
Greetings my friends, Any nerds in the house?! I'm talking Timelords, starfleet officers, rebels, imperial stormtroopers, la resistance, the crew of the liberator! All are welcome,

Let me hear you cheer

Let me hear you roar!!!!

Shout out that your a nerd lets get talking, lets debate, hell lets argue its what nerds do best! Let us rock out to the fact that although we're in the same game to get ourselves looking totally spankingly gorgous, being nerdy is the way forward and it helps.

Shout out brothers and sisters



  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    LOL love it.
    Lets see Im a staw wars , Star trek (yes you can be both) WOW ,whell of time, and other generally nerdy knowledge lovin kinda girl
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Hmm im a nerd xD Love video games and my guy friends say im the hottest WoW player uot there! xD
  • matty_timelord
    course you can be both :D

    Hell i rock out at all the above named parties [if theres a convention with a bar theres me, best parties in the universe!] though my first love will always be doctor who

    Oh i forgot ANY DWARFERS?! My pic is me as Holly and i forgot the dwarfers....someone shoot me :) Never played WOW, i played guild wars and eve online [soon killed that one] don't know whell of time, heared OF oit, but never had the pleasure. But awesomes thats one! :D
  • matty_timelord
    @sunshine 88

    Awesomes :D

    Thats two....we could build an army :D
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I'm a WoW nerd.
  • matty_timelord
    epic, i must be the only non wow player here lol shame to be me :)
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Add me to the list. Been playing WoW since a month after it came out. Before that it was EverQuest. I was totally addicted to STNG when it originally aired. And I love a good SciFi convention (you'll usually find me in the Filk circle). Oh, and I suppose the weekly session of old school pencil and paper D&D counts too...
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    course you can be both :D

    Hell i rock out at all the above named parties [if theres a convention with a bar theres me, best parties in the universe!] though my first love will always be doctor who

    Oh i forgot ANY DWARFERS?! My pic is me as Holly and i forgot the dwarfers....someone shoot me :) Never played WOW, i played guild wars and eve online [soon killed that one] don't know whell of time, heared OF oit, but never had the pleasure. But awesomes thats one! :D

    Sorry that was supposed to be Wheel of time. Its a book series but the made a computer game card game and D and D game from it. Thay are suppossed to be making a movie of the first 3 soon.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I heard the siren call.

    Nerdy geek girl checking in. (Gamer since early childhood, lover of MMOs and married to a scientist.)
  • matty_timelord
    Add me to the list. Been playing WoW since a month after it came out. Before that it was EverQuest. I was totally addicted to STNG when it originally aired. And I love a good SciFi convention (you'll usually find me in the Filk circle). Oh, and I suppose the weekly session of old school pencil and paper D&D counts too...

    Awww D+D man , now you are talking my language :D I played a smidge of everquest.

    TNG, i was there when bbc aired for the first time...the early days were mental...but my folks still let me watch it, suppose that explains a lot, but then came the glorious day when i shouted at the tv....the borg have ripped off the cybermen! Sorry i was a desperatly synical kid at times lol

    I'll have to give wheel of time a bash :D
  • matty_timelord
    I heard the siren call.

    Nerdy geek girl checking in. (Gamer since early childhood, lover of MMOs and married to a scientist.)

    A WIN situation all round mate :D
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Nerd here. Specifically a computer nerd.. and many other things. Love video games( mostly RPGs), computers, reading and books, Star Trek, LOTR, etc.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    don't play WoW but i do play Oblivion! NERDS ROCK!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Believe it or not - MMORPG player right here! Love it and video games too... And a school nerd if that counts too lol :) I'm into super nerdy research stuff :)
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    I caught the Holly thing right away, currently working my way through the entire Red Dwarf library on the netflix. Firefly was the best though.

  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I caught the Holly thing right away, currently working my way through the entire Red Dwarf library on the netflix. Firefly was the best though.


    Firefly was Amazing ......(SOB) we dont talk about the movie in my house though. It makes my sister and I cry.

    I have to admit my biggest nerdiness is books though. Ill read anything sci-fi fantesy that I can get my hands on. I own my R.A. Salvatore and forgotten realms than most people know exsist.:bigsmile:
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    epic, i must be the only non wow player here lol shame to be me :)

    Nope, No you are not... I have not ever and will not ever play WoW!

    I am waiting for Diablo 3 :)

  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member

    Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Stargate (SG1/Atlantis), Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, Angel, Fringe, X-Files, Babylon 5, comics (Sandman, Watchmen, Preacher etc), countless video games...
  • matty_timelord
    my days if we ever all go to a convention we'll shift the axis of the planet itself :D With epic nerdiness of AWESOMENEEEEESSSSS
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Not sure what makes a person a nerd.

    I don't play video games. Except the occasional Atari Pong.
    My daughter has to load my iPod.
    I don't text, sext, twitter, tweet or blog. MFP is the only non-work related website I go into.
    Yesterday, I had to ask some people I was playing soccer with what "House Music" was. Later looked it up on YouTube. Really? That's what the cool kids listen too?

    So. You tell me. Am I a Nerd?