9 Week Holiday Challenge (close group) wk 2



  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD 10/9/11 Sunday: Are you an emotional eater? What feelings get you to that place? What is your strategy for overcoming emotional eating?

    I am not an emotional eater. I actually am probably worse. I starve myself when I'm in an emotional state. My focus is totally hooked up to the problem and eating is the last thing on my mind.

    Now that I have MFP to log into for the program, I am seeing a lot less of this. But then again, I don't care for anything anymore, other than getting healthy and my kids. And the vehicles that ensure I'm capable of doing that. So I guess my priorities have changed as well. (I use to get "emotional" when a friend lied to me or a guy broke up with me. Or when I thought I couldn't pay a bill. Or I was planning for a huge change. Those are the things that I use to get worked up about.)
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Hey guys! I am sorry I am late on these QOTD. I wasn't able to get to the internet the last few days I was there, and had to turn the data function on my phone off because it cost a bundle to use it there. So, I will catch up on Thursday-Sunday now. I hope you all had a great, productive week last week!!!

    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    I have a pretty standard routine in the amount of time I spend at the gym, but I try to mix up what I do while I am there. I spend 1 hour a day doing cardio. This ranges between the elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike, and stairstepper. Every other day I add in upper body work and do the "arm bike" (not sure what it is really called, but it is a bike for your arms basically), the rowing machine, sit ups, and push ups. Then the opposite day I do wall sits, lunges and squats. I used to use a playlist on my iPod when working out, but lately, I have just been putting my iPod on shuffle and listening to everything on it. I also read a book the entire time that I am doing cardio, it makes it go by quicker. :laugh:

    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I don't allow myself a cheat meal or day. I eat anything all week long, as long as it fits in my calories. So, I don't feel like I am depriving myself of anything. So, I never feel like I need a cheat day. If I do go over in calories because I ate too much of something, I will just spend more time at the gym to make up for it. I think that I do it this way because I don't look at the way I eat as though it is a diet. I look at it like a lifestyle change, so to be good at it, I have to eat a bit of everything, and just take that into account with my calories. I don't restrict myself though. I listen to my body and eat what makes me feel good, while keeping it in the appropriate calories. also, because I have been eating this way for two years, it has become easy for me to do without a cheat day.:smile:

    QOTD 10/8/11 Saturday: Is there any speific body part you're looking forward to "re-discovering" or discovering for the first time as you reach your weight loss goals?

    Hmm, this is a good question. Mine is my waist. I want to have a flat stomach again. I had one until I got PCOS. at that point I started to put on fat in my stomach. I really am looking forward to having a flat stomach, and not worrying about love handles at the waist of my jeans. I am getting much closer to this goal, but still have a ways to go.

    QOTD 10/9/11 Sunday: Are you an emotional eater? What feelings get you to that place? What is your strategy for overcoming emotional eating?

    I do not tend to be an emotional eater, luckily. I just
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD 10/9/11 Sunday: Are you an emotional eater? What feelings get you to that place? What is your strategy for overcoming emotional eating?

    I recently found out yes, I am an emotional eater. I find when I am sad, or upset I find comfort in food. Overcoming this emotion is a work in progress.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    QOTD 10/9/11 Sunday: Are you an emotional eater? What feelings get you to that place? What is your strategy for overcoming emotional eating?

    Yes I am an emotional eater. Being bored or wrestless get me there. When I am very tired and overwhelmed, I go there too. THe first step is to recognize that I am trying to fix a feeling with food and it does not work. The 2nd step is to find an activity that will make me feel better (less bored, less wrestless etc..) because that does fix the feeling.

    That hardest part is not giving in and letting it all go!