

  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    Hi Ladies,
    I am playing catch up. I had a really bad week last week and I gained one pound and didn't log for a couple of days, but my amazing partner is helping me to get back on track.

    This is a great question! I am a great example of being critical with myself. I have always been a bit insecure and I am at fault for being hard on myself. Unfortunately I have passed this on to my 12 yr old daughter. I think we do not realize the words that come out of our mouths can be a huge reflection on how our children see themselves. I tend to use the words I am so fat, I am depressed, or sad and before you realize it, you hear your children talking badly about themselves. Words have power!! I am truly working extremely hard to focus on positive affirmations, so I am able to pass on only happy and positive feelings. Sometimes it is hard to comment on negative talk that comes from your child. It is a very fine line that you will say the right thing. I feel that we owe it to ourselves and our children to learn to love yourself! We have to be able to love ourselves before we can teach others how to love.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    The first thing that came to my mind is a pair of boyfriend jeans with a cute slim fitting t-shirt. I feel younger, vibrant, and confident! I cannot wait for that feeling to come true. Great questions.....They really help us make that visual into reality. Great job ladies!!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD TUES 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    The first thing I notice is my smile. It is the smile of a very proud, confident and satisfied person. I am in running shorts and one of those great running tanks that are a long way from the oversized tees I wear now. It is fitted nicely and I am visualy strong. An athlete with a lean waist and with legs and a bum that are rock solid. I am looking at the medal that hangs from my neck. It is for the successful completion of my first half marathon. My husband and son look on with pride:)
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD TUES 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    Me in that little black dress! Ready to go out on the town with my hubby - I feel awesome!
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I am wearing a sleeveless black dress....its fits so perfectly....I never wears dresses because I always have to "cover up my waistline"....but not in this dress....My arms are toned and nothing is "jiggly"....the hemline is just above the knee showing off firm, long legs!!!! ...oh...and some sexy strappy heels.....

    Hair is "all done" and I am ready to knock my hubby's socks off!!!!! LOL....!!!!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I imagine being normal. Frankly that is all I want. I want to not be the fat one in the crowd. To not be the fat one in the family. I just want to see me looking back at a normal healthy weight.
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it?

    My self talk definitely varies. I try to stay positive but its not always easy. When the journey gets really hard, I remind myself that what Im working for is better than whatever it is I'm craving. I also use the positive self talk while im working out. % more minutes, 1 curcuit down... whatever. The negative sometimes tsill kicks in... I'm doing good but I'm still fat. I just need to stay focused on my goal and be conscience of the negativity when it arises and turn it into a positive.
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    Love this question! I see the me that I lost a long time ago. I see a new beginning to a wonderful life, and I see a real smile on my face. I am wearing....I don't know what I'm wearing, but it looks good! I feel amazing! I feel accomplished and I have a lot more energy!
  • 6eighteen11
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I'm wearing my favorite outfit from about 3 years ago (including my 28" waist jeans), getting ready to go out with friends. I'm excited and confident!
  • mariahhatfield
    QOTD TUES 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    i see my legs and arms actually toned. a somewhat low waistline on my pants.

    i'm wearing something other than sweats and a t-shirt (that's all i've felt like i've deserved).

    i feel absolutely beautiful for the first time in my life and the healthiest i've ever been.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    I am wearing a mini skirt and those high heeled boots that go up to my knees. I've always wanted a pair of those but they wouldn't go over my calves right now. I'm wearing a tight shirt and a HUGE grin on my face.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD 10.11.11: Close your eyes and visualize yourself at your goal weight. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are you wearing? How do you feel?

    For some reason, I have a mental block on what I see at that point. Maybe because it is so far away? I try mostly to focus on the next 10 pounds so I don't get overwhelmed. I can imagine physical accomplishments that I can do at that point in time - finish a 5K after running the entire race, push-ups and lunges without pain like there is when I try now, running around with Micah kicking around the soccer ball and outliving his energy!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    I think often I focus on what I can't do or how far I have left to go before this journey is over rather than on how far I have come. My goal with this question is to get us all to focus on what we have done! Even if you have only begun a short time ago, you should be able to think of at least one thing that you can do now that you couldn't before!

    - I can put my knuckles on the floor with my feet just more than shoulder width apart (next goal is flat palms)!
    - I can thread my fingers behind my back and move my hands away from my body!
    - I can run for 5 minutes at a time!
    - I miss exercise if I can't get to it a particular day! I have never really been one to exercise. If I ever made a stab at it, it never lasted long, but now, if I miss a day, it is agony until I get back to it! I am actually planning on going to the gym on my vacation!
    - I crave water!
    - I can climb 3 flights of stairs without feeling I am going to die when I get to the top!
    - I can wear XL workout clothes and XXL regular clothes out of the non-plus section!
    - I can make it through the "abs song" in my Zumba class without taking a break! It is brutal!
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    I don't beat myself up
    I can see progress that I couldn't before
    I enjoy working out
    I learned that I don't give up
    I can look myself in the mirror and see me instead of just what I don't like
    I can do ab routines and actually enjoy them - BIG change!!
    I don't tell myself I can't do something anymore.
    I'm not as self conscious as I used to be and don't care as much about what I think others "might" be thinking about me.
    More comfortable in my own skin.
    I know that one day I will be able to do full pull ups!

    Great question Shydaisi!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    Usually when I fall off the weight loss wagon it take years to get back on. I fell off this summer and got right back on this fall. I'm very proud that I didn't just give up on myself and my ability to change my life. Also I love to workout.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    Well, I haven't been doing this for very long. I would have to say just logging on everyday and holding myself accountable to log my food and chat with my teammate. This is huge for me because usually I cannot stick to anything. I did horrible last weekend and I didn't log for a couple of days and I didn't make it to the gym all week, but my teammate helped me through it and I got right back up and I am off to a great start this week!

    As far as the little changes I have noticed. I would have to say that I push myself a little harder each day at the gym and I can jog a little further, a little faster. I have been increasing my weights, I'm doing more reps. I have increased my cardio from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. I am making healthier choices, I am careful about my portions. This is a great question!! After writing down the changes that I have noticed, it helps me realize that although I haven't lost much; I am making a difference in my life. Great job ladies!!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    1. Not only am I eating healthier now, but I'm eating 6 times per day. Before I use to eat 2x a day.
    2. I eat SPINACH! HOLY COW!
    3. I CAN RUN!!! OMG!
    4. I rode my bike to work AND back on a work day AND I got to work on time!
    5. I can sit in the butterfly position and touch my foot with my forehead! ~faints~ I'm not use to this one yet...
    6. I have finally made "ME" a priority on my list of priorities. (I have actually told my son no, he can't go somewhere because I had to be at the gym and I won't be done until later than what he was planning for) Also, he doesn't like being at the boys and girls club but I make him stay until I finish my workout. Before I would have never even thought about going to the gym because of how he FEELS about being at the boys and girls club.
    7. I haven’t felt depressed in months!
    8. I’m actually excited about next summer and I can’t wait to go buy a bathing suit. (This is A VERY FIRST FOR ME in my WHOLE entire life)
    9. I am in love with my scale.
    10. I’m doing what I hate to do and learning to like it. (Re: biking) The last time I felt this way it was in regards to running and now I LOVE IT! I wonder if I will ever love to ride my bike.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    I think often I focus on what I can't do or how far I have left to go before this journey is over rather than on how far I have come. My goal with this question is to get us all to focus on what we have done! Even if you have only begun a short time ago, you should be able to think of at least one thing that you can do now that you couldn't before!

    - I can put my knuckles on the floor with my feet just more than shoulder width apart (next goal is flat palms)!
    - I can thread my fingers behind my back and move my hands away from my body!
    - I can run for 5 minutes at a time!
    - I miss exercise if I can't get to it a particular day! I have never really been one to exercise. If I ever made a stab at it, it never lasted long, but now, if I miss a day, it is agony until I get back to it! I am actually planning on going to the gym on my vacation!
    - I crave water!
    - I can climb 3 flights of stairs without feeling I am going to die when I get to the top!
    - I can wear XL workout clothes and XXL regular clothes out of the non-plus section!
    - I can make it through the "abs song" in my Zumba class without taking a break! It is brutal!

    SAWEET!!!! ~hugs~ We can RUN!!!!! giggle!
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    I don't beat myself up
    I can see progress that I couldn't before
    I enjoy working out
    I learned that I don't give up
    I can look myself in the mirror and see me instead of just what I don't like
    I can do ab routines and actually enjoy them - BIG change!!
    I don't tell myself I can't do something anymore.
    I'm not as self conscious as I used to be and don't care as much about what I think others "might" be thinking about me.
    More comfortable in my own skin.
    I know that one day I will be able to do full pull ups!

    Great question Shydaisi!

    Can you share some of your ab routines??? I REALLY need to start working on my abs... I need help!

  • tessacope2
    QOTD Wednesday 10.12.2011 - What have you accomplished since your journey began that you could not do before? List as many accomplishments as you can think of!

    1. I reached out for support. I was too embarrassed and proud to admit that I couldn't do this alone. And thankfully I found this challenge and my partner Rebecca!
    2. I can keep up with my husband when we jog.
    3. I can have a bad day and start fresh the next day.
    4. I can forgive myself.
    5. I can sprint at 8.0 on the treadmill for 60 seconds.
    6. I can burn 500+ calories at the gym.
    7. I've learned to cook healthier versions of my favorite foods.