birthday reflections

SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
so today is my 25th birthday...and every year, i compare this year to where i was the year before's wierd...being 25...if someone would have told me i would completely change career fields, be living with my high school boyfriend and trying to have a baby...i'd call bull**** also makes me a little's something about 25 that rings 'real grown-up' to me. not the 'i think i'm grown because i'm in my 20s' grown, but the 'damn, my insurance is going to go down, and i'm on the upper side of 30' grown. i'm not sure how to conduct myself LOL. for those who are older than 25 what was your 25th birthday like? what did you do to celebrate? were you where you wanted to be in life? for people under 25 where do you think you'll be? this just seems like such an epic age to me..


  • adrianneboyd
    adrianneboyd Posts: 88 Member
    Wow...good questions! I can't be of much help to you though. I was in the U.S. Navy, had just had my second child, been married for 7 years and didn't have a life outside of the military and my family... :bigsmile:
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    Happy Birthday to you!! Haha, my 25th was a bunch of friends getting together at a bar that was having karaoke that night. I'm told I had a good time and sang 5 or 6 songs. Apparently I sing pretty well when I'm drunk. =) At least I wasn't sick the next day, so that was a bonus!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I was married fo 1 1/2 years. We'd bought our first house 8 months earlier. My birthday is Halloween so we went out to dinner then came home and handed out candy. It was perfect. We didn't have kids of our own yet. We wanted to be married for a few years before starting a family. We were just enjoying being newly weds and creating enough financial stability to support a future and a family.
  • tritt86
    tritt86 Posts: 32
    I turned 25 earlier this year. I didn't really celebrate my 25th birthday because my family lives on the other side of the US and I couldn't find a babysitter for my 1 year old. That's perfectly ok with me though. I spent my day spending time with my little man. At 25 my life is quite different than I imagined it would be. I wouldn't have it any other way though. It's a little scary to be so close to 30. I try to keep a positive attitude. Time passes so quickly. I haven't changed too much since my younger years. Maybe a little more mature. My other half and I still go out to enjoy ourselves. Responsibility is a big one for me though especially having a little one.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Happy bday :D

    I think when I am 25, I will be happily married and maybe living in another country. I think I will live a happy life, and be goofy like I am now. Maybe I will be more mature-goofy, but still goofy none-the-less :D

    ps: My mom is my inspiration. She is 63 now, but so young-at-heart (she's hipper than me to be honest...and we live in a town where hipsters in San Francisco think it is hip XD)~As long as you are a responsible and good person, I dont think age should make anyone serious/bitter/boring...

    25 is still hella young anyways though...:P
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    Happy Birthday!!!
    At 25 I got married and also changed careers fields, I lived with my now husband before we got married, so it didn't change at all, I didn't think about being 30 at all, BUT NOW that I'm 27 and with a 4 month old baby, I'm freaking out, holly molly 30 is around the corner!!!!!!!
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Happy Birthday!!!

    25 was an eye opening age for me as well. I was no longer in my early 20's, and therefor had no more excuses for goals in my life. It was do or die. :drinker:

    Enjoy your birthday!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Happy Birthday!!!

    25 was an eye opening age for me as well. I was no longer in my early 20's, and therefor had no more excuses for goals in my life. It was do or die. :drinker:

    Enjoy your birthday!

    yess! that's exactly how i feel! i feel like i need to get my *kitten* in gear lol thanks for the bday wishes :)
  • manenuff21
    Happy Birthday Pretty Lady!!!

    I'm 27 and I remember 25 like it was yesterday. From 18-23 I had ended a 5 year relationship with the the HS sweetheart, explored all that college had to offer, wrote a book, began dating like crazy and really finding myself. When 25 rolled around I had started my career, and 2 years ago today my son was just about 2 months old. I'm not sure if it was 25 or fatherhood but I damn sure grew up a lot that year. It's a pivotal age where you have your childish teen side and your "Crap I'm grown" side at war. Try not to worry too much about the past and focus on the now. You may not be where you thought you'd be but I can assure you, no one was. Just enjoy your birthday and I pray that you have many more!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    thanks! and yeah, i'm not sure where i THOUGHT i'd be at 25, but i think by the time i turn 26 i'll be further along in my end goal of receving my RN which will be a great thing.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    It's amazing how we don't end up where we expected, but 9x out of 10 were I end up is better than I expected. Let's see at 25, I was in the middle of a divorce, realizing i'm an alcoholic and attempting to get sober, and living with some people I met on craigslist. 25 was the hardest year I have been through yet but among the best as far as how it set me up for the awesome life I have now! I never thought that at 25 I'd be getting divorced, I thought that at 25, I'd be having babies, instead I left my husband, sobered up, and moved to New Jersey. Since then I reunited with a love interest from 10 years ago, and we are now married and trying to have kids. Had I not been through everything I went through at 25, there's no way that my husband would have been into me and I also would probably have never reconnected with him (especially if I didn't get a divorce LOL) I hope that at 27 you look at yourself at 25 and can see what a great stepping stone it was for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Didn't know you were older than me:) Let's see where will I be next year? To be honest, I'm not sure. Probably not much of a change as I'm not ready to do certain things (baby, house, etc...). I'm still at the phase of kicking off my career and getting things in order. Other than that, I just look forward to the lowered car insurance. Enjoy yourself and Happy Bday again:)