Profile Self-Portraits



  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I'm glad I made my bed before taking this profile picture with my webcam.
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.


    I like your pic! Rawr!
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I make sure my fans always appear "adoring"
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LIKE THIS CHICK........... WTF.......... :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.

    Ahhhh.....a reply to my comment without quoting me. Seems pretty cowardly, however, you're not going to get me to derail this thread. If you'd like to PM me any comments you have about me posting, I'd be happy to address you there.
    Really- I didn't know you owned the word crop. I don't know you. So I'm not sure why I'd be a coward to make a comment that had nothing to do with you except the use of the word crop. Last time I check this was a thread about people taking portraits with extra stuff in the background. Hence the cropping of people. Please ask yourself if you're that important that this guy is talking about me before stepping off your high horse.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.

    Ahhhh.....a reply to my comment without quoting me. Seems pretty cowardly, however, you're not going to get me to derail this thread. If you'd like to PM me any comments you have about me posting, I'd be happy to address you there.
    Really- I didn't know you owned the word crop. I don't know you. So I'm not sure why I'd be a coward to make a comment that had nothing to do with you except the use of the word crop. Last time I check this was a thread about people taking portraits with extra stuff in the background. Hence the cropping of people. Please ask yourself if you're that important that this guy is talking about me before stepping off your high horse.

    I asked you to PM me so we don't derail this thread.

    Too late.....just out of curiosity, why didn't you PM him your comments instead of posting them here, as not to derail this thread?
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Anyone like pinto beans?
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.

    Ahhhh.....a reply to my comment without quoting me. Seems pretty cowardly, however, you're not going to get me to derail this thread. If you'd like to PM me any comments you have about me posting, I'd be happy to address you there.
    Really- I didn't know you owned the word crop. I don't know you. So I'm not sure why I'd be a coward to make a comment that had nothing to do with you except the use of the word crop. Last time I check this was a thread about people taking portraits with extra stuff in the background. Hence the cropping of people. Please ask yourself if you're that important that this guy is talking about me before stepping off your high horse.

    Ummm.....unless you two had some falling out someplace else I don't see what the hell this is all about.

    His post didn't seem to be directed at anyone to me.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    Confused as to why I should PM someone I don't know to tell her that she shouldn't post about cropping objects because then I will post about cropping unsightly people from pictures. Maybe I should have included the work unsightly.

    If anyone can answer this - let me know. Also - the lottery numbers for this evening would be nice.
  • ewatters8
    I cant stand when I can see a huge mess behind someone in pics. messy is messy but just plain nasty is a whole other thing. I mean clear a path before you take your pis haha
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.

    Ahhhh.....a reply to my comment without quoting me. Seems pretty cowardly, however, you're not going to get me to derail this thread. If you'd like to PM me any comments you have about me posting, I'd be happy to address you there.
    Really- I didn't know you owned the word crop. I don't know you. So I'm not sure why I'd be a coward to make a comment that had nothing to do with you except the use of the word crop. Last time I check this was a thread about people taking portraits with extra stuff in the background. Hence the cropping of people. Please ask yourself if you're that important that this guy is talking about me before stepping off your high horse.

    I asked you to PM me so we don't derail this thread.

    Too late.....just out of curiosity, why didn't you PM him your comments instead of posting them here, as not to derail this thread?

    Ha ha ha! This makes me laugh! The comments were made 4 min apart and I know a few moments ago there was a delay/glitch on MFP causing it to take 2 minutes for my post to go on another thread through so this "duplicate" post can be forgiven I'm sure. Too bad the super angry response comments were deleted, that would have amused me more ;)

    Ps: I would love to google worse self shot online to totally start up this contest but I fear it may be NSFW (not safe for work). If you guys want to go ahead, super!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    LMFAO I've noticed this. I'm pretty handy with my self-portraits. I don't do mirror pics, and I'm not too messy. When I take a picture I'm *usually* mindful of my background.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    This. Kindda wild how it was all copacetic and happy on the thread then one post from one person. And the second post from that person is hostile. Weird. I don't get it.
    If we could only crop people we'd be in buisness.

    Ahhhh.....a reply to my comment without quoting me. Seems pretty cowardly, however, you're not going to get me to derail this thread. If you'd like to PM me any comments you have about me posting, I'd be happy to address you there.
    Really- I didn't know you owned the word crop. I don't know you. So I'm not sure why I'd be a coward to make a comment that had nothing to do with you except the use of the word crop. Last time I check this was a thread about people taking portraits with extra stuff in the background. Hence the cropping of people. Please ask yourself if you're that important that this guy is talking about me before stepping off your high horse.

    Ummm.....unless you two had some falling out someplace else I don't see what the hell this is all about.

    His post didn't seem to be directed at anyone to me.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I don't take too many self portraits anymore but I always tried to hide the messy background...or edit it out. haha I haate showing a mess in the background. Oh...and other only shows my face and/or body and not the background. :P Or I would try to do them in front of a white wall...or just a plain wall...I did that a lot too...
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    I did a bathroom mirror pic once, but I don't have a dirty house. In fact, I had a couple people tell me my sink was super clean lol
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm not really concerned with what people have in the background of their pictures; I'm more concerned with boob shots. Why in the world do we need to see a close up of your cleavage as your avatar? I'd rather 'unsee' that compared to someone's messy house.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I'm not really concerned with what people have in the background of their pictures; I'm more concerned with boob shots. Why in the world do we need to see a close up of your cleavage as your avatar? I'd rather 'unsee' that compared to someone's messy house.

    ^^ this.