Juicing : yay or nay???

How do you feel about juicing? Replacing one or two meals. Watched a documentary called "Fat , Sick and nearly Dead" It was very interesting how juicing has tons of health benefits and you lose a lot of weight. -rosalie-


  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    Yay for juicing for sure. I did a 6 day juice fast recently and really loved it.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Yay and Nay...unless you just like juice..it removes most of the fiber and A LOT of beneficial antioxidants, vitamins and minerals with in the fruits skin. It is a good thing but the whole fruit is better for you.
  • misty_meadows15
    well, I've recently started juicing fruits and vegetables. I have to say it's a lot easier than eating them normal.. lol. I've already lost 7 pounds doing this. You can use whatever you'd like, although I like using more fruits than veggies to make it taste sweeter. Because sometimes it isn't so great. :P The perfect combination for me is carrots, granny smith apples, oranges, some raspberries, and sometimes I like to throw in a beet. It's very good!! Just replace a meal with a juiced drink and you'll lose in no time! So yay!
    Good luck!

  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Nay. I like food.

    In fact, I'm is day 1,630 of my 'life time real food diet' and its working fabulously.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    Go for it! I loved it! For me, huge jumpstart for me to start eating healthier in general. It took away cravings-surprisingly- because I knew I could only have the juiced foods and no solids-or I would pay for it physically. Not only this- I was satisfied physically and had tons of energy! I had clearer skin- many people commented that I seemed really happy-just more positive.
    Overall, it is a lot of work. Just cleaning the juicer is a mess! But for me I consider it a big investment in my health. You may or may not also spend more money on the food to juice. I also had a lot of waste from the leftovers-rinds, pulps, skins of fruits and veggies etc. Gave some to the dogs- they loved it- others pushed me to begin composting- why not? There is a fabulous support group on Facebook for anyone juicing or involved in Sick Fat and Nearly Dead- the documentary which inspired me and many others- just put the title of the movie in the subject to search on fb and you should find it. It helped me a lot! When juicing- one thing I was told which helped was to not be so concerned about how much you take in calories, etc, but be more concerned with the toxins leaving the body. SOOO true! If you are juicing- most people say to get about 2/3 veggies and 1/3 fruits just to not raise your sugar levels too high. I also eased into it by eating breakfast the first 3 days with juicing and then completely juicing for the remaining time. I juiced 30 days total. I felt awesome when finished and lost 20 pounds. The most difficult part for me was getting my body used to solid foods again. Thats another story. Good luck and let me know if you try it. You wont regret it. It is more difficult for those addicted to caffeine or smokers. Also some people choose to mix juicing with shakes as well. Whatever you can do is great. Check w/ your dr too if possible. My dr ok'd me to do this and was surprisingly very supportive. You will get a lot of questions from people why you are doing this. I also believe it will teach you a lot about your mental discipline as well as physical. I swear about 90% of it is mental. You must listen to your body. If you aren't needing the nutrients and juice- you should not consume them. If you do- get as much as you need until your body says it is full.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Yay and Nay...unless you just like juice..it removes most of the fiber and A LOT of beneficial antioxidants, vitamins and minerals with in the fruits skin. It is a good thing but the whole fruit is better for you.

    I save the solids and use it when making meat loaf and meat balls. Veggie burger patties. Add it to soupls to thicken it.
  • rockeraxXx
    My plan is to buy a juicing blender to save all the pulp and keep the good stuff!! Its pricy but I feel it will be a good investment.
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,610 Member
    Juicing is a good addition to one's eating lifestyle, I vote YES
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Yay! But I put fruit in a blender (with skin on) and add ice. Don't know about vegetables as I have to eat a bunch of mine cooked (have a stupid vegetable allergy).