I miss my butt

And not just me, my boyfriend desperately misses it. He also really misses my boobs but those aren't coming back without surgery!

I know all about lower body exercising to get a bigger butt: squats, lunges, etc. My question for everyone is does it really make your butt bigger, or just more firm? I assume it lifts it up more? Does it jiggle (sorry) still or is it just solid muscle when you get it bigger with exercises?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, I am just trying to educate myself on my potential future butt.


  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    NO, I want to know too .If I do these workouts will my butt look bigger and rounder? It's already firm.. You have to have a butt for it to sag LOL
  • ftt_nyeh
    maybe not bigger, but certainly more shapely, and firm.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    When I was a gymnast and a diver I had a big butt and it was pure muscle! We can get our booties back girls!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Your butt is muscle. Just like any other.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I miss mine and my boobs :(
    I saw someone on here post her Butt Bible results. You should search "butt bible" in the search bar and find her pics.
    I believe you can get it for free on ExterciseTV or OnDemand.
    Your butt is a muscle, so it will get bigger.
    Link to the message board
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    You can increase your butt muscle mass, but it might not turn out quite as you might hope. To be honest, from a technical perspective, the cause for womanly curves are due to a combination of LPL and Estrogen. LPL in women is usually more active in the butt and breasts, causing fat to accumulate there. Estrogen acts as an inhibitor on LPL, Insulin causes LPL to become more active. If you arn't storing fat in the appropriate locations, there may be something out of balance.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    YES!! Did mine anyways. My husband just told me today there's "Lots of it". I have had nearly no butt all my life, and it feels awesome to feel it back there now when I walk, when my husband smacks my butt, and to have my jeans filled out. Lunges and squats in my workouts is what has done it.
    And not just me, my boyfriend desperately misses it. He also really misses my boobs but those aren't coming back without surgery!

    I know all about lower body exercising to get a bigger butt: squats, lunges, etc. My question for everyone is does it really make your butt bigger, or just more firm? I assume it lifts it up more? Does it jiggle (sorry) still or is it just solid muscle when you get it bigger with exercises?

    Sorry if these are stupid questions, I am just trying to educate myself on my potential future butt.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I lost forty pounds last year, and I swear 90% of it was from my butt. It went flat.
    Since I've start exercising, my butt came back! I do a lot of elliptical (while thinking very hard about my butt), running in C25K training, and pilates exercises like leg lifts and squats.
    I love my butt. It still isn't much, as far as butts go, but its a heck of an improvement from what it was. Roundish, not saggy but not rock hard, know what I mean?
    It can be done!! Just work at it :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Your butt is muscle. Just like any other.

    Speak for yourself! LOL
  • change_happens
    doesn't make it larger. it does firm up the muscle which gets rid of that i-just-lost-weight saggy butt look. basically, your butt is genetic. my butt was nothing but fat. i still have one after almost 30lbs gone, but for the most part, that big ol' thang is gone.
  • Missylydia
    Missylydia Posts: 304 Member
    You can have mine.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I miss my boobs! They're just gone :/
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I soooooo dont miss my butt.... not that i have completely lost it but i dont miss it at all!!!!
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    It depends on how you are built ~ I have a fat round butt when I'm heavy/out of shape, and I have a round muscular butt when I'm in shape. If I were a horse, think of a well-muscled quarter horse. Climbing stairs for an hour 4 times a week, along with squats and lunges (with weights) three times a week, will certainly add muscle to your rear!!!:wink: A lot of ladies at the gym swear by the step mill to build butts, thighs and hips (those with more flat or pancake shaped bottoms) ~ seems to help round them out!
  • JaneWrastle
    A lesson from PT & getting my small butt a little bigger: I had runner's knee - otherwise known as PFS (Patela Femeral Sydrome) - or something - i'm no expert. i went to my Physical therapist and she explained to me that my femer was turning inward b/c my glutes weren't strong enough to keep it inline, this is a problem a lot of females have b/c of the way we are built we rely too much on our thigh muscles and not our glutes! - long story short, i had to go to Physical therapy for my GLUTES! there's a ton of exercises you can do - esp. squats, clams (lay on side, knees bent, lift top leg in unhinging motion), side walk while sqatting (feet side by side, no crossing over), side sraight leg lift, side knee drops (while on your back knees bent, one side at a time), repeatedly lifting into shoulder bridge (from laying on back knees bent), the list goes on - talk to a physical therapist - and the ELLIPTICAL really helped - esp. with a deep incline! but here's the thing about size - you know how they say don't lift weights every day or more than once a day if you don't want to blow up and look like a body builder - with my physical therapy b/c i was retraining my muscles (and not just any muscles -muscles i use for every day things like walking! ) i was supposed to do my exercises 3 times a day EVERY DAY! I'm not saying all exercises should be done at that frequence, but it will definitely increase in size if you do it every day - just don't exert the muscles too much and always stretch the muscles when done. ALSO the key to any exercise but esp. this - do not just go thru the motion - think about where you should be feeling the tension/burn/pain when you do these - if you feel it in your leg and not your butt, resituate yourself until you are feeling it in the exact area you are trying to build muscle, which is much harder than it sounds, esp. while doing clams which are probably the most effective when done right. ALSO, another thing i learned at PT, go til you make your muscle tired and then stop and rest before continuing, if you think you're being all tough and doing more in a set than your booty (or whatever muscle) can handle you are actually just forcing your body to move the effort to other less tired muscles which are usually the muscles you have overused and are OVER STRONG (which is why my glutes weren't working correctly in the first place, i had such strong thighs - esp. from roller skating all the time at roller derby that my thighs just "took over" any time anything needed to be done rather than let my wimpy glutes have a shot at it). when your weak muscles fatigue, pause, don't keep going and let your body compensate by recruiting other muscles. After you rest your glutes will be ready for round two! Good luck!
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    No matter how much weight I loose, my butt doesnt go anywhere, I guess it is genetic, that were I store fat. However, now the I am into strength training my butt looks better then ever! Very round ;) my boobs did not really changed, the only time they changed when I was breasfeeding and now back to their normal size. I did lost some inches inder the bra though.
  • Valechka
    Valechka Posts: 192
    Squats are the best, espessially with some weights. Now I can do 100 without breaking sweat, lunges are good as well