
I have a question for anyone taking the pills now.

I have been on them for a little bit. I have had NO appetite. I rarely eat now! I went the past four days only consuming about 300 cals a day! Just eating maybe a bite of tuna or chicken. I just don't have the "will" to eat i guess. Which is crazy! I went from eating about 1500 cals a day to barely nothing. I have not been sick or gotten dizzy. I tried to eat a french fry from McDonalds yesterday but when i ate a few - I got really sick! I guess from my body not being use to the grease now. I was just wondering if this is the usual side effect to the pills?
Please let me know! TY MFP's :)


  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I don't know much but I am curious to know why you are even taking the pill? If you were only eating 1500 calories a day before, why suppress your appetite?
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    On the drug: Most people takephentermine for 3-6 weeks; the length of treatment depends on how you respond to the medication. Phentermine can be habit-forming. Do not take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer period than your doctor tells you to.

    My opinion: false advertising, people think they are fat because they overeat. In truth, people are fat because they eat food high in insulin producing ingredients.
  • Phentermine is a very dangerous drug. You will feel better by just counting your calories of 1400 a day without taking a pill. Add 30 minutes of exercise a day and you'll easily, and healthily, lose 2 to 3 pounds a week.
  • I cut my phentermine in half and just took half the dose. Some doctors just give a generic dosage to everyone, but it doesn't mean that it is right for you. That is what helped me the most with it.
  • wmjessicalaine
    wmjessicalaine Posts: 6 Member
    My diet goals were @ 1500 daily. Before I started to diet- it was... well... who knows! I never kept track of it lol. But i have tons of energy. I may try to get in to see the doctor to see if maybe i should cut the pill in half like you suggested above.
  • Yikes! I'm not a fan of those, mostly because I took them before. I was successful at weight loss, but when I stopped taking them I gained alot of weight back quickly. I also had some nasty withdrawl side effects when I stopped. I agree, its best to just chat about it with your doctor if you're set on taking them. Good luck!
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    I would advise to NOT take the pills it screwed up my metabolism so much :( You cannot eat 300 -500 cals a day for months your body goes into starvation...i can send you pics of me on adipex and as soon as i got off i have been off of them for 4 months and have gained 25 lbs. I was 140 before i started taking them, got down to 125 as soon as i got off them gained all of it back plus im at a higher weight than when i started and ive NEVER had weight problems. Its so hard to reset your metabolism trust me!! pleasssee take my word for it!!! Any questions if you do decide to stay on them im a pro i took them for 2 years.
  • LizC26
    LizC26 Posts: 319 Member
    I've been on and off them for 5 yrs now....It's a love/hate relationship....seriously...They are great when you have them, but without some kinda plan for when you come off, then you are just gonna gain it all back....I finally turned to MFP, and after I finished my last round, have actually kept the weight off b/c I have something to be accountable to....So take them if you want, but just have a plan for when your prescription is up.
  • wmjessicalaine
    wmjessicalaine Posts: 6 Member
    I've lost 35 pounds on them. I've been off of them for two months and I've lost another 15 since I went off of them. I think it affects everyone differently.