Higher Calorie, Low fat/sugar/sodium foods?

I'm having a hard time meeting my caloric needs. I'm set for 1690 and usually get to 1300-1500 for my day. The problem comes if I factor in my exercise, I burn close to 1k calories on some days when I run in the morning and lift later in the day. I never eat those back.

I always eat egg whites, sometimes a pb+j english muffin with it for breakfast.
Low sodium Turkey and a greek yogurt for lunch
Peanuts for a snack
Chicken and veggies for Dinner
Isolyzed Protein shake for after dinner snack (pb, banana, almond milk)

I'm rarely hungry after eating all of this but I'm reading more and more on how I should be eating my exercise calories back..

This leaves me with little to no sodium to spare but with sometimes 400-1k extra calories I should be consuming.. I'm having a hard time finding foods (snacks) that give me some calories but won't kill me with grams of fat and sodium.

Looking for suggestions. Thanks!


  • How much fat are you getting?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    How much fat are you getting?

    ^This is a critical question. Fat is very good for you and it's all too common that people who are dieting neglect to eat enough fat.
  • Usually between 25-45g a day.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Are you eating a lot of processed foods. Why is your sodium so high. Cut down on the nuts and eat more veggies. Maybe try to plan your day out before you eat. It helps me.
    There aren't too many foods that have only calories. Try plain oatmeal.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    maybe have an egg yolk once in a while... cook with healthy oils (and a good tbls or two) - olive/coconut, etc... 2% greek yogurt (non-notfat), a little soft cheese maybe, more variety of nuts and nut butters...
  • Black beans - very healthy way to boost those calories safely.
  • take your weight and mulitply it by 0.3 Thats about how many grams of fat you should be getting everyday. Fat doesn't make you fat! It is very good for you
  • mangledspoon
    mangledspoon Posts: 31 Member
    Anything like rice, potato, quinoa, oats.... unless you're going low carb, which is a stupid idea anyway.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    What you are eating needn't be salty, but it sounds like it is. Are you eating unsalted peanuts and unsalted peanut butter? Are you adding salt to the chicken and vegies, either directly or in the form of a processed sauce? Cut back on the salt in these foods, and it will free up your choices.

    Calories come from either sugar, fat or protein, so if you want something high in calories, but low in sugar (and other carbs) and fat, you need protein. Fish might be a good option, or unsalted meat. Otherwise, go for complex carbs: oats, bran, wholegrain bread.
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    Tried to take a peek at your food journal but you don't have it opened to view. Try a spoonful of peanut or almond butter, oatmeal, avocado, sweet potato, 4 prunes have 100 calories and helps with regularity, brown rice, quinoa, beans (black, red, garbanzo, etc-buy them canned and rinse very well before eating gets rid of the sodium or buy them dry/soak & cook yourself).
  • I'm curious, you mention english muffins for breakfast. Do you suggest a certain brand that is healthier than another. I love english muffin's but find that the kind I love so much are not so great for you :(

    Sorry I this wasn't an answer for you!
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    Cook your chicken and/or veggies in a TBSP of olive oil. That'll add ~200 calories of good fats. If you're not worried about cholesterol, its okay to eat the egg yolks. That will also add calories. Fats are high in calories and if you aren't getting enough are good things to include - just make sure its healthy fats and not saturated (still need - but not a lot). Fresh veggies dipped in hummus are also good - the hummus has olive oil in it and beans which pack some good calories.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    You could definitely be getting more fat. Also, from what you listed, I don't understand where all the sodium is coming from. Are the peanuts salted? Are you adding salt to your dinner?
  • Unsalted Peanuts. For lunch, a third of a lb of Thumann's lowsalt turkey is 750 mg of sodium. The chicken I usually buy and eat is the Purdue Perfect portions, individually sealed pieces. 2 of those come out to 740. Add in the small bits from egg whites (300) and yogurt/whatever, I'm at 2k+ sodium. I never add salt to anything I eat.

    I'm not exactly low carb but I have been trying to cut down. I usually get around 100g of carbs. Sounds like I should be adding more fats. I don't have any cholesterol or any other problems.. I just started eating egg whites and like the taste. I will start adding healthy oils and using regular eggs more often.

    As for english muffins, I don't see anything really wrong with them.. having just 1 that is. Egg whites are so light in calories, carbs, basically everything, I don't see the problem with supplementing my breakfast with it and some healthy peanut butter/reduced sugar jelly.
  • Yea if you are lowering carbs then you certainly need to up protein and fat.

    Low sodium options: Nuts, seeds, olive oil, avacado and such

    If you are really worried about sodium then I would switch to different meat sources
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I would stop buying that Perfect Portions junk and just go with skinless boneless chicken breast. Add your own seasonings.

    As far as the turkey . . . do you need a third of a pound every day? A serving size is about half that. You could cut that back and add some fruit and veggies to your lunch. Someone suggested veggies and hummus. Baby carrots, sugar snap peas, sliced bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms . . . all very dippable :) Add an apple or some berries . . . or trail mix . . . or have your (smaller serving of) turkey open-faced on a slice of bread (Ezekiel bread is excellent) with lettuce, tomato, and avocado. Dress it with mustard or hummus.

    How much sodium does the yogurt have? My Fages have 50 mg each or something along those lines.