Newbie with a difference...

Hi all,

I'm on this site as I am in an electric wheelchair, and therefore can't do any form of exercise at all. Because of this, to maintain a weight I'm happy at I have to keep to quite a strict diet, otherwise I gain the pounds easily and my weight fluctuates a LOT! I don't necessarily want to lose weight as I am happy with my figure at the moment, I just need to find a happy medium in eating the things I like and the things that will keep my calories down!

Due to my confinement to my wheelchair and my total lack of movement, I have been recommended to not exceed 1100/1200 calories a day. I like all kinds of foods, but I'm not very creative when it comes to healthy yet exciting lunches and snacks, and this is my downfall as I end up sticking some uninspiring frozen crap in the oven, which is obviously dead calories!

I would love some support/inspiration from you guys, so please feel free to add me/nosey at my diary!

Much love,

Tess xxx


  • KMSForLife
    Through MFP, I learned of a website called She has a lot of amazing recipes that are easy to make and taste delicious. Check it out!
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    Welcome & I'm sure you'll find the support and inspiration you need at this site.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Welcome! :)
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    Hi and welcome to MFP! I like using and There is usually nutrition information at the bottom of the recipes, but you can also add the ingredients to MFP's calculator in the "My Foods" tab and add the recipe to the database. There are a lot of wonderful recipes that I would never have imagined. I love to try new things but I am not very creative when I am cooking for myself so those sites help me.
  • Baldylocks30
    Baldylocks30 Posts: 37 Member
    hi hun

    i'm new on here and have the same problem with boring food so hopefully will be getting some delicious ideas too.

  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    You'll find a lot of people on here are absolute exercise fiends.. I am not one of them LOL!

    I actually believe that it's 90% about diet anyway and have lost my weight through what I eat not what I do.

    Welcome aboard hun

  • Jacquibennett
    Jacquibennett Posts: 95 Member
    Hiya, welcome to MFP!!

    I must agree with the person who said it's 90% diet anyway. I have previously lost all my weight through diet alone (I put it back on through stress and going through a difficult time but thats another story) I'm also really fussy with food so struggle to make my diet varied so exciting dinners and lunches are hard for me too.
    Good luck! and if you need any support I'll be happy to help if I can :smile:
  • daytonafitmom
    daytonafitmom Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! You will def get support and motivation on here! If you want to look at Michi's Ladder (below), if you eat mainly out of tiers 1 and 2, some of 3, you will have all healthy, nutritious meals:)

    Have a great day!
  • wheeliechick
    Thanks everybody, I really appreciate all the feedback/links given so far!

    Cheers :) xx