1570 calories and can't do it.



  • judkinsjenny
    oh nice. the apple trick. i rarely want an applei like them, just not to really eat. maybe with peanut butter or cream cheese! see? this is where i screw up lol
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    oh nice. the apple trick. i rarely want an applei like them, just not to really eat. maybe with peanut butter or cream cheese! see? this is where i screw up lol

    Don't be afraid of screwing up, because you will do it. We all screw up, some of us on a regular basis.

    If you trip over a rock, that doesn't mean you have to bash your head against it repeatedly.

    Just start making incremental changes. Set a goal this week to cut your bread intake by half and double your veggie intake, even if you are over on your calories. Next week, set another goal. You'll get there.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
  • judkinsjenny
    no. i see water as not a food. it doesnt help to fill my tummy it kinda makes me sick to drink water when im hungry. ill add some more though. need to just fill a container and leave itout to remind me.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Hi :)

    Just looking at your diary for the past week, here are your highest calorie food choices . . .

    Ice cream - 280 calories
    Peach cobber - 606 calories
    Ice cream - 240 calories
    Peach cobbler - 303 calories
    Chocolate chip cookies - 518 calories
    Hamburger - 425 calories
    Feta cheese - 396 calories
    Rice Krispies - 299 calories
    DiGiorno pizza - 1,750 calories (ouch)
    Chocolate Brownie - 384 calories
    Half and half - 944 calories (why?)
    Tyson chicken nuggets - 675 calories

    I didn't pull these out of your diary to sit here and criticize. I think it just helps people sometimes to see exactly what they are eating. ***Trust me -- I'm not judging -- I used to eat a pound of pasta in a sitting.***

    You are not getting your calories from quality sources, and you are almost certainly deficient in quite a few nutrients. For this reason, your body is telling you to eat more and more, even when you overeat. It needs essential vitamins and minerals.

    Here is how you can start. For just one meal a day, eat a salad. A nice, huge salad, with lots of veggies, some beans, some lean protein (grilled chicken, steamed shrimp). If you must do cheese, don't do much. Choose a healthy dressing. Extra virgin olive oil will be fine -- it's high calorie, so measure a tablespoon, but it's so good for you.

    For your other meals, eat what you want (for now).

    Instead of ice cream *and* cobbler for dessert, have a small cup of one and a piece or two of fresh fruit.

    Invest in a food scale to measure your serving sizes, especially for desserts. I think some of your entries are guesses. A decent food scale will only cost you $20 or so at Target or on Amazon, and it makes all the difference in the world. And measure your servings for things like cheese and cereal. If you find yourself mindlessly eating cookies or chips or whatever, count out a serving (or two, if you must) and then put the rest away! Don't munch without thinking then try later to guesstimate how much you had. You could be severely under- or over-estimating.

    Last thing -- if you are breastfeeding, log that every day.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Yup... the first thing that came to mind, is to eat more protein !!! Protein fills you up for a long time!
    lean beef
    greek yogurt
    EGGS !!!
    Eggs are awesome: cheap, lots of protein, easy to make, fast to make, can carry with you anywhere, you can eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc...

    And drink lots of WATER... many times I think I'm hungry when my body is "hungry" for water. thirst/hunger are tricky. So drink some sparkling water if you don't like the regular stuff.
    good luck, I'm here for you.:)
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    LOTS OF WATER!!! Water will help. It will take a while before you see a difference.

    I repeat on here a billion times how my dietician told me that hungry signs could be a simple sign of dehydration. I drink 10 glasses of water and 1 cup of coffee a day and still never feel hydrated enough and still pee yellow.

    I didn't believe my dietician when he told me. I told him I was exercising more and he said it's because I'm dehydrated. I started drinking lots of water spread throughout the day and the hunger pains went away completely!
  • BerniceB
    BerniceB Posts: 41 Member
    Sometimes I just want to eat. I want to chew and I think I am hungry. Here is one fix I use. I saute a large pan of diced celery in soy sauce. I may add onions. I eat this huge pan until the volume makes me full. I also drink hot crystal light lemonaid in the evening instead of eating more food. These are just tricks. But if you have stirred fried veggies or celery you can add a measured amount of protein - chicken, fish etc. Just some tricks to add volume to your diet. Good luck.
  • fitnfreeme
    fitnfreeme Posts: 102 Member
    It is hard. Try to make small changes you can live with (happily) and it will come together in time. All the best to you!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I'll trade you. I only get 1200

    me too!
  • doinit4tayzie
    Hey, get urself the "cook yourself thin" cookbook. The food is soooo good nd so tasty! Nd the calories are not crazy....
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Why don't you just get a baseline - eat until you feel full that day, but log everything you eat. See how many calries you actually consume when you feel full. Then, instead of following what MFP is telling you, cut off 100 calories each day from what you eat for a week. Then you are already eating 700 fewer calories a week. Then the next week, shave off another 100 calories daily. If you do it slowly and systematically, your body will get used to it. No one is saying to do it drastically if you feel you aren't ready - you should feel successful, not out of control and starving.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I am not encouraging anyone to just blindly eat less but believe me it takes some time before you are used to be "hungry". :(

    Once you pass that point, eating less doesn't make you feel as hungry.
  • Kikilicious84
    I think you are waiting too long in between snacks or meals. It may be a little better if you broke your meals in to smaller snacks and ate throughout the day.

  • Rhodygarden
    Are you sure you are counting the oatmeal right? It is 300 calories for a cup of dry oats - which will make a lot more prepared than one would think.
  • judkinsjenny
    good heck, no it shouldnt be so hard. thanks for your input
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member

    Instead of saying to yourself, "ugh this is hell measuring all this stuff," or "oh I just can't do it," focus on what you can do and try to make changes incrementally.

    This is really good advice. I got frustrated with my weight loss and fell off the wagon. I stopped counting calories because I was just too frustrated with it. Instead, I focus on how full I am. If I am hungry, I eat until I'm satisfied, but stop eating before I'm full. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat, or I just eat a little bit (like at breakfast time).

    Are you exercising? That really helps. Even if you can't do much, just focus on what you can do and keep doing it until you are able to do more.
  • dryvonnesmith
    dryvonnesmith Posts: 20 Member
    Go to my diary and take a look at how I eat. You need more protein!!!! I am NEVER hungry. I will be more than happy to help you out. Dryvonnesmith
  • bonifachi
    bonifachi Posts: 50 Member
    I'm on the same amount of calories per day, and I initially found that if I spread out my breakfast, lunch, and snacks to 300 cals each, I was not hungry pretty much all day.
    I think the major thing is identifying when you are actually hungry, or when it is just your body adjusting to not having as many calories to rely on.
    Switching some foods help too.
    every morning I have oats or a light cereal, and I make my oats with water, not milk. When they are cooked, I mix a small tub of light yoghurt through it. There is the sweetness that you need, instead of the empty calories of sugar.
    Eat a protein bar every day or so. My fave is horleys carb less crunch bars, and they have between 160-180cals.
    Instead of just eating toast, eat a variety of foods for lunch. Yesterday I had a bowl of thai soup, with a mandarin and an apple, and it filled me up fine.
    I have lost about 8kgs, and now I get full faster than I used to.
    And just remember, if you want to eat more calories, just go for an extra walk or something! If I want junk food for dinner, an hour bike ride or 30 minute run usually does it.
    Keep going, don't give up, and if you do get hungry, go out and do something! Not only do you take your mind off your hunger, you get to earn some calories.
  • judkinsjenny
    thank you , that very helpful. i dont even think of those kinds of foods. i think im still stuck on eating like i usually do, trying to cram it all into 1500 calories.