Costume Changers Forum (Week 4)

Hi everyone! We are halfway done with our challenge - how's everyone doing? I feel like I've been doing okay... miles aren't getting in as well as I was hoping, but I'm working at it and hope I can finish strong. :) Hope you all have a great week!


  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    I'll be home from my second vacation this afternoon and am excited to be back on a regular schedule. I've fit in miles each day so glad about that but I've eaten more than I normally would. Hope you have a great day! :smile:
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I've been great on miles still, but still not great on weight loss. I finally recorded a loss though! After 4 weeks of bumped up exercise and watching my calorie and food intake. Whew! Hope everyone has a good week!
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 425 Member
    Was sick this weekend so didn't get much milage in and wasn't eating right. Although I have had a weight loss I attributing it to not eating much due to sore throat. Hopefully I won't gain much of it back if any. Hope everyone has a great week ahead of you. I will have to be extra careful due to it is my daughters birthday on thursday and we are having a party for her this coming sunday. And she wanted chocolate cupcakes. I am making them so they will be on the healthy side.
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    my miles are awful, but my weight loss is fantastic! i'm about 3.5 pounds from reaching my goal
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Well I had a lot going on last week with my 5 month old being admitted into the hospital on Tuesday and not being let out until Friday. All is good not so I am back at it. I did weigh this morning and no change BUT I would rather not lose than to gain. So I am excited to get back into everything today.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I am doing well, feeling very motivated. My weight loss has been good but a little discouraging because I can lose anywhere from 0.2 to 3 pounds, doing the same exact things week to week. I'm annoyed with how much my period plays a role in my weight loss. I'm guaranteed to have 2 weeks of good loss, about 2-3 pounds, and 2 weeks of mediocre loss, like 0.2 lbs. It's been this way since July.

    Anyway, whining over and what can I do but keep going anyway? My miles are awesome, if I do say so myself as is my loss this week.
  • joencheri
    joencheri Posts: 4 Member
    Doing alright...not as well as I have been in the past. Only 1 lb loss this week, but at least its not a gain. I know I didn't exercise as much this week and ate more junk. Was always under on calories but I'm sure it impacted me negatively in other ways. Determined to do better this week. On a super happy note, only 3 days left of my shakeology challenge from my friend Rebecca. It's the 1st time I have ever stuck with any type of meal replacement for more then a day or two!
  • LittleFootLT11
    After a big birthday weekend for my boyfriend I'm excited to get back on a normal schedule! Lots of running this week in store, it's supposed to be beautiful here in the Nation's Capitol!
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Doing fine here, but the weight loss has seemed to stop, I am hoping that the scales move this week. Getting my walking in pretty good, but this weight loss has got to do something... Have a great week everyone!
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I have been doing my to run for it! However diet wise no much success...stressed took the best of me this past week...
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    Well this week was not better than the week before like I had hoped it would. I know this week will be better. I have been sick and that has really thrown me off the last two weeks. Then my family and I took off to the family cabin and didn't have easy access to a place to walk or exercise. I also noticed I was not paying as close attention to my calories while I was sick and I was expecting to have a major gain, but only gained 0.6 pounds so that's not too bad. I will get my toosh into gear this week and rock it! Thank you for everyone for your support!!
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Didn't do too well last week. I only went for a walk 1 day during lunch and I ate so poorly over the weekend. This week will be better. . .it has to be!
    ~ Jamie
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Week 3 was terrible for me - my scale was back up to 193.8 (did not exercise much and made poor food choices.)

    In the past, I would allow this to knock me off the wagon, but not anymore. I am going to make better choices this week and watch it scale move in the right direction!

    Thanks for putting this challenge together :)
  • ebonaskavi
    ebonaskavi Posts: 42 Member
    This weekend was killer! A wedding and Thanksgiving dinner (Canadian... yeah, we have Thanksgiving too). I tried to do alright with it, and I tried a little of everything and didn't go back for second helpings... but it's not the food that kills me at celebrations, it's the addition of alcohol! I don't drink much (maybe a glass of wine or two per week) so having a cocktail, wine with dinner, after dinner port, champagne toast etc. etc. is what kills me...

    At least at the wedding there was dancing and I split a piece of cake with my hubby.
  • j_hark1022
    j_hark1022 Posts: 43 Member
    I feel like I've done the best this week. I worked toward my miles 5 our of 7 days, so I feel like I'm finally getting on track and being consistent with it! The weight goal I set for myself was a bit over 5 percent, but I've only got about 8.5lbs to go to reach that, so I'm excited! I'm hoping to start incorporating a bit of jogging into my routine, now- gave myself a few weeks to get in some type of shape that's a bit more conducive to a cardio workout. Thinking about C25K as a starting point for jogging.

    Congratulations to everyone for continuing to move toward your goals!
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Not had the best of weeks with having a MEGA cold, but have managed to stop myself from eating comfort food and have lost 2lbs this week :) still not doing great on the miles front though.

    Only 4lbs to the 5% weight loss goal though :D
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    bump for later
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    i'm doing great with my miles, but my weight is still bouncing around
    can't believe we are half way already
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey all!

    Pretty happy with last week...lost over a pound last week so I have lost 4 pounds this challenge. Not bad considering the scale had been going in the wrong direction since the start of August.

    PIcked up 82 miles last week. Had a big charity ride on Saturday and I was able to pedal at close to 20 mph with a tail wind and still kept it around 15 mph coming back against a 25 mph headwind--that is about a 2 to 3 mph improvement over my times earlier in the year. Spin class seems to be paying off!

    Hope everyone had a great week and keep up the good work!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm having fun! I love this challenge! I finally hit over 100 miles so I'm excited to be a little over half way to the new goal of 200 miles. I'm so happy to be a part of this group!