I have Plantar Fasciitis and it is killing me.



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    The best is to go to a podiatrist and get the custom orthotics for your feet. Don't waste your money on soft cushy insoles for your shoes. If you can find them in your area (shoe shops, athletic stores, pharmacies) get the HARD plastic insoles...no bend in them at all. What ever you do, your feet will hurt until the inflamation goes down. Take an anti-inflamitory such as Advil or Aleve, ice the arch of your foot, and stretch it out periodically through the day. The pills probably won't make a significant dent in the pain, but it will help with the inflamation. It will take about a week to get used to the insole in your shoe. Use them in what ever shoes you wear, and if you can in your slippers around the house. Do not go barefoot if you can avoid it until the inflamation goes down. Here is a link to the ones I used before I got custom made ones from the podiatrist...


    Good Luck!!
  • I battled plantar fascitis for several years and now it is finally gone. I had done multiple cortisone shots and therapy with little or no relief..I finally bought the Dr. Scholl Orthotics for about $60.00 which got rid of most of pain right away. The second thing I did was calf stretches several times a day using a foot rocker $12.00. Even after I felt better I continued with the exercises and so far so good. I have been pain free for about a year now.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    My plantar fascists was so bad on my left foot that I had to go to physical therapy for it. I was the lucky one that had (still have) it on both feet but the left was by far the worse :sad: . It took me almost 2 years to be able to walk with out pain and that was after the physical therapy.

    This is what helped me:

    1. Stretching both feet (up /down) before I get out of bed. I've been doing this for so many years it's become habit. Half the time I don't even know I'm doing it. :laugh:

    2. Get a pair of Birkenstock' s . . . they make really cute ones now. My first pair was a life saver for me. Birkenstock also sells their cork inserts separately and I put those in my athletic shoes. I was pretty much walking pain free after this but of course everyone is different. I'm not a medical expert, therefore I make no claims but it did the trick for me :bigsmile: .

    3. If its really bad you should probably see a podiatrist. There are so many more options for relief out there now a days. I eventually went with custom orthotics and have no problems now.

    4. Also, stretching my calf's really helps

    I feel your pain . . . . I hope you find something that works for you!
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    Go to www.heelspurs.com/tape that website will show you how to tape your foot. I have had heel spur and i been taping my foot for 9 years every day, & it really helps, my heel don't hurt now, but i still tape my foot every day to prevent it from hurting.
    You don't have to buy the physicians tape tho, i just use regular wide masking tape, its cheaper and it works well. It stays on all day, i just slip my sock over it. I can't hardly tell i got tape on my foot, it don't bother me at all. There is also some products on that website you can order.
  • Birkenstocks made all the difference in the world for me - I was in agony with this problem until I started wearing them regularly, and I tried everything - exercises, orthodics, etc. The only other type of shoe that helped me were dansko shoes. They work well for work settings and the birkies for everything else.
  • Kathyseiberling
    Kathyseiberling Posts: 7 Member
    try wearing Birkenstocks--that's all I wear and it helps a lot! You can also get Birkenstock inserts to put in other shoes. Good luck!
  • Truely thanks again everyone, I will try all of these and something has to help, if not i will go see the Dr. I so appreciate all the advise and so sorry to hear so many people suffer with this...Hope ya'll have a wonderful day.
  • I have had it for almost 9 months, but it is finally gone. Ice and stretching help and picking up marbles with my toes strengthened the arch. I also stretched my heel by standing on a step with my heel hanging over the edge and stretching down. The most helpful thing to me was taping with Leukotape, which I purchased at Amazon.com. However do not use this unless a physical therapist shows you how. My therapist used a method that really supported my arch. Here is the link for Leukotape. Get the combo and put the white tape underneath do you don't pull your skin off with the other tape. http://www.amazon.com/Combo-contains-stretch-Leukotape-Sports/dp/B000FMMTKM/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1360002830&sr=8-2&keywords=leukotape
  • I had it BAD!!!!!! Tried all the stretches..ice..nothing worked. Eventually I got Cortizone shots in my feet!!! NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!!!!! It helped for a month, then wore off. I went and had microcurrent done on my feet and it was gone after the first time! And it has not came back!!! Check it out!
  • thinagain2014
    thinagain2014 Posts: 51 Member
    I have the same problem. I could not afford the orthotics so I bought Heel Seats from www.footsmart.com and they helped tremendously. I also do spinning which works as a high fat burning workout with low impact on my feet. I usually burn a max 800 calories according to my HRM depending on how long of a workout I choose.

    Also, no barefoot walking, always have a pair of shoes on right out of bed and that will help as well. My doctor said mine came from years of walking in heels and also walking barefoot.
  • rosannedu
    rosannedu Posts: 6 Member
    I totally understand - I have plantar fasciitis with a double heel spur, and I got to the point where I could barely walk as well. You need to see a podiatrist, maybe get a cortisone shot to reduce swelling, a boot to sleep in to stretch out the plantar fascia, and orthotic inserts for your shoes. They're expensive, but they will absolutely make a huge difference. A few months ago, I could barely walk - with the boot and the orthotics, I'm running over a mile at a time.

    Until then, freeze a water bottle, and put it on the floor, rolling the arch of your foot back and forth over it, to ease the pain and reduce swelling. And as often as you can, keep stretching by grabbing the big toe and pulling back, with the foot fully flexed.

    Good luck! :)
