how to stop binge eating?



  • PollyUrwin
    PollyUrwin Posts: 3 Member
    If it gets to meal time and I am really hungry I have a low calorie snack before I make my dinner and sit down to it. I had a problem with making portions that were far too big and then eating more than I had to because I was eating really fast out of hunger. I make sure I have things like skips or quavers in the flat because they have pretty low calorie content.

    I also get snack boxes delivered to my door but I dont think I am allowed to post the name of the website on here that I get them from.
  • Stephabee38
    Stephabee38 Posts: 24 Member
    hi, i'm having problems with this too... sometimes i am okay and can go a couple of weeks of tracking my food and doing well, then all of a sudden, everything sort of spirals out of control and i find myself hiding and eating a lot of crap
  • martielou
    martielou Posts: 50 Member
    bump :)
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    For me, the only thing that has worked was changing to an all vegan diet, and really thinking about what I had been putting in my body. It has cut off all my trigger foods. And now I do have the occasional cheat but can stop at one! And I know that if I go all out I'd have one heck of a sore tummy. Extreme? Yes! But it worked!!
  • milanks
    milanks Posts: 122
    Definitely keep the really tempting "bad stuff" out of the house and try regularly brushing your teeth with strongly flavored toothpaste or chewing really minty gum so that the flavor of anything you might be tempted to binge on will be spoiled by the mintyness. It's easier to avoid eating things you shouldn't if you know you won't be able to really taste them anyway.