Birthday Help

My husband wants to take me out for my birthday this Friday. He wants to take me to the casino, play a little and eat there. Now, I adore, love and crave sea food right now. But it's the kind that is not good for me, such as fried shrimp and catfish. I can also hold my own when it comes to crab legs. I LOVE crab legs. So what should I do? Go and try to eat normal portions? Or risk hurting his feelings and saying I'd rather stay at home? The thing is, is at some point and time I have to learn how to deal with temptations, but I know that I'm at the beginning of my life change and little vunerable right now concerning temptations. He's so sweet, and wants to do something special for my 50th. Did I mention I LOVE crab legs? LOL


  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    The crab legs aren't what's bad for you, it's the drawn butter that you dip them in... If you can stay away from that, then you'll actually do fairly well by eating the crab legs. Yes, they're pretty high in sodium, but you can help make up for that by drinking extra water that day. And yes, you're right in that eventually you will need to venture out into the world and learn how to make these choices while still interacting in public, etc. But until you're ready, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. I say, if you want the crab legs, or even the fried fish for that matter, go and enjoy it. Just remember to log it and maybe work in an extra workout that day to help balance things out! Happy Almost Birthday! :drinker:
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Well as its your birthday and a special one i'd say go for a nice meal and enjoy it , don't feel guilty or anything. You deserve a treat. Happy 50th birthday 4 friday xx
  • amazon0782
    Just enjoy every bit of it...enjoy ur birthday and compensate it with extra exercise the following few days....
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    This is quite a challenge you're facing SO early on in your journey- and I FULLY understand your dilemma.

    Yes, it is TRUE- eventually you will face those temptations and learn how to deal w/ them- and find a do-able lifestyle you
    can/will maintain down the road-
    but SO early into this change- You said it yourself- you are already unsure HOW you'd handle it.

    IF he's leaving it up to you- and is in full support of your efforts, then *perhaps* you ought to consider some alternatives- for NOW.
    and get a "rain check" for when you feel stronger in this area...THAT in itself would be a wonderful goal for yourself
    to aim for- as a celebration of a mini goal, rather than your birthday.

    Best Wishes to you- and I hope you make the best choice- whatever that ends up being.

    and WELCOME TO THE FIFTY CLUB!!! just hit it myself a while back- it isn't "fatal" :laugh:
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    The crab legs aren't what's bad for you, it's the drawn butter that you dip them in... If you can stay away from that, then you'll actually do fairly well by eating the crab legs. Yes, they're pretty high in sodium, but you can help make up for that by drinking extra water that day. And yes, you're right in that eventually you will need to venture out into the world and learn how to make these choices while still interacting in public, etc. But until you're ready, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. I say, if you want the crab legs, or even the fried fish for that matter, go and enjoy it. Just remember to log it and maybe work in an extra workout that day to help balance things out! Happy Almost Birthday! :drinker:

  • mariec25
    It's your Birthday, go out and enjoy it, remember a healthy lifestyle is something you have to do forever, and is it worth it to meet your goals a little faster to regret not going out for your 50th Birthday? We can all stay away from temptation for a time but its always going to be there, and sometimes, at times like this, you can plan to have it, and I think the key to success is knowing if you have something not as healthy, you can put it behind you and move on the next day.
  • kklemencic
    My birthday is Saturday and I am going to enjoy it and get right back on track the next day. I'm not planning on going overboard but I plan on enjoying myself. I don't really think of myself on a diet, my thoughts about it are I am making life long changes and in those changes I am going to have splurge or celebration days so I don't cut them out now while I am trying to lose. I make healthy choices a majority of the time and I exercise and work on doing all this consistently.
    Happy Birthday!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Oh I never use the butter. For some reason I just don't like it that way. Seems the majority rules go and have fun. But all the post are valid. I appreciate all the help. I think this will be a good test of me adhering to the do's and don't. Maybe if I do as y'all say and stay away from the fried, eat moderately on the crab legs, and add another exercise sesson, all will be good.

    Thanks all for the help!!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    This is quite a challenge you're facing SO early on in your journey- and I FULLY understand your dilemma.

    Yes, it is TRUE- eventually you will face those temptations and learn how to deal w/ them- and find a do-able lifestyle you
    can/will maintain down the road-
    but SO early into this change- You said it yourself- you are already unsure HOW you'd handle it.

    IF he's leaving it up to you- and is in full support of your efforts, then *perhaps* you ought to consider some alternatives- for NOW.
    and get a "rain check" for when you feel stronger in this area...THAT in itself would be a wonderful goal for yourself
    to aim for- as a celebration of a mini goal, rather than your birthday.

    Best Wishes to you- and I hope you make the best choice- whatever that ends up being.

    and WELCOME TO THE FIFTY CLUB!!! just hit it myself a while back- it isn't "fatal" :laugh:

    Please understand I appreciate your point, but I really REALLY LOVE CRAB And thanks for the welcoming into the 50's club!!