Online Dating ruins people.



  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    The guys I talk to either immediately start planning our life together with the first text or tell me that they'd love to sleep with me as soon as possible...weird.

    I think that makes sense though. I guess a fair percentage of the men who use internet dating sites do so because they have less success with women than then they would like in normal, day to day life. This implies to some degree that they have less developed social skills or ability to interact with women in the usual way. Therefore they are more likely to come out with some inane burbling...

    Like sending pictures of certain parts of themselves?? I always wondered what went through a guy's mind when he did that. Is it something like this? "Hey, look, cute girl I've never met before. Wonder what will make a good impression on her...I know! (Snaps picture)...yep, she'll love it!!"
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I met my significant other online. And it's interesting.
    It's hard sustain that state of longing and amazement... that "oh my gosh you are the most amazing creature ever, that man you are with is such a chump"

    eventually the one you met online becomes the man other men online are calling a chump...

    And then you are like "oh, I see a pattern"


    I'm not certain where the confusion lies here.

    So the guy you are with now is a chump or the guy you were with before this one is a chump?
    Do you only date chumps? :ohwell:

    My ex may have been a chump lol.
    Anyhow... when you are part of a forum. there is always somebody saying they could offer you more the whole "I'd cut off my arm to lick your neck" thing...
    It's just interesting lol

    when you are a female on a forum very few men on a forum resepct that relationship you may be in.

    I see your point now. It just sounded funny the way that you worded it. LOL!
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member

    This would be my story here if I were to do an online dating site.
  • hrobinson416
    hrobinson416 Posts: 207 Member
    Some guys really need to put down the mouse and learn to SPEAK to a woman.

    What like over a webcam you mean? Does not compute.

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Like sending pictures of certain parts of themselves?? I always wondered what went through a guy's mind when he did that. Is it something like this? "Hey, look, cute girl I've never met before. Wonder what will make a good impression on her...I know! (Snaps picture)...yep, she'll love it!!"
    I hear it does wonders on Craig's List.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Like sending pictures of certain parts of themselves?? I always wondered what went through a guy's mind when he did that. Is it something like this? "Hey, look, cute girl I've never met before. Wonder what will make a good impression on her...I know! (Snaps picture)...yep, she'll love it!!"

    Bwhahahaha. I am loving this thread. That is hilarious.

    I guess being behind a screen sucks people into an artificial bubble where social conventions don't apply anymore. Can you imagine if I guys tried that in RL?

    "Hey baby, I saw you from the other end of the bar and just had to come over and say hello. You are stunning. Hey, let me show you my trouser snake. Yeah, let me get it out for you. I know you'll love it. Police? What do you mean Police?"
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I guess being behind a screen sucks people into an artificial bubble where social conventions don't apply anymore. Can you imagine if I guys tried that in RL?

    "Hey baby, I saw you from the other end of the bar and just had to come over and say hello. You are stunning. Hey, let me show you my trouser snake. Yeah, let me get it out for you. I know you'll love it. Police? What do you mean Police?"

    hahahah I so want to try this.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I met my guy online, in a chat room. We stalked each other through various chat rooms for a couple of months, then emailed, then talked on the phone, and 6 months after our first "encounter", he flew across the country to meet me. We have now been happily together for nearly 9 years and have a 6 yr old daughter together.

    He wasn't the first guy I hooked up with from online. I never joined a dating site however, my friends were/are always a result of common interests, such as gaming, role playing, etc.

    I don't see any difference between that and meeting a guy at a club or at the beach or whatever. There's always the unknown and potential for a complete perv. Just stay safe and be cautious.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Like sending pictures of certain parts of themselves?? I always wondered what went through a guy's mind when he did that. Is it something like this? "Hey, look, cute girl I've never met before. Wonder what will make a good impression on her...I know! (Snaps picture)...yep, she'll love it!!"

  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just got a message from a guy at an online dating site.."I would enjoy making love to you all night long and you would enjoy it as well"
    That is creepy no matter what the medium or venue or whatever.
    I told him I would probably enjoy it a lot more alone. But thanks anyway.

    Years ago I was on a dating site and some guy was messaging me with something similar to that. I think English was not his native language however because the phrases he used just did not make sense but still managed to be creepy. Maybe he used google translate or something, I dunno. Kinda left me wondering why he wasn't hitting on chicks from his own continent at least...
  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    I guess being behind a screen sucks people into an artificial bubble where social conventions don't apply anymore. Can you imagine if I guys tried that in RL?

    "Hey baby, I saw you from the other end of the bar and just had to come over and say hello. You are stunning. Hey, let me show you my trouser snake. Yeah, let me get it out for you. I know you'll love it. Police? What do you mean Police?"

    hahahah I so want to try this.

    Hahahaha just let me know how it works out for you :laugh:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I use EHarmony and the creep factore is way better then Plenty of fish for exemple but I still manage to chat with a guy that asked my how old were my cats. Another one, we had our first date in a restaurent where you sit with 12 other strangers while the cook is in front of you trowing shrimps in you plate.

    Most of them however are professionals with busy lives.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I am HAPPY BEING SINGLE!!!! WHOO HOO! no woman to BIOTCH at me, no one to nag at me. I can do what the hell I want to do - go fishing with the guys, drink until I foam out of my mouth, flick on the lights at 4:00AM to do a long run, then come back a couple of hours later, make a lot of noise, no woman complaining, no woman telling me to turn the lights off and stop making a bunch of noise. No woman beoitching at me because I am eating healty. No beoitching at her because she goes on a $500 shopping spree with MY MONEY that I am saving.

    The best part of it, I can love em and L-E-A-V-E them. Right now, dont want them around for long! And when I mean long - over a week.

    Well someone has issus!!!

    NO way, I dont have any issues. If you could have see how much of a beoitch my x-wife was toward me and my kids. My whole family hated her. She just sat on her fat discusting *kitten* and played on her phone soon as she got home and beoitched that dinner was not made. She beoitched at my kids and she beoitched the house was not clean - while she sat on her *kitten* and didnt lift a finger. She biotched when I ate healthy. She biotched when I exercised. She spent everything in savings and THEN charged up her credit card AND mine!!! So... no, I dont have issues, I have F-R-E-E-D-O-M!!! YES!!! FREEDOM!
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I am HAPPY BEING SINGLE!!!! WHOO HOO! no woman to BIOTCH at me, no one to nag at me. I can do what the hell I want to do - go fishing with the guys, drink until I foam out of my mouth, flick on the lights at 4:00AM to do a long run, then come back a couple of hours later, make a lot of noise, no woman complaining, no woman telling me to turn the lights off and stop making a bunch of noise. No woman beoitching at me because I am eating healty. No beoitching at her because she goes on a $500 shopping spree with MY MONEY that I am saving.

    The best part of it, I can love em and L-E-A-V-E them. Right now, dont want them around for long! And when I mean long - over a week.
    Hey, how YOU doin'?

    GREAT! Slimmed down, have money in savings, payed off 4 major bills and the rest are getting paid down quickly. I eat healthy and will complete a full marathon on my birthday (Nov 13th) in San Antonio. My kids are happy, my family and friends came out of the woodworks telling me that I am my old self again - funny, happy, healthy and not tense and depressed. My blood pressure is normal. I met her ONLINE! Never again! Go out and actually meet people in person - not from the keyboards and a computer monitor. That stuff will only attract psychos!
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    This thread is funny! My husband and I met in a chatroom 8 years ago, this month actually...LOL..have been married just over 7 worked for us, but I certainly don't believe it is for everyone! There are a TON of creeps and weirdos (ladies too). But there are a ton of creeps and weirdos everywhere...LOL

    Y'all are crazy...I needed the laugh today!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I met my significant other online. And it's interesting.
    It's hard sustain that state of longing and amazement... that "oh my gosh you are the most amazing creature ever, that man you are with is such a chump"

    eventually the one you met online becomes the man other men online are calling a chump...

    And then you are like "oh, I see a pattern"


    I'm not certain where the confusion lies here.

    So the guy you are with now is a chump or the guy you were with before this one is a chump?
    Do you only date chumps? :ohwell:

    I think she is saying she eats men and poops out chumps.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    The guys I talk to either immediately start planning our life together with the first text or tell me that they'd love to sleep with me as soon as possible...weird.

    I think that makes sense though. I guess a fair percentage of the men who use internet dating sites do so because they have less success with women than then they would like in normal, day to day life. This implies to some degree that they have less developed social skills or ability to interact with women in the usual way. Therefore they are more likely to come out with some inane burbling...

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    The guys I talk to either immediately start planning our life together with the first text or tell me that they'd love to sleep with me as soon as possible...weird.

    I think that makes sense though. I guess a fair percentage of the men who use internet dating sites do so because they have less success with women than then they would like in normal, day to day life. This implies to some degree that they have less developed social skills or ability to interact with women in the usual way. Therefore they are more likely to come out with some inane burbling...
    Starting to agree with this. I use it because I work from home. I have a kid thats pretty young so getting out is hard. Most of my friends are married or re-married. Oh yeah that and I have been banned from many many bars around the Chicagoland area.
  • I am HAPPY BEING SINGLE!!!! WHOO HOO! no woman to BIOTCH at me, no one to nag at me. I can do what the hell I want to do - go fishing with the guys, drink until I foam out of my mouth, flick on the lights at 4:00AM to do a long run, then come back a couple of hours later, make a lot of noise, no woman complaining, no woman telling me to turn the lights off and stop making a bunch of noise. No woman beoitching at me because I am eating healty. No beoitching at her because she goes on a $500 shopping spree with MY MONEY that I am saving.

    The best part of it, I can love em and L-E-A-V-E them. Right now, dont want them around for long! And when I mean long - over a week.

    Im thinking after reading that, you were hurt... sorry to hear that... I hope you find someone someday that fulfills you without the nagging and the complaining.. they are out there... oh and be careful letting one of them go.. she could be the one.. you just never know..

    with that being said, I have been dabbling in the online cyber world for quite some time now.. Unfortunatly, I haven't met the right guy yet, but still trucking along, cuz I know hes out there... and I am bound to find him.. :)
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    I am HAPPY BEING SINGLE!!!! WHOO HOO! no woman to BIOTCH at me, no one to nag at me. I can do what the hell I want to do - go fishing with the guys, drink until I foam out of my mouth, flick on the lights at 4:00AM to do a long run, then come back a couple of hours later, make a lot of noise, no woman complaining, no woman telling me to turn the lights off and stop making a bunch of noise. No woman beoitching at me because I am eating healty. No beoitching at her because she goes on a $500 shopping spree with MY MONEY that I am saving.

    The best part of it, I can love em and L-E-A-V-E them. Right now, dont want them around for long! And when I mean long - over a week.

    Im thinking after reading that, you were hurt... sorry to hear that... I hope you find someone someday that fulfills you without the nagging and the complaining.. they are out there... oh and be careful letting one of them go.. she could be the one.. you just never know..

    with that being said, I have been dabbling in the online cyber world for quite some time now.. Unfortunatly, I haven't met the right guy yet, but still trucking along, cuz I know hes out there... and I am bound to find him.. :)

    I have one year of college left for my Electrical Engineering degree. I am raising my twin daughters (both 14 - they turn 15 in December). I am not interested in dating right now. I am working on paying everything off and I am spending time with them. Once I finish school, I will consider dating but right now, its too complecated and too much of a strain on what I consider important. I am happy - I am exercising and working on getting my '6 pack' abs :)