Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I was up almost a pound today....I just knew that last week's weight loss was too good! I got sick over the weekend and didn't get to the gym and I think that makes such a big difference for me. I go to my weight loss challenge tonight so I hope I stay the same there...Ready for next week. I think I need to focus on crappy carbs as a trigger food for me. Moving around the house more is also a good one for me. I know that I can move a lot more than I am doing around here.

    SW 204.5

    Wk 1: 203.2
    Wk 2: 201.6
    Wk 3: 201.7
    Wk 4: 198.7
    Wk 5: 199.6
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    SW MFP JUNE 21ST - 208 LBS
    SW CHALLENGE - 189.2 LBS
    1ST WEEK - 188.8 LBS
    2ND WEEK - 184.8 LBS
    3RD WEEK - 186.8 LBS
    4TH WEEK - 183.6 LBS
    5TH WEEK - 184.8 LBS

    GW MFP - 137 LBS
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I went and got measured today, and I'm a little worried because using the rule of picking a size based on the largest measurement, the size is 2 sizes bigger than if I used my other measurements.... hopefully I'll be able to get it altered without it looking too weird.

    Yeah I had a bridesmaids dress in colleges that was fairly tight fitted everywhere. The skirt and top were separate pieces, but you still had to order them in the same size. I measured needing an 8 on top and a 14 on the bottom and ordered a 12 (thinking I would lose weight). I swear I don't look THAT bottom heavy.

    End result - I still had to have the top altered because it was obviously way to big and the skirt was so tight I'm lucky it zipped - it did not look good.

    Do you have a tailor you trust right now? It wouldn't be a bad idea to find one ahead of time. With your weight lost I'm sure you have stuff in your closet that is too big. Test a few tailors out on that stuff now.
  • Hi all, checking in at 129.6 for this week and last week as well. I have a huge, super important and expensive test this saturday, so hopefully next week I'll be able to actually log in and get in touch...been reading the posts, so encouraging, just miss writing more and feeling like part of the group...will write back soon!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    190 today. Being sick got the best of me. I am back in the groove this week though. Soon pounds will be melting off of me!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I went and got measured today, and I'm a little worried because using the rule of picking a size based on the largest measurement, the size is 2 sizes bigger than if I used my other measurements.... hopefully I'll be able to get it altered without it looking too weird.

    Yeah I had a bridesmaids dress in colleges that was fairly tight fitted everywhere. The skirt and top were separate pieces, but you still had to order them in the same size. I measured needing an 8 on top and a 14 on the bottom and ordered a 12 (thinking I would lose weight). I swear I don't look THAT bottom heavy.

    End result - I still had to have the top altered because it was obviously way to big and the skirt was so tight I'm lucky it zipped - it did not look good.

    Do you have a tailor you trust right now? It wouldn't be a bad idea to find one ahead of time. With your weight lost I'm sure you have stuff in your closet that is too big. Test a few tailors out on that stuff now.

    That's a good idea. I actually just heard about a good tailor today when I was trying to find a place to get measured. I think it would be a really good idea, though, to take some of my work pants in that just look silly now because they're too big and see how they turn out. Thanks!
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    CW: 196
    Not suprisedit is up. Took 5 hour one way trip to Kansas to see my son on Saturday. Drank lots of caffirne and junk. Also still crazy shorthanded and busy at work. And flu season is upon us and it won't get any easier. Thinkin of dropping out cuz no way I will hit my goal but I don' t want to be a quitter.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    9/06 SW: 198
    9/13: 198
    9/20: 199
    9/29: 198
    10/4: 198
    10/11: 197

    11/22 GW: 185

    Wk #4: 1lb Loss
  • Happy Tuesday to all. :flowerforyou:

    Checking in...
    CW: 150.2

    I have lost 1.4 pound this week. I'm so happy for me!!!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I was MIA and AWOL for a couple weeks because I was really struggling with my weight loss journey. This is a summary of my weigh ins since the challenge began:

    Sept. 6: 144 pounds
    Sept. 13: 143 pounds
    Sept. 20: 143 pounds
    Sept. 27: Didn't send a weigh in but "checked in" on Sept. 28th
    Oct. 4: Didn't post a weigh in
    Oct. 11: 141. 7 pounds

    My Confession: I didn't send weigh ins as I was going through a rough time with my weight loss and my health and I ended up gaining weight and didn't want to post that I gained weight.
    It was not the right thing to do but it was easy to do as with the challenge, if you don't send your weigh in you just disappear off the list temporarily so there was no one or nothing to hold me accountable and when it seems as though there are no consequences it's very easy to avoid posting a weight gain.

    I have looked at the spreadsheet and I know our weights go up and down and the spreadsheet shows just that but I was always mad at myself when I had a gain, especially on a weigh in day as I I felt I was letting myself down and I would think if other people are posting losses I should be able to do it too but I kept falling off the wagon.

    So, here are ALL my weigh ins:

    Sept. 6: 144 pounds
    Sept. 13: 143 pounds (lost 1 pound)
    Sept. 20: 143 pounds (maintained 1 pound loss)
    Sept. 27: 147.3 pounds (gained 4.3 pounds, my low point mentally and emotionally and partially out of my control due to TOM and endometriosis and medication I was on that had me eating meals when I wasn't hungry and frustration that led to more eating)
    Oct. 4: 144.1 pounds (lost 3.2 pounds as TOM and endometriosis were getting better and I was slowly trying to get somewhat back on track)
    Oct. 11: 141. 7 pounds (lost 2.4 pounds as I worked harder at getting back on track)

    Overall Weight Loss During Challenge So Far: 2.3 pounds

    So, I am working to stay on track (but as many of you know that is not an easy thing to do) and I don't want to have to post any more gains but if a gain happens I won't hide out and you can call me out if I do!

    Now you're like, "Who is this person?" ;) as I didn't post on the thread a lot previously and then I disappeared altogether but I hope my name will become familiar as then it will mean I am active on my weight loss journey!

    I believe this challenge is to be healthy for the American Thanksgiving (and maybe for Christmas too?) as it ends on Nov. 22 and I think American Thanksgiving is on Nov. 24 but I am Canadian and just celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with dinner at my parents' house and dinner at my aunt's house and dinner at a restaurant and leftovers from my mom and am happy to report that although my weight fluctuated over the weekend and I did allow myself some desserts I didn't go overboard with the food and I did some exercise and I am able to report a loss today and not a gain which even I am shocked about! :) I did wake up hungry though as I didn't eat a lot at my aunt's house last night! ;)

    So, I am wishing you all success on your weight loss journey and I am wanting to live up to my username: inshapeCK!

    Welcome back. If it helps friend myself and anyone else on here (not to speak for everyone else, but I know they don't mind) to help keep you accountable when you fall off the wagon a bit. Glad you had the courage to come back, that says a lot about your commitment to your own health!
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    Weighin for this week-180.0. I'm not surprised it's up .4- I let myself splurge a little on my birthday :blushing: I'm hoping that this next couple of weeks I'll have enough gas to get back to the gym, and get back to the regular routine there.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    10/11 weigh in: 162 :sad:
    working extra hard to get back to 160 this week. If I get to 160 I think I'll be in the yellow, which I can live with. Getting things under control!

    Exercise: at work today I parked in the far away lot, which isn't all that far away, but a few extra steps here and there add up! I'm going to get a little extra burn by shuffling my feet/jogging in place while cleaning (my tiny) kitchen tonite and vacuuming. Got in a workout video from (whoever posted this recommendation to Ellen, thanks, I'm loving the fast, but good burns), so that in addition to the cleaning is a good boost.

    Food: day 2 of no beer. I miss it, but not the extra calories! I'm going to treat myself to picking up a bottle of wine on Thursday/Friday if I stay the course.
  • 10/11 weigh in: 162 :sad:
    working extra hard to get back to 160 this week. If I get to 160 I think I'll be in the yellow, which I can live with. Getting things under control!

    Exercise: at work today I parked in the far away lot, which isn't all that far away, but a few extra steps here and there add up! I'm going to get a little extra burn by shuffling my feet/jogging in place while cleaning (my tiny) kitchen tonite and vacuuming. Got in a workout video from (whoever posted this recommendation to Ellen, thanks, I'm loving the fast, but good burns), so that in addition to the cleaning is a good boost.

    Food: day 2 of no beer. I miss it, but not the extra calories! I'm going to treat myself to picking up a bottle of wine on Thursday/Friday if I stay the course.

    You can do it and things under control. Good for you on day 2 of no beer.:wink:
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,944 Member
    Thanks Oliviawink for replying to my post. I have sent you a friend request.
    It wasn't easy to come back and be honest about hiding out during my weight gain but it feels good to be honest and to be back on track again!

    When I took my mom shopping today I parked farther away from the entrance to the store and I shopped by going down my list instead of shopping by what was close to where I already was so we did lots of extra walking around the store.

    I had homemade pizzas for dinner tonight and stopped after 1/4 of the pizza when I normally would have eaten half like the other 2 people did that I ate with. We had a McCain cake for dessert and even though there is still more in the freezer I am refraining from having a second piece.
  • I have a challenge at work b/c my boss keeps chocolate on her desk. I dont think about it until lunchtime. I'm going to try not to eat any tomorrow.

    Another challenge for me is ti get my water in. I drink way to much diet dr. pepper in a day.

    Here's to a great week and meeting my daily challenges:love:
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Hi all,
    Quick post tonight...have much more to share, but it's late and I'm sleepy...
    Weigh in today is 188, so I'm now back to where I was 2 weeks ago, yay!

    My trigger...EATING OUT! Man, once I have one meal out, forget it for the rest of the day, or the day after, or the whole weekend!
    So that will be my goal this week, no eating out. And if I do go out with the BF, smart choices and control the rest of the day.

    Anyway...have a killer week, all!!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    For my exercise part of this weeks challenge I'm going to take the stairs. I live on the 4th floor and my parking is actually in the basement so I've got 5 flights to go up and down every day.

    So yesterday was an epic fail. Another department in my group had panera brought in for lunch and they way over ordered so they offered it to us. Well, I grabbed a half a veggie sandwich which I knew was fine and a half a turkey sandwich....and a cookie. I knew the cookie would be bad but I figured I'd go for the splurge since I rarely eat sweets. When I entered it all in my journal between the half turkey sandwich and cookie it was 900 calories, what the !@#$? What do you do to a turkey sandwich to make it so high calorie?! I should have known, there are only a couple things I order at Panera for this very reason. So of course since the day was just ruined anyways I went completely off the deep end and just ate everything in site for dinner as well ending my day with more than double the calories I'm supposed to have. This is going to be a rough week, they're getting lunch brought in every day so this could happen again. I'm going to try my best to stay strong and avoid it today, though. Everyone send me your willpower vibes :smile:
  • parvy123
    parvy123 Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome, Parvy! I've added you to the group spreadsheet. You can access it at anytime, so go ahead and bookmark it:

    Thank you!
    Lovely to be on a spreadsheet (I am easily pleased) :smile:

    Part-walked my son to school this morning rather than driving all the way in - and will do the same at pick up time. Extra cals burned... yay!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    For my exercise part of this weeks challenge I'm going to take the stairs. I live on the 4th floor and my parking is actually in the basement so I've got 5 flights to go up and down every day.

    So yesterday was an epic fail. Another department in my group had panera brought in for lunch and they way over ordered so they offered it to us. Well, I grabbed a half a veggie sandwich which I knew was fine and a half a turkey sandwich....and a cookie. I knew the cookie would be bad but I figured I'd go for the splurge since I rarely eat sweets. When I entered it all in my journal between the half turkey sandwich and cookie it was 900 calories, what the !@#$? What do you do to a turkey sandwich to make it so high calorie?! I should have known, there are only a couple things I order at Panera for this very reason. So of course since the day was just ruined anyways I went completely off the deep end and just ate everything in site for dinner as well ending my day with more than double the calories I'm supposed to have. This is going to be a rough week, they're getting lunch brought in every day so this could happen again. I'm going to try my best to stay strong and avoid it today, though. Everyone send me your willpower vibes :smile:

    maybe you can just do the 1/2 veggie and then find someone to split the cookie with for a little treat without feeling deprived. Or maybe this week Panera is your trigger food and you should just avoid? :wink:

    We're all different with our triggers. For some of us, if we avoid something completely we over eat in other laces to make up for it and for other of us if we have a little we have to have a lot. Know your style or push yourself to rise above.

    Ellen, you can do it!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    I had an epic fail yesterday too! Had a big afternoon binge, but instead of trigger foods setting it off, it was my physical state. I stayed up half the night with a sick 5-yr-old and TOM started. When the afternoon rolled around, I had the tireds BIG TIME, and my cravings for sugary snacks were through the roof. It was so hard to stay strong, mainly cuz I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I had some cookies, followed by a protein bar, followed by some candies. I wish chewing gum would keep me awake, but it doesn't! I felt bad, but I really needed the munchies to get me through the afternoon. (Which is why I gained so much weight finishing my bachelor's degree this year -- needed munchies for late night studying!) Anyways, I recognize that this won't be a daily occurence, and it was just a random fluke with poor sleeping and TOM coming together. Today's a new day. I had a great night of sleep, and so it shouldn't happen again!