some workouts this week.
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    So my traveling on Mon/Tues and the bad eating those days had more of an affect than I though. Sadly I'm up a pound this week! I did however make it through all the challenges and I burned a total of 5006 calories and tat was doing all my exercising in 5 days! So that being said, I'm making this week my *****! Hope you ladies are with me on that :happy:
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Eatin' my fresh lunch today so I logged that point. This feta cheese.

    And I'm trying some sprouts on my salad. See how that goes.

  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Bleh, bleh and more bleh. I'm finally starting to get over this whole annoying sick thing, so allow me to apologise for my lack of participation of late. But! I am feeling better and my apathy is dissipating. Yay!

    Weekly calorie burn is part of the weekly numbers. I missed that, and humbly apologise. :( I have beaten myself with a wet noodle and promise that I will not let you guys down in such a way again.

    So, we lost the trophy. As far as I'm concerned this is just another example of us lulling the other teams into a false sense of security. Now is the time to come back and hit them HARD.

  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I will not let this thread die. So there!

    Great job, everyone! It's nice to have the trophy back. :) A pity we couldn't really count the loaning of it to Thin it to Win it as our good deed for a day...

    How's everyone doing? I'll be honest, I'm struggling a little bit. Still trying to keep plugging away, but I'm horribly tired and cranky of late. The lizard part of me wants to go into hibernation. I'm not giving up, though. Not on me and not on any of you. :)

    To those of you who are injured, do what you can and don't push it too much. To those of you with dietary restrictions- we can make other arrangements. I think I'll request no more 'you must eat x' type of challenges. Don't know if I'll be listened to, but worth a shot, yes?

    Let's do this!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    How's it shakin'?

    I'm having a craptastic time right now but I'm pushing through. Hoping to log an insane amount of burned calories this week.

    The plan? Zumba and strength training today, weight training class tomorrow, then a Zumba 2 hour dance party on Friday night. Crossing fingers my ankle holds out and I'm hoping to see some good burn numbers!

    How is everyone else doing? Last week of these challenges and I'll be honest, I'll miss the planks and Monday Mash up.

  • KelieHerrera
    I am having a lame time today. I lost no weight at all this past week. To be honest, i didn't try extremely hard but I did have a deficit every day, so what the heck? Is my body just completely used to eating 1400 calories a day that I maintain my weight at that level? If so, uber annoying!!