Just started, please add me!

Hi all,

Just started, want to lose ~80lbs.

I am female and from the UK.

Looking for friends, so please add me! :smile:


  • Hey, just started here too! Good luck!
  • Hi Jen! My name is Melanie and I live in Florida and I am just 20 days into this and love it so far. I'll motivate you if you"ll motivate me! So feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 29jaz
    29jaz Posts: 4
    :smile: id love to add you not sure how to though
  • haepifeet
    haepifeet Posts: 20 Member
    Ditto! Also new and also looking for friends along the way! Community is a powerful thing!
  • vcabana523
    vcabana523 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi My name is Vannessa. I want to really loose 30 lbs for health reasons and too see the differents in my body. Also my sailor is on deployment and it gets my mind out of missing him a lot but it seems I can't get the discipline down about eating food. i work nights full time and then at seven in the morning i go to school for another seven hours. So yeah i am trying to figue out a schedule for me to work. Do you think its ok to work out three times a week. I use to work out everyday before school semester started but now it seem impossible to balance a routine of school, work, homework, eating food and working out.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Welcome! :)
    To add as a friend, click on their username. There will be a green box on the right that says "add as friend". Click that and you can add a message or you don't have to.
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    Hi Jen! Welcome to MFP!