PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    How did you guys know you had PCOS? I have always wondered about it and thought I did.. but without insurance, I have no way to find out. :(
  • MKB83
    MKB83 Posts: 31
    As another poster told me that it'd be worth finding other PCOSers on the site, I figured a search would be the best thing.

    My mini story - I was generally thin up until 3 yrs ago and started putting on weight, at first it wasn't a big deal - until last year I seemed to have put on weight and started working out 3x/wk, running 3x/wk but with zero muscle toning/weight/inches lost. I was on BC for 9 years for other reasons when I decided to go off it, and lo and behold my system didn't kick in on its own. This year I moved abroad and didn't get as much time to work out, nor was I eating as healthy and I quickly went up 2 sizes.

    After 6 months of blood tests and scans, I was finally diagnosed with PCOS in July. The doctor told me that my body fat % is too high for my height so I need to get active again, and that "most people with PCOS respond better to a low carb diet," and she warned me that weight loss will be slow.

    About 2 weeks ago I started to get back to eating right, and working out/running - and for once cutting my carb intake.
    No improvements whatsoever yet - but hoping to get there!
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I am 27 now. I think that I have had PCOS for a lot longer but up until about a year ago it went undiagnosed. Currently I am taking Metformin and Spironolactone.... Other than my cycles regulating I really do not see a difference in anything. My doctor keeps doing blood work on me like every 3 months to check my hormone levels and he says they are doing good but again I don't see anything different.
    I have been doing a lot of research online about PCOS and weight loss and almost every website I have come across says that you should be on a glycemic index diet....
    If anyone has anymore information about this or if you are current following this kind of diet please send me a message or something. I would love to get your opinions on it.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I am 27 now. I think that I have had PCOS for a lot longer but up until about a year ago it went undiagnosed. Currently I am taking Metformin and Spironolactone.... Other than my cycles regulating I really do not see a difference in anything. My doctor keeps doing blood work on me like every 3 months to check my hormone levels and he says they are doing good but again I don't see anything different.
    I have been doing a lot of research online about PCOS and weight loss and almost every website I have come across says that you should be on a glycemic index diet....
    If anyone has anymore information about this or if you are current following this kind of diet please send me a message or something. I would love to get your opinions on it.

    Yes, when I was officially diagnosed in 2003, my Doctor put me on the Atkins Nutritional Approach and I was able to get everything in line hormone wise and get off the medications.....................gained a lot back in 2008 and 2009 because I was in a bad car accident in which I nearly lost my life. Others taking care of me for that time to recooperate and then the steroids made me gain a lot of weight back............

    I am getting back under control again though by the Primal / Paleo way of eating. Similar to Atkins, but not nearly as structured.

    I will say that Atkins is great if you suspect that you might have food allergies or intolerances as it is a type of temporary elimination plan.
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    I was officially diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago but believe I have had it since I was much much younger. Originally heard about it on Oprah when I was about 18 and even asked my family doctor and he simply told me I don't have it and am lazy (although I was color guard on the marching band and working at practice from 4 to 10 hours a day and walking varying lengths of time) I have never had a regular period and even now on BC it hasn't normalized. Kept asking the doctor and kept getting the same answer until that one passed away and I talked to his predeceser who had me do all the blood work and an ultrasound. The ultrasound was inconclusive but the blood work showed insulin resistance and high testosterone levels in my blood. Since then I have been on Yaz, Metformin & a blood pressure pill and for years still couldn't lose weight but it was because of me and my mind set. Earlier this year I got tired of it all and had a long talk with my dr about weight loss and doing it safely. We talked about cutting my calories each day and she wanted me to start at about 1400 calories a day and I told her she was crazy To make a better decision as to a amount that would help me lose and yet not deprive me completely they ran an RMR (resting metabolic rate) test and found out my metabolism burns about 500 fewer calories(My body was burning about 2330) a day then normal ones. We then agreed upon me starting on 2000 calories a day and working my way down every couple of months. It was hard keeping track of everything before my very best friend and true love of my life found me MFP. In all honesty I am about 5'5 and started here at 397. Since then I've lost 45 pounds and have dropped my daily calories down to 1900 and most of the time eat much less than that. In June the doctors did an ultrasound of my thyroids and found some small cysts but said they are not something I should worry about. We do blood work once every 2 or 3 months and since May my A1C has gone from 6.2 down to 5.5 and my blood sugar and blood pressure are doing much better. I am still getting the sideburns and beard but due to waxing it grows back much slower than it used to and I can take much longer between waxings. Can't wait til I don't have to go back at all.
  • paper_doll_
    Followed MsALMill here.. I am a Cyster as well. Was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism about 13 years ago, and PCOS about 8 years ago. Am on Thyroxine, Metformin and BC.

    I was blessed in that I had my son when I was young, before all my endocrine issues kicked in, and do not have to face the battle of TTC in the face of PCOS like so many women do. My heart and best wishes go out to all the cysters here who are TTC.

    On an interesting note, I am almost certain, as was my doctor, that the pregnancy accelerated the onset of my endocrine complications. Within twelve months of having my son I had gained an enormous amount of weight (around 110lbs in a year) despite eating well, cycling, and swimming regularly with a squad, as well as having started gaining dark body hair I had not noticed previously..

    My maximum weight was up around 350lbs/160kg.. am currently at 171lbs/78kg. Did get down to 152/69 at my lowest, but did the usual trick and gained back a few when I quit smoking and started shift work. That is why I am here.. get rid of those last few kilos.

    I find it took a long time to get a balance right with all my meds. Even now, after months and months of all my levels being great, I can go get my bloods done and they will be out again. Such is life I guess.

    Kudos to all of you here who are making positive changes in your lifestyles, and battling to overcome the weight issues that tend to come hand in hand with PCOS. With such a great support system here, it will certainly make reaching our goals that much less of a struggle.
  • Netta21
    I'm new to the board and I have pcos as well. Great to see you guys on here!
  • ShannonJohnson
    ShannonJohnson Posts: 86 Member
    Hi all!
    So I was diagnosed with PCOS in June after TTC since last November with no luch and no periods unless brought on by medication. I have done 3 rounds of Clomid with no follicle producing, I will be starting my last round of Clomid in a few weeks at 150 mg before I will be sent to see a reproductive specialist. It's been a very hard and frustrating road and I am hoping we can figure it out. Looking like I will be getting into injectable medications next if this last round of Clomid does not produce a follicle.

    Has anyone else had the problem that no follicles were producing? Anyone find something that worked for them without IUI or IVF? My husband's count is great so it just me not producing follicles to become eggs.

    Thanks for the knowledge and support from all of you!:smile:
  • duckieresolved
    duckieresolved Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone! I have PCOS - but I am not TTC. I just got tired of the horrible, long, heavy, uncomfortable cycles. I am on metformin & progestrin only BC.

  • shrimpboatcaptn13
    shrimpboatcaptn13 Posts: 18 Member
    I was diagnosed this year by my family doctor. I am trying to get a referral to an Endocrinologist. My hair just started falling out again over weekend :( I am on sprintec(started june 24th 2011) and metformin(started may 13th 2011) 500x2. My face and scalp get really oily and then hair on scalp falls out falls out :( Any suggestions?

    SW 262 Pounds
    CW 200 Pounds
    GW 176 Pounds
  • thinnerjenn
    thinnerjenn Posts: 18 Member
    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005 and have been struggling to lose weight but not succeeding. I tried Metformin, Spiro, and BC and had no luck. Now, I am on DCI, Vitamins, and eating mostly Primal/Paleo. I feel great and the weight is starting to come off. I also am having a period (big BIG feat for me!!!) Hopefully, this continues!! :)