So who else is in better shape than they were in high school



  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Me. I weigh a little more now, but I can run 20 flights of stairs and a 13 minute mile. In high school I think my fastest mile was MAYBE 15-17 minutes.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm not there yet, but I certainly eat much better than I did back then!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm in way better shape than I was in high school (which was many moons ago, grad. in 1976). I was a pudgy, doughy teenager. I was 'introduced' to exercise when I was 19....never looked back or stopped moving since then:))) I'm completely committed to a healthy lifestyle!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I am in the best shape of my life. I am a similar weight and size - a few pounds lighter and a size or two smaller now - but am infinitely more fit and healthy.
  • Oh, Me. Absolutely! I was about 40lbs heavier than I am right now and even though I was active in sports, I did not commit myself to being fit. I couldn't run a mile nonstop without dying at 16-17. I now run 5 miles 3-4 days a week, lift weights and eat healthy.

    I lived on junk food and only worked out when the coach yelled at me.

    The 17 year old me would be so jealous of the 30 year old me :drinker: :laugh:
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    No...I'm still a bit larger than I wa in high school, not much I can wear the same clothes, but my tummy isn't as flat and I weigh a lot more. In highschool I weighed 126lb at 5'10 I now weigh 157.8lb at the same height. That being said, in highschool I needed my fitness levels. School was a mile away and I always walked home, and sometimes walked to school. The hills were a 1 in 4 gradient which are VERY steep and I lived at the bottom of one, to get anywhere from my house you had to go UP. My sister and I always wandered off with the dogs and would have picnics in the moors...a mile hike up that hill then we'd get lost on the top of it and chase the dog, each other and rock climb without any harnesses! And that's just the good stuff...we had to be strong and quick and fit because we were heavily bullied. You never knew when a group of 15 would jump you and you'd either have to run for it or fight for it. So I was very strong and very fast. Plus I also had a habbit of helping the teachers carry their heavy boxs because it helped strengthen me, and put me under a teachers eye so I wa safe. No, I will NEVER be that fit again, that was pure survival instinct then and I needed it. Now...I'm fitter than most of the kids at my school were, but I never want to have to be that fit again. It was far too dangerous and 126 is VERY light for my height, it's bordering on underweight! Even though I ate everything in sight, I burned far more off running and fighting than I could have ever eaten.
  • Nickstery
    Nickstery Posts: 324 Member
    By highschool end I was at 280lbs. I had gotten down to 220 about a year later doing weight watchers, subway and working out everyday at my work. Then i came back to my hometown and got into a band, stopped working out and ate horribly. Got up to 270 now currently working on getting myself back down below 200lbs. I am at 236 and that is a progress of about 3 years considering I graduated in 2001. I feel a lot better now then I did at 280lbs, just wish I wouldn't have waited so long to get back into it. I'm not looking forward to 30 at all which will be this time next year. So My goal is to be fit and have the boom before i am 30 years old!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I was a very active, but not athletic, twig in high school. I could skate for hours and hours, but I expended more energy coming up with excuses to SKIP gym class than the effort I would have used taking gym class. :tongue:

    More than 20 years later, and 20 pounds heavier, I can fit into a lot of the same clothes, but I'm a lot more fit now.
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I am heavier, but a smaller size - whoda thunk it lol....Everything looks better but my belly. Stupid stretch marks ;) But I love my little brats and I (most days) think they were worth it :bigsmile:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I am about the same weight as when I graduated high school BUT I was a farm girl then (did all the farm work that the boys did), and not a marathoner or training in TaeKwonDo, as I do now. I also ate anything my little heart desired back then. I could eat as much or more than most guys, I bet!! So I would say that Im more rounded athlete now. And not by choice but by necessity (slower metabolism), my diet is much better nowadays.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Weight? Lower in high school. Fitness? 110% better now! Back in high school I had an eating disorder, and I wasted so many years of training trying to be so thin. If only someone had explained starvation mode and that I would be a BETTER athlete (and probably just as thin!) if I had eaten enough to fuel all of hours of work I was putting in!
  • Spartan518
    Spartan518 Posts: 10 Member
    That's really hard to answer; I had two choices in HS - work or play sports...duh! I played sports; was your typical HS male, still 5'4'' but 140lbs. Played FB, Wrestling and Polevault (T&F) every year from 7th to 12th Grade. No real plan to weight loss or gain. Dad had Triple by-pass surgery and ran to get back into shape; he would wake me up on a Saturday morning and say 'Let's go for a race", 'Sure Dad', until it turned out to be a 15K and I did not consider myself a long-distance runner. I barely made it ahead of him.
    Fast forward to years later (13years) in the Army (your immediate incentive is to stay in shape; by running, calisthenics, etc..) even though I had gained likely 15 lbs from HS, I was definitely stronger, faster and could knock out a 10-miler in 80mins. Prime of life, roughly 33yrs old.
    Now fast forward again (11years) my current age, 43yrs and an additoinal 10-15lbs while my mileage is not as long, I can still click out 10min/miles for 7 miles. Have incorporated biking into this my fitness routine and watching my portion control. Time will see if I am in any better shape than I was in HS, but I trust that I have 'matured' gracely before God and he will sustain me...Hebrews 11:1 (as the crowd roars!!!!)
  • when i was at high school i was lighter than i am now but fitter thats a different subject hell yea im fitter now
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I am the healthiest I've ever been in my adult life. Ever. It feels wonderful!
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    I am so much healthier and in shape now than when I was a teenager or in my early 20's. For sure!!!
  • HayleyMcFadden
    HayleyMcFadden Posts: 8 Member
    Absolutely!! I look back at photos from my final year in high school as motivation to stay away from that weight! Love being fit and healthy now! :-)
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I weigh a good 10 pounds less than I did in high school; I still have pants I wore in high school and they cannot be worn without a belt today. However, my running endurance was much higher back then; I'm working on it. :wink:
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    After losing a bunch of weight, I am now 13 pounds away from my high school weight. I'm actually wearing jeans from high school right now. I'm in way better shape than I was then. In P.E. my sophomore year, I remember we had to run a mile. If we did it in 10 minutes, we got a 100, 11 minutes, 90 and so on. I told my coach there was no way in hell I could run a mile. He knew it, so he told me to run as much as a could (about half a lap) and walk the rest. He gave me the same time as the slowest runner. How embarassing. Now, I can run about two miles if I'm pushing hard (still pretty new to running), and feel way healthier in general.
  • I've lost 122 lbs thus far. I was the thin cheerleader who got huge after having 3 babies. Well, today I tried on a new suit. A size 4 petite was bit baggy on me. I was in shock. I took pics today to celebrate! I'm definitely in better shape now than when I was a cheerleader in high school.