burn calories without sweating?

I have underactive thyroid and don't seem to sweat when I exercise unless I take Capsiplex and wear a bin liner and sauna belt around my belt and do it first thing in morning before food (like 5am). I've tried same routine with same conditions in afternoon and evening and don't sweat.

Today my Zaggora hot pants and sweat vest arrived.. I tried them for quick half hour in middle of day and didn't even break into a sweat :sad: .. it seems I can't do it without taking the capsiplex before I exercise, I also only just manage 30 mins before I have to stop whereas in morning I can keep going for 2 hours after taking capsiplex.

How long is it meant to take to work out a sweat in these Zaggora hot pants? and I thought the sauna vests are meant to be better than wearing a bin liner? .. maybe I will have better results with an early morning session but I was hoping the hot pants and vest could replace needing to take the capsiplex to sweat and I wouldn't have to get up so early to exercise and get results?

Will I be burning off the calories and toning body even if my body didn't sweat?.. think wii said it was about 305 cals for the half hour. (Boxercising & Pilates)

I was wondering if meant to wear knickers under them too? will they still make you sweat if they aren't in contact with your skin cos knickers are inbetween the hot pants and your body?


  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    Sweating only means that your body is trying to cool itself. It has nothing to do with how many calories you are burning. The only thing you lose with sweat is water and electrolytes (salts and minerals).
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    so I'll still be toning my abs with the pilates in the middle of the day... without wearing all the sweat gear or taking the capsiplex?

    I thought sweating was a good thing. thats why people get sauna's to lose weight?

    I have worn them (bin liner/sauna belt) at night too cos I have electric underblanket and that really makes me sweat laying under duvet for an hour its dripping off me.. you'd think I'd stepped out of the shower... my morning workout gets same results so I thought that was only workout that was working and losing my weight?
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Sweat is just a byproduct - don't think of it as the weight leaving your body. The weight is lost from fat being "burnt up" inside your body. Each movement your body makes requires energy, and hopefully fat is the fuel that it uses to do that.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Sweating only means that your body is trying to cool itself. It has nothing to do with how many calories you are burning. The only thing you lose with sweat is water and electrolytes (salts and minerals).

    ^ This. When people "lose weight" by sitting in a sauna or by sweating during a workout, all they are losing is water weight that will come right back on once they eat and drink anything. Sweating is not the key to losing weight -- eating well, regular workouts, and drinking lots of water is. All sweating will do is get you dehydrated until you replace the water that your body needs.
  • jooles0
    jooles0 Posts: 47
    I did a bodypump class on Sunday and burned off 500 cals but barely broke a sweat as I just don't get hot. I can run and not sweat, I just don't really work like that as I am ALWAYS cold. It really doesn't have anything to do with how much you sweat, that's just the bodies way of cooling down. Same as a sauna WILL NOT help you lose weight, just water!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    oh rite.. I assumed it was part of the burning fat process and been getting up at 5am and exercising before eating.. so body has to use stored fat as energy... so like today I exercised at lunchtime instead and I burned 305 on boxercise and 326 on passive trainer bike and never broke into a sweat, so I'll still get a loss from 631 cal deficit?

    I had heard from others with those zaggora hot pants that they had lost weight since using them and smoothed cellulite.. I figured they must really make you sweat to work.

    what about the theory that exercising first thing before eating makes your body use fat stores for energy instead of the breakfast you've just eaten? (if you ate first) that kind of makes sense as I eat my main meal around 3pm and don't eat again until the next day.