Desk job snacking



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Skinny Cow chocolates are awesome but just keep my cravings for chocolate going so I try not to eat them

    HA..same here. I bought them, then at the whole box in two days!
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    I try and stay away from "snacking" on anything that is not going to suppress my appetite. I stay with high protein items like peanuts, almonds and meats. Drinking lots of water helps too.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I drink water or hot tea and keep almonds and one piece of fruit at my desk at all times. This seems to work for me. I like to munch and drink all day, I have to be wise about my snacks.

    I always count out my almonds as well and do not eat all of them at once.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yes, packing your foods up for the day and taking it to work is a good idea... That's what I do... I measure out and plan everything the night before so in the morning I can just grab my food for the day, throw it in a cooler and out the door I go... Greek yogurt, veggie sticks, light string cheese, rice cakes, protein shake, oatmeal, bottle water, etc.. Good Luck!
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I pre-portion - but can't bring in the whole weeks worth on Monday or else I will eat it all by Wed. I either take 1-2 days at a time this way if I have a bad day it is not as bad as it could be!!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I buy things in bulk and have little containers that I put my snacks in. It can be nuts, baby carrots, almond butter, crackers whatever. That keeps portions in check. Fortunately we don't have a vending machine at work. Anything that needs refrigeration is kept with an ice pack in my cooler.
  • mdboyanowski
    mdboyanowski Posts: 4 Member
    I think working an office job has been one of my biggest obstacles to weight loss, especially working second shift. Not only am I sedentary most of the day, but the cafeteria is also closed. I don't have the salad bar or fresh fruit as an option if I didn't bring it with me, only the vending machines (which also happen to be in the same room as the only microwave I have access to). I find that pre-portioning my food and bringing it with me has helped greatly, however due to the nature of my job I often get stuck on marathon phone calls and can't step away from my desk to grab the food I brought. Any suggestions on healthy snacks that I can keep in a drawer to hold me over when I can't grab something?
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    There are a lot of excellent responses here. I would add trail mix to your list of items. It's really easy to eat too much, though, so recently I've begun portioning mine into snack size baggies using my scale.

    I would not suggest going the Skinny Cow route -- opt for the real thing. I crave chocolate like mad at work. Don't know why :P I have a huge bar of 72% dark chocolate and I will very slowly eat one or two squares when the craving hits. If you find you can't control yourself to small amounts, portion that out too.

    Good luck :)
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    I love the skinny cow candy, especially the milk chocolate and peanut butter crisp ones. They are perfect when I really need something sweet and they have around half the calories of a regular candy bar.
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm stealing your word "hangry" :smile:
  • Yes, hangry is a real condition! My body is like FEED ME NOW OR I WILL BE MEAN TO EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING.
  • kendib
    kendib Posts: 155 Member
    This is a great topic. I have a desk job and it is so hard not to snack. Preportioned is always great but there are days that nothing I brought with me sounds good. My job tends to be high stress at times and the office snacks snacks look so yummy at that time! I'm glad that you brought this up.
  • I think a lot of us struggle with this... When you're sitting at your desk for the majority of the day, it's pretty easy to let your eating get out of hand.

    My snacks today are 1 mini babybel light, a greek yogurt, sugar free pudding, and a bag of baked chips! Best part is it all fits into my calorie goal and I still feel like I got the good stuff. I can see this method really working for me.
  • Wow! You all offered a lot of good suggestions. I too work at a desk job. I have only been in my position a year. Going from active kitchen work to sedentary desk job has been a huge change! The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to munch and then the pounds started to add on. I decided I wanted to take control before it got out of control.

    I do try to choose "healthier snacks" but I think I need to choose more filling snacks. As I was reading through your posts, I made a lisr of suggestions you guys had said.

    I tried one of the Skinny Cow chocolate wafer bars and it just increased my appetite for chocolate and sugar, so I don't think I will do that again.

    For awhile I was eating almonds like crazy, but I think I got burnt out on them, but I think it has been long enough that I will try them again. Someone had mentioned rice cakes... I love those and hadn't even though of them. Thanks for the tip.

    Anyway, this really seems to help so thanks for all the great advice and suggestions. :smile:
  • Zoeotis
    Zoeotis Posts: 9 Member
    I work at a desk job at a food wholesalers and there is always free food in the office, and I'm not talking granola bars, I'm talking about chocolates, biscuits, fudge, tablet, macaroons, panettone, butter toffee waffels, cakes, muffins, ginger beer, crisps, coconut rings, jam filled swiss roll etc etc. Most days I find it hard to not cave in but I find that if I take my own food in that I prepare the night before and keep the free food out of sight then that helps.

    I also switched from normal tea/coffee with milk to green tea because I find when you have milky tea or coffee I might want a biscuit (or something sweet) to go with it but that's not really the case with green tea.

    Other than that I try to not eat the amount I would have in the past and be honest when I log it in my food diary.