jaim30 Posts: 24 Member


  • Welcome back! I am also getting back on again. Best of luck to you.
  • rubyeskimo
    rubyeskimo Posts: 18 Member
    Same here! Today is Day 1 for me and I'm starting to wonder why I ever came off the wagon to start with. Feel so much better in myself!
  • Maree_
    Maree_ Posts: 65
    me too! getting back on it is harder than child birth
  • Same here...been off the wagon for a few weeks. Saw such great results, still I quit! Now I'm committed...
  • Seems a common thing. Nice to know I am not the only one. I think I may have found a way to make it work at least to get the first couple of pounds off. Good Luck ladies.
  • nicrus24
    nicrus24 Posts: 12 Member
    ME TOO!!! So frustrating trying to stay on the wagon, its a bumpy ride! :grumble:
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    just climbed back abourd after birthday vacation. birthday cake in office spoiling plans. am running everywhere i can
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    me too. hiya :)
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    How long were you all off thr wagon for? I've been off for 3 weeks....
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    i deleted the app about 5 months ago, and am just back....feels like ive never been away!

    What is the deal with the bar code thing? does it actually work?
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    i deleted the app about 5 months ago, and am just back....feels like ive never been away!

    What is the deal with the bar code thing? does it actually work?

    Yes the bar code works very well. love it
  • jaim30
    jaim30 Posts: 24 Member
    couple of months now..finding hard to fit in my exercise and eat way too much sugar. Each day I say it is time to get on the wagon someone at work brings in brownies or cookies, usually something with sugar..but I am learning to say no again.
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I took a few days off. I have those times every couple of months. This weekend I celebrated my birthday and I ate and ate. I feel bad about it and gained a couple of pounds but I am determined not to let it get me down.
  • I am also a recovering sugar addict --- so far, I'm trying to concentrate on treating myself really well, which means (for me) eliminating sugar, at least for a while. Fresh fruit really helps! Good luck -- friend me if you like. :-)
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    This sugar count worries me, I dont eat chocolates and cakes much but even soup and savoury foods contribute to my sugar intake and then I find myself going over my allowance, often by 30g or more! It's baffling...
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I'm getting back on the wagon too!!! Having such a struggle with it, for some reason I'm not losing weight this time. :( Its really getting to me, I could use as much support as possible.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Add me to the list!!
  • Pamela0001
    Pamela0001 Posts: 3 Member
    Also getting back on the need lots of support also as I try to get back on here...! very hopeful and determined...
  • Same here, I used to keep in good shape before I got sucked into grad school. Here's to feeling good!