New moms trying to finally lose the baby weight!!!



  • rachelkhaber
    rachelkhaber Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm a new, first-time mom. I return to work shortly and I'm also in grad school. I'm working on some residual baby weight and the extra pounds I packed on after the wedding, so-called "happy weight." So far I've yet to meet any women who's happy about gaining weight;}

    My little guy is ~8 weeks old and I'm in Atlanta, GA. Good luck to all of us!

  • Hi!

    I am a new mom too! I just had my baby boy 6 weeks ago! I am also nursing. :) My thing is finding the time to REALLY exercise! lol My time is very precious now days..... and i need some good cardio exercise ideas that i could do at home....any suggestions? i really want to start pushing myself with the exercise now but i dont wanna over do it....when is too much?

    we should start a new mom support system! lol :)
  • I've got two children a 2 and a half year old daughter and a 3 and half month old son. I find that I do my work outs on my treadmill after my kids are in bed or once Aidan started sleeping on a fairly regular schedule I will get up and hour before I know he will and I do my work outs then. Walking is great, just stick your little one in a snugli or a stroller and start walking, its great and helps you get motivated :) Its been great. I didn't get a chance to lose all of my weight after my daughter was born because I got pregnant with my son within a year and a half but I'm actually smaller and weigh less now then I have since before I got pregnant with my daughter. Down 29 pounds since my son was 5 weeks old!
    This site is amazing!
  • Hello. New here too. Not exactly a "new mom", my son is 20 months old. But, I'm here to finally lose the last 15 pounds to get back to my most comfortable pre-baby weight. I'd love to join you on this journey. I've heard great things about this site and hope it works for me as well. Good luck!
  • Hi there Ladies,

    I too am not a new mum, but a mum none the less. My son will be 5 in december and I'm over feeling like a heffa ha ha. My son's Dad and I have both lost about 12kilo since April this year but have definately lost motivation. Hoping to get some inspiration back and also love the idea of tracking my food and exercise! Friend me if your in the same boat as me. I'm from Perth WA, if anyone is looking for an exercise companion. Keep at it all you yummy mummys and lets be the best we can be xx
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Im fairly new mom-had my 3rd baby this past december so going on 9 1/2 mos. i reached my prepregnancy weight in april (4 mos after having him) thanks to this site. i also have 2 other babies (3 yr old and 10 yr old). feel free to add me as a friend for motivation :)
  • krisrhymer
    krisrhymer Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me!! Also a new mom of a 3 month old & definitely looking for support & motivation!! :smile: I just started yesterday!
  • Hello! My daughter is 21 months old and I haven't lost the pregnancy weight. My goal is to lose as much weight as I can by her 2nd birthday. I'm tired of dragging the extra weight along. I'm doing yoga, cardio and gym. Sometimes I go walk outside when weather is nice with husband. I'd love some new friends to encourage each other an meet our goals. Feel free to add me :)