Estimating calories burned

Hi everyone. Is it just me, or are there some inconsistencies with estimating the calories burned through exercise. There are fairly vast differences when I put the time and type of exercise into the exercise log here vs the numbers the machines at the gym are giving me. What gives? And which number should I take?


  • btah02
    btah02 Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, there are! I have noticed on some things my Heart Rate Monitor is much higher than what the exercise database says here, and on other things my HRM might be right on. I have been stalled for a couple of weeks, so I am going by what their database here says. My HRM is also usually right on with my Treadmill calorie count, so we'll see what happens when I go by their calculations.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Both are just two difference ways to estimate, I have found using my HRM, that both the machines and MFP grossly miscalculate the calories burned.
  • izzyissy
    izzyissy Posts: 48 Member
    I see that too. The numbers on my machines at home and the numbers on this site don't match. I am so glad that I have the FitBit. It is the most accurate because it has my height/weight. I love it. But don't use any of these numbers. They are really not correct. Issy
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Both are just that- estimates. The most reliable source would be through the use of a HRM. A typical burn for those who do not have a large amount to lose is 5-6 cals/minute. For those with a lot to lose it ranges closer to 8-10 cals/minute.
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    niether, get a HRM with chest strap and calorie counter to know for sure.
  • CineMachine
    CineMachine Posts: 8 Member
    Excellent response shweedog!

    Purchased a HRM monitor and am so glad... On a 30 minute elliptical session, with an average heart rate of 142, I burn about 6 cal/minute = ABOUT 200 calories.. However MFP will "estimate" a 30 minute elliptical session for me is around 340+... Crazy!