People seeing me running :(

I went for a run/jog/shuffle/crawl today and it was less then amazing however since I am so out of shape even a less than stellar performance tires me out. I had just finished my exercise when I ran into some friends who are fit (one plays sports) and as usual I had my general why are you LOOKING at me go away can't I just run in peace mini freak out in my head...then after I said goodbye I had a thought... really the worse that seeing me could have told them is that:

1) I run- a good thing
2) I'm bad at it - a bad thing
However I bet they could have guessed the second just by looking at me the first one isn't something I would expect anyone to guess so seeing me as a sweaty gross needs a shower mess could really only be a good thing right?

I'm not sure if this makes sense but I'm trying to get over the stop running and act cool if anyone's coming thing...anyone have any tips for that?


  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    First of all Kudos to you for running! I haven't gotten there yet..But I would say just keep at it and the more you run the more comfortable you'll get.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    people wont judge you for running, not even badly. fellow runners will think it's awesome that you're running and non-runners will be jealous and sigh whistfully and think "i wish i could run". the only one judging you is you. so stop that right now. I mean it. lol you don't need to be giving yourself that kind of crap. be proud of what you accomplish. it's more than most people will. and be doubly proud of thinking you do it badly and to still do it anyway. WELL DONE i say. I applaud you for running. ( i run too and i felt as you did but i've only ever gotten positive feedback from strangers and friends and I have decided that as long as i keep on running who cares what i look like. I love it and that's all that matters)
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    I look at runners shoes too! Not a runner though...LOL
  • abower150
    You just need to run with confidence! Who cares about the pace you are going at, the cars that are going by, etc. Whenever I see someone running i dont thing "oh man, they suck at running" I think " dang.... i really should go running...." No matter how long of a run you take (15min-1+hours) as long as you are doing that you will thank yourself in the long run!! :) Keep running and just look out for you!
  • DisneyMommy
    Other runners just see the good in what you're doing, nothing bad at all! Keep up the great work!!
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i have to be honest, the fear of how stupid i look when i run has definitely stopped me from doing it. a couple years ago i went to a running store to get some actual running shoes and everything, and they told me to run around a little outside to see if the shoes were a good match for me, and i caught sight of myself in the window of another store, and... did not buy the shoes (also they were expensive), and have not attempted to do so since.

    that said, i admire people who run even if they think they look bad doing it. that takes guts. even if they were judging you, that would just say something bad about them -- not about you! you're doing something that's AWESOME.
  • bodyrocks365
    I have the same fears. I fear I will have to stop. Then I'm a stopped runner. I'm starting with a treadmill, that way if I stop I can look less like an idiot when I *run* over to the elliptical.
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    the only one judging you is you. so stop that right now. I mean it. lol you don't need to be giving yourself that kind of crap. be proud of what you accomplish. it's more than most people will. and be doubly proud of thinking you do it badly and to still do it anyway. WELL DONE i say. I applaud you for running.
    This. Good for you for running! Stop the negative thinking and keep on running...
  • BodybyPlants
    BodybyPlants Posts: 76 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    I agree!!!!! =)
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    My mom recounted an incident to me the other day that really got me thinking. She said that one day we were driving around together and it was raining cats and dogs, and we both saw a girl running on the sidewalk. In her head she thought, "Man, that girl is crazy," but I said out loud, "Wow, talk about motivation." She said since that day she has always looked at runners differently, thanks to me. It's all about perception.

    Good for you that you're running and doing something great for yourself. I'm at my goal weight, but when I run my face still turns as red as a tomato. I used to be afraid that people would stop me and tell me I needed to rest or I might die. Now I don't care. :)
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    No matter how slow you go you are still lapping the people on the couch!

    Be proud!!!
  • jsteinberger423
    jsteinberger423 Posts: 10 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    Me too! I give heavier or beginner runner's WAY more credit that seasoned runners. I know what it is like to start out. You are awesome for staring to run. People are looking at you because they are jealous! Keep it up and do it for you.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    me too! in fact if we are inside and my husband sees a runner before i do he yells "runner" and i sprint to check it out! It always makes me want to run and i just get so excited! i havent noticed the shoes much. im sure i will now ;)
  • morgaj8
    morgaj8 Posts: 34
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    I agree with this post all the way down to the shoes. I love my vibram 5 fingers shoes lol
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    or being a penguin.

    The only person I've ever looked at funny when they were running was a guy who was running downtown with his hands glued to his sides. It was the most weird thing I've seen in a long time.

    Other than that, even though I'm still technically a beginner, I get smiles from fellow runners whenever we cross paths while running/walking. And around here, that's a LOT of people.
  • Shajsum
    Shajsum Posts: 121 Member
    You just need to run with confidence! Who cares about the pace you are going at, the cars that are going by, etc. Whenever I see someone running i dont thing "oh man, they suck at running" I think " dang.... i really should go running...." No matter how long of a run you take (15min-1+hours) as long as you are doing that you will thank yourself in the long run!! :) Keep running and just look out for you!

    I think the same thing :-)
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Yes there will be foolishness around you. But here is another perspective.
    After my third child I went back to the gym to start getting back into shape. As I was going around the machines a guy was coming around doing the machines. This guy was built like a brick wall! So in my head I was thinking he must be wondering what a fat chick is doing here. I finally looked over and threw him a grin. I told him, with a grin, about wanting to get back in shape. The guy turns and gives me this really nice smile and tells me all about his wife and how she just got through having their fourth baby. We ended up having a nice convo and he encouraged me to keep at it.
    When I see people running the first thing I think is how they must be working on getting healthy. If these people you know are sports people they will get the whole looking like a scrounge.
    Perseption is a two way street. Instead of thinking bad, think positive! Your doing a fine job. Keep up the good work you have started :-)
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I agree with this post all the way down to the shoes. I love my vibram 5 fingers shoes lol

    Funny, I didn't really start looking at shoes until I started rocking the VFF's :)
  • pinkstapler
    pinkstapler Posts: 33 Member
    Wow guys, thank you, all of you really :flowerforyou:

    I'm working on not judging myself so harshly and I feel awesome and strong and powerful and all these cool things when I get back to my room after a run, I just need to work on transitioning that to the actual running part! It's getting better this is just the first time people I know (minus my family and race buddy) have seen me running. But if they're really my friends they won't care that running makes me sweaty and gross just that it makes me healthier and makes me feel better, so that's how I'm going to try to think of it :smile:

    Again guys and gals thank you so much!