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People seeing me running :(



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My husband only runs after dark, because he doesn't want the neighbors to see him.

    Personally, I don't run. I hate it. I am more of a jump roper. Sometimes I don't want to be seen, and other days I just don't care. When I want to keep my exercising private, I will move one of the cars out of the garage and just jump rope there. Most of the time, I jump rope in the driveway though.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    oh please, running makes everyone sweaty and gross. that's part of the appeal.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    I used to be the same way!! My first race I froze at the start line, and literally walked until all the other participants had passed me so no one could watch me. But once I finished that first race (in second to last place...) I kept beating myself up for not pushing myself right out of the gate!

    Now when people see me run, it pushes me to run faster. Even if I'm panting and cramping, I tell my legs to move faster. Once they pass, if I feel like I'm going to pass out, I take it down a few notches until I regain myself.

    If you keep stopping or slowing down when you see people see you run, your body is never going to learn that it can handle more than you're giving it. It'll get to comfortable with stopping a lot. Use those people as motivation!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    That's a nice thing to say. Maybe I'll get up the nerve to give it a try...I have only been talking about it for years! Do runners have a special wave when they see other runners? Motorcycle riders have a wave and so do people on boats..runners should too! lol
  • badelia18
    badelia18 Posts: 14 Member
    It looks like you are losing the weight and before you know it, you'll be running like the rest of them. Run for YOU! Don't not run because of THEM! Hey, at least you are making wbgolden smile. Get out there and enjoy how you feel, don't worry about how you look. Best wishes!
  • Laurarunnergirl
    Laurarunnergirl Posts: 36 Member
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    As a runner, I, too, love watching my fellow runners out there -- makes me feel like we're in one big club. I especially have a lot of admiration for the newer/heavier/slower runners. Having been one myself, I know how much guts you've got to have to put yourself out there and feel like you're being foolish (when I first started, I used to run on the treadmill early in the morning so no one would see me).

    But ya know what -- you may actually be an inspiration to all those people inside their homes looking out the window watching you go by. Not long after I started running (if you can call it that), I saw my neighbor out running one day and she stopped when she saw me walking home from the bus. She told me "you know, I always wanted to run but felt like I would be bad at it. Then I saw you out there just hammering away day after day after day, and I thought, if she can get out there, so can I (she meant that in a nice way)." Another runner joins the club!!
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    I love seeing people run especially bigger people. I have to keep myself from yelling out the window at them woo hoo, good job. Yelling out the window because i'm driving by, not running.lol. I've been doing walking inside and out and a little jogging inside too with Leslie Sansone. Props to you-i'll be chearing you on!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Have you ever seen a big person running and thought "wtf are they doing?" I know I haven't. Yet, when I first started running, that's EXACTLY what I thought people thought about me, so I avoided running with people around at all costs. Now, I don't care. No one is thinking badly of you, even if you don't run well. I'm slow and clumsy when I run (really it's more of a brisk shuffle), but if people bother to meet my eye at all, they offer a nod or smile. No one gives me the "wtf" look.
  • KEEP RUNNING! It would suck if you stopped! This is YOUR life! Do this.................................Look stupid as hell for about 3 months!!! After 3 months, you wont look so stupid anymore! I know from experience. I had to tell myself that MY GETTING BETTER was more important then THEIR THINKING I LOOK STUPID. I WIN in the end!
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    YouTube Phoebe running.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm seriously the slowest runner you'll ever meet and have running form that makes me look like a duck. But no-one cares. I hear very little teasing, and then it's form kids who don't know any better and will be obese by the time they're 18. Other runners and dog walkers always say hello, and old people often say "I wish I could do that!"

    Well done for getting out there, you're a step closer to being an athlete than all the people who never got of their sofas today.
  • running with an ipod may help (if it is safe to do so), i just concentrate on the music and not expiring and don't notice other people.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I used to HATE it when I saw people when I was running, especially people I knew. The only way round it is to act cool, and like oh yeah, you totally run, didn't they know? Eventually when you get more into it, you just stop caring. Especially after a few races. It just takes time.
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    run/jog/shuffle/crawl......haha that sounds like my efforts at running!!! you know i was the same in the beginning, I used to get really self conscious when i was working out in public, apart from running i do stair run/walks as well, i used think people would think i was mad if they saw me run up and down the stairs at the beach!! haha!

    but i learnt not to worry so much, after all i was making a positive lifestyle change and if people think thats stupid then they can just bite me! haha!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Just run, don't care if someone sees you. You are exercising, that is a great thing!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I see people running all the time. I really never give any sort of thought to anything about them regarding size, shape, running style or shoes. If I pass them I'll smile & nod, that's about it. Occasionally I will try to read thier t-shirts if it looks like its from a race.
  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    Me too! I give heavier or beginner runner's WAY more credit that seasoned runners. I know what it is like to start out. You are awesome for staring to run. People are looking at you because they are jealous! Keep it up and do it for you.

    I have found that runners are the most generous and happy people in the world...and they UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE other runners...no matter the level they're at. They're always encouraging others, no matter their fitness level. They're always happy to give SUPPORTIVE advice...not: "Hey...you're doing this wrong. You should be doing THIS...". I always wanted to be LIKE that...happy and confidant and supportive...

    Check this out...

    For a long time, when people said: : "Hey, I saw you running.", I always said: "I'm sorry."

    Can you BELIEVE that?

    I APOLOGIZED...because I knew I was sweaty and gross and parts of me were jiggling and I was breathing hard and all red and...well, you get the idea.

    I'm a novice runner about to run her first half marathon. I've trained for months just so I can finish with an AVERAGE time...not a FAST time...AVERAGE. It took me FOREVER to get where I am now. The first time I ran, I sat on the curb after a block and cried.

    I think I'll probably cry after my first half-marathon, too...but they'll be different tears.

    I don't apologize anymore. I say: "Yeah? Next time, come with me!!"...and it's not because I'm still not red and sweaty and jiggly...I'm still all those things when I run...it's because I'm becoming a runner...and I'm not ashamed...and I'm developing that love for EVERYBODY...

    ...so don't stop. Don't be embarrassed. If you run into people, and they judge you...they're not REAL runners.
  • simkat
    simkat Posts: 72
    As a runner, I love seeing people run. I don't care if they're big, small, running super fast or being a penguin. Seeing people run makes me smile. Every time.

    Also I always look at their shoes to see what they're sporting :)

    True for me, too! It took me about 6mos to have the nerve to run outside. Oh, if only I knew what I was missing and knew how it would feel to see and be seen. It's probably the only thing I do in my life that I don't do competitively and there's such freedom in that. I LOVE seeing other runners, all of them! It's really amazing how supportive and accepting they/we all are. My neighbor who runs marathons can look at big, slow me that started running last year at age 45, and be happy for me. It's the naysayer, non-runners who don't get it and they're not worth thinking about!
  • “Some people can’t figure out what I’m doing. It’s not a walk-hop, it’s not a trot, it’s running, or as close as I can get to running, and it’s harder than doing it on two legs. It makes me mad when people call this a walk. If I was walking it wouldn’t be anything.”

    Terry Fox - Canadian Hero who ran a marathon a day for more than 2500 miles, on one leg, before cancer took him from us.

    Keep Terry in your heart, and JUST RUN! You will know its a run by the effort you invest.
  • Amandajean1105
    Amandajean1105 Posts: 53 Member
    Bump for these motivational and encouraging posts! I'm about to borrow a neighbors treadmill for a few months to 'get the hang' of running before I take to the streets. I greatly appreciate all of your postive thoughts!