Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 03.26.09



  • mossmommy
    mossmommy Posts: 63
    hey im looking at all of ya'lls tickers and it seems you have all had great success. maybe you can tell me some tricks or things to eat around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. no matter how on track i am thats when i want to just eat, eat, eat. i can eat a healthy snack but then i want more and more and more.

    i dont know what to do. any advice?

    There's lots of advice and I'd like to give ya a bunch right now. But these meanies want me to get back to work. :grumble: :laugh: (yeah they expect me to actually work for my paycheck, the nerve! :angry: :wink: )Go to the message board and then under general weightloss and diet tips there are some threads there that have been thumbtacked. They have great info in there and lots of advice. I used them as my rule of thumb and learned as I go. Trial and error. Eat 6 small meals throughout the day. Preplan your meals. Drink lots of water. Fiber is filling. I love steamed broccoli and it always fills me up for not many calories. Peanut Butter has lots of calories but keeps you full for a while. Anyhow sorry I don't have more time but I saw your post and didnt want it to go unanswered. Best of Luck. :flowerforyou:

    thanks! and don't let those absurd people get to you. working for your paycheck? who ever heard of that??? :wink:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Great job everyone! I am so encouraged by you all. I haven't made it to the gym the last few days (crazy work), but I have managed to stay under on calories, and I have lost 1 lbs so thats good.
  • ahanson
    ahanson Posts: 7
    you so are not the only one who sucks!! i have watched my numbers go up and down--do what has been suggested on here alot-weigh in 1 time a week and be sure to do your measurements---there has been a big motivator for me and a couple of friends who are on here!! the weight didnt get put on in 3 months-it most likely wont go off in 3 months-but habits can change greatly in 3 month--so you hang in there!!:flowerforyou: frankly reading your message helped me realize that i am not alone in frustrating times--but here is to back on track!:drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am so late posting, I can't keep up....everyone way to work hard...even if the devil scale is playing with your mind - just know you re doing what you need to the numbers will reflect it ---Jackeh has been fighting the numbers for a while and tada it's working!

    Will workout at gym tonight - day 6 of 17 I think. I doubt I'll make it to the 17 - my job has been really busy not allowing my lunch to be a workout session--but I'll keep working hard.

    I want to tr something different at gym tonight for cardio - maybe the machine that looks like a mountain climber - stair stepper kind of thing-not sure what it is or how to use it - we'll see.

    Have a great Thursday everyone - I am off to chug some water.
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    Well the scale doesn't show a loss..but I feel really good about what i'm doing. I am hoping one of these days it will just JUMP down! :) Good job everyone, ya'll are doing great!
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I am so late posting, I can't keep up....everyone way to work hard...even if the devil scale is playing with your mind - just know you re doing what you need to the numbers will reflect it ---Jackeh has been fighting the numbers for a while and tada it's working!

    Will workout at gym tonight - day 6 of 17 I think. I doubt I'll make it to the 17 - my job has been really busy not allowing my lunch to be a workout session--but I'll keep working hard.

    I want to tr something different at gym tonight for cardio - maybe the machine that looks like a mountain climber - stair stepper kind of thing-not sure what it is or how to use it - we'll see.

    Have a great Thursday everyone - I am off to chug some water.

    I totally think I know the machine you're referring to and have been anxious about trying it myself, but they are always all occupied! :grumble: Is it the thing where you put your feet on these "pedals" (for lack of a better word) and your feet go back and forth, kind of swinging out in front of you? I'm anxious to try it cuz I'm thinking that maybe it'll lift "my cheeks". As big as I am everywhere else, I just don't have a butt!! Ya know how people say they have "junk in the trunk"? Well I say I have "junk in the front seat"!!

    BTW, does anyone have any good butt exercises? I have been doing leg lifts with my ankle weights on. And what about these horredous inner thighs??? :angry: Everyone says I have "chicken legs" but they are flabby when unclothed. Have you all figured out that all my weight is from my hips up (top-heavy if you will).

    I had a really good day yesterday. I drank a lot of water (unfortunately I am taking a water pill so it doesn't stay for very long, LOL!) and 45 min on the Elliptical. I did fifteen min on the treadmill (4.0) on my lunch and about 1/2 hr of weights. I didn't count either though because I didn't want to eat all the calories! I did stay within my calories by about 200 after still eating about 1460.

    Yesterday was day 6/17 for exercise. Today is my day off. Not intentionally, I forgot my sneakers. :sad: Not to mention I have another retirement party tomorrow (this one I won't be able to pass on since I am bringing a dish) so I won't be able to do my lunchtime workout tomorrow either. :grumble: I guess I'll just have to get the gym both Saturday and Sunday.

    Sorry about the book folks. Everyone keep up the WONDERFUL work. And PSM and ahanson, don't be discouraged, I totally stayed the same for a month (back and forth up 2 lbs down a lb, down 2 lbs, up a lb). It's frustrating, I know but keep on keepin' on, as Joe Dirt would say. It'll start coming off again!! :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hey, all! Sorry I have been MIA lately...super busy around here. Been doing fairly good lately, but could do better. This cold is still lingering in my chest which has been a source of frustration lately. The past few days I pushed through the tightness:tongue:

    WTG to all on keeping up with this challenge! Keep up the good work. We rock!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sara1027
    sara1027 Posts: 59
    Good job everyone! I have really been working hard to reach my goal for this challenge. I did an hour step class today and then my weight training. Just wanted to say that it really helps to have this cause it keeps me on track. Thank you to every one!:heart:
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    good job everyone, i just got off my treadmill! and am working on my water still. still not getting on the scale, but i do feel like my clothes are fitting better, now just hoping that they dont fit at all!!! good luck to everyone!