Anyone 5'7 and Weighing in the 200ish pound area, If so ?? a

Hi there,

I'm just curious of those that are 5'7 height and if you weigh around the 200-240 pound range what your goals are set too?

I'm wanting to see what others have there goals set to such as Protein,Carbs,Sugar,Calories etc and how many pounds you
are set to lose per week. Interested in seeing whats working good for those of us in this height & weight range. I seem to always
be struggling and looking for ways to improve my numbers/weightloss.



  • briehill
    Does 5'8 count??? It's only an inch :smile:
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    well, im 5'6 and about 255.. set to lose 2 lbs per week
    1410 calories, 159 carbs, 39fat, 106 protein, 1500 sodium, 25 sugar.

    the carbs/fat/protein/sodium numbers i set manually as a suggestion from my nutritionist. she also told me not to worry so much about sugars from fruits, but to make sure i dont get too much ADDED sugar
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5"6 and just over 200. Message me and we'll compare notes.
  • pheonixfire21
    HI! I'm about 5'6" and was nearly 240lbs 2 months ago. I've lost nearly 20 lbs (I'm 223lbs now) and feel like a diet heavy in protein has really helped. I notice that when I eat carbs it really has an effect on my belly. It sticks out when I eat carbs, and doesn't stick out when I eat protein. Since shape is more important to me than weight (weight is just kind of along for the ride), I try to eat a lot of protein and veggies. I don't feel sluggish at all. I hope this helps!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm 5'8", and I started at 210. My first goal is to get to 150.

    I am set to 1300 calories, 45% of which from protein. I'm not on low carb, but I do find that proteins help keep me feeling full longer. My workouts consist of 40-60 minutes of cardio 5x per week and 30 minutes of weight training 3x per week. I usually log 15-20 miles per week running and about 2000 caloried burned per week (though it varies a lot). I don't eat my workout calories back unless I feel hungry.

    Sofar so good.
  • sandi228
    sandi228 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 5'7" and was close to 200lbs in January when I started to lose weight, I don't think I started MFP until March? I chose to lose 2lbs per week. I was allowed 1200 calories per day. I worked out as well. In July I reached my goal of 150lbs and haven't lost anymore. I didn't pick my settings for protein etc. I just watched my calories. I think I should look at the other things tracked and make changes there in order to lose more weight but I'm ok with where I'm at. My waist is size 32, I'll take it!!! Good luck on your journey.
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I'm about that - feel free to friend me and have a snoop around my diaries. Currently not shifting weight at the same rate I was, so experimenting with goals.
  • sandi228
    sandi228 Posts: 72 Member
    Oh look my picture says joined March 2011, lol!!!
  • akunce
    akunce Posts: 29
    I am in that range! 5ft 7in and 202! Trying 1200 cals per day before exercise! Dont eat all workout cal tho because then dont lose anything! Right now any loss would be good! Having a hard time ! I exercise everyday at the gym utilizing trainer workout and still can T lose! Have been working out and watching diet for 6 months! Found out my blood pressure meds were not letting me lose weight! Hopefully now I ll get somewhere! Was pretty disappointing for a while!!!! Trying more protein in diet! We ll see! Good luck!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    I am 5'6 and 211, my mfp goal is set to 2lbs per week and 1360 cals a day. My micronutrients are what mfp set for me, 230 carnal, 55 fat, 62 protien and 33 sugar. I am a vegan, and eat about 60% raw and 80% produce. I rarely go over what is set for me except maybe fat, but I do a lot with nuts and avocados so I don't worry too much.

    I also bike 30 miles a week, usually run about 4 just because i miss running and was running instead of biking before school started, right now I am doing strength about twice a week.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Does 5'8 count??? It's only an inch :smile:

    Of Course it does :tongue:
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Thanks ladies :happy:

    Well I started in March 2011 just after having a Total Hysterectomy and i was at my highest weight of 233 and did good up until
    before going on vacation in July. i have been at a Plateau since june 25th and haven't lost anymore weight. I have since gained between 4-5 pounds since the end of July up till today and really trying to figure the numbers out after being told different things.
    Anyway I thought if I asked ppl in my height/weight category maybe that would help.

    Please feel free to add me if you like!!

    Anyone doing meal replacement shakes? Im doing 2 a day.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I'm about that - feel free to friend me and have a snoop around my diaries. Currently not shifting weight at the same rate I was, so experimenting with goals.

    Yep same here
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I am in that range! 5ft 7in and 202! Trying 1200 cals per day before exercise! Dont eat all workout cal tho because then dont lose anything! Right now any loss would be good! Having a hard time ! I exercise everyday at the gym utilizing trainer workout and still can T lose! Have been working out and watching diet for 6 months! Found out my blood pressure meds were not letting me lose weight! Hopefully now I ll get somewhere! Was pretty disappointing for a while!!!! Trying more protein in diet! We ll see! Good luck!

    I can relate except that I am not on any meds and I managed to drop my Cholesterol to normal within the 1st 2 months of dieting.
  • schwest76
    schwest76 Posts: 77 Member
    I am 5'7 and weigh 235. I set my goal to lose 2 pounds a week and I had a total of 80-95 pounds to lose (I'm not exactly sure what my start weight was... I was to afraid to look at the scale!).

    Pre workout my calorie allowance is 1280, fat is 43g, sodium is 2500mg, carbs is 176 g and protein is 48 g. When I do workout I eat all my workout calories. I don't weigh myself often because it will drive me crazy but my clothes have been looser and I can tell I've slimmed down. On days I don't workout I try to stay at the 1280 mark but it tends to be anywhere from 1400-1550.
  • briehill
    Thanks ladies :happy:

    Well I started in March 2011 just after having a Total Hysterectomy and i was at my highest weight of 233 and did good up until
    before going on vacation in July. i have been at a Plateau since june 25th and haven't lost anymore weight. I have since gained between 4-5 pounds since the end of July up till today and really trying to figure the numbers out after being told different things.
    Anyway I thought if I asked ppl in my height/weight category maybe that would help.

    Please feel free to add me if you like!!

    I'd say try to vary the exercise that you're doing. If you continue with the same exercise try changing the pace up, the time, etc so that your body doesn't get used to it

    Anyone doing meal replacement shakes? Im doing 2 a day.
  • briehill
    oops that quote didn't work.....and no I'm not doing meal replacements. However I worked with a personal trainer a couple of years ago for a few months and she told me not to replace more then 1 meal...
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member