C25K Buddies!!!!

How many are doing C25K? No matter when you started or where your at, what you weigh, your age, male or female, treadmill or road runner, you can always use some support and inspiration. So this group is for anyone doing the program. I'm hoping we can all help each other and motivate one another to keep going!

I'm doing W5D2 tomorrow and Friday I'm dreading the D3 20 min run. AAAHHH!!! I'm gonna give it my best. Every week I look at the running schedule I think... "You got to be kidding me???" But I power through it and complete it. Its been a hard process for me since I've never been a runner. I played softball in high school but nothing beyond that. I am not a small girl by an means, so finishing this program will be a MAJOR accomplishment for me. I'm planning on running my first EVER 5K in December, so I have to finish.

Good luck to everyone! I hope to find some buddies to encourage and be encouraged by. Feel free to friend me!


  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member
    I am doing week 3, day 2 tomorrow and I wonder how the hell I am going to get to 20 minutes when 3 minutes is killing me!
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I am in week 8 day 2 You can do it...it's an awesome feeling !!
  • jagman23
    You'll be surprised at how you improve. I struggled with the 3 minute and 5 minute runs at first, but last night I did W8D1 which is 28 minutes continuous and I made it.

  • LoriFleming
    LoriFleming Posts: 14 Member
    If it'll ever stop raining, I'm due to start W8. I love love love the program! Never in a million years did I think I'd be able to run 25 mins straight!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I am in week 2, day 3 is on Friday, but day 1 and 2 were not bad at all. I do have my fears for the upcoming weeks, I've seen a lot of people on here doing C25K, but I don't see many 250lb + people doing it..
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    I'm in week 7, but am running my first 5K on Saturday!! I know that I may not be able to run the whole way, but it will give me a goal for my next one!
  • missysmission777
    missysmission777 Posts: 82 Member
    I just started yesterday...........:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jagspal
    jagspal Posts: 75
    Way to go! I am on week 4 day 2. I too have never been a runner. Actually always hated it! Played sports, but never long distance running always felt the pain of shin splints!

    This program has really help build my confidence, I would have never have heard of it, if it wasn't for you guys!
  • cayzweaver
    cayzweaver Posts: 54 Member
    I'm doing "Run Your Butt Off" which is very similar to C25K and I'm up to 2 minutes walking, 8 minutes running. I run very slowly, but my goal is to keeping running, not be any kind of speed machine. My first race is November 19th and I'm really excited about it. I was a little sidetracked in September; had bronchitis, my husband was sick, my sister got married and now it has rained for four days straight. But I completed the run outside on Sunday and I'm going to the Y today so I'll be able to run on the treadmill so at least I'll get my time in. At 57, completing my first 5K is a wonderful accomplishment and I can't wait to do it! I could really use some encouragement, though, ad I'm glad I found this thread!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    C25K graduate.
    35/ male

    This thing works, I feel so much better and look forward to my run. I was struggling way back when on even week 1 day 1.
    Now I have had to redo my entire route. 5k is my "normal" run distance now. Due to life constraints, it can be shorter or longer. I didn't do the 10k bridge, but I am able to run 10k. I have so much endurance its sick, the only downside is that I ignored my upper body.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm doing W5D2 tomorrow and Friday I'm dreading the D3 20 min run.

    I'm at the exact same place! Did W5D1 yesterday and will do D2 either tomorrow or Friday, weather permitting. I know that I can run a mile non-stop (have done it 2x) but 20 minutes??? Sheesh!

    My stinkin' shin splints are back too...makes it more difficult but I just deal with it. :grumble:

    I NEVER thought I would be a runner!!! :drinker:
  • AJDistel
    I am in week 2, day 3 is on Friday, but day 1 and 2 were not bad at all. I do have my fears for the upcoming weeks, I've seen a lot of people on here doing C25K, but I don't see many 250lb + people doing it..

    I know. I haven't seen many either. But I'm gonna keep going. I may not run fast, but at least I'm doing it.
  • AJDistel
    I'm in week 7, but am running my first 5K on Saturday!! I know that I may not be able to run the whole way, but it will give me a goal for my next one!

    Good luck Saturday! If you finish running or not, at least you finished. Give it your best.
  • AJDistel
    I'm doing "Run Your Butt Off" which is very similar to C25K and I'm up to 2 minutes walking, 8 minutes running. I run very slowly, but my goal is to keeping running, not be any kind of speed machine. My first race is November 19th and I'm really excited about it. I was a little sidetracked in September; had bronchitis, my husband was sick, my sister got married and now it has rained for four days straight. But I completed the run outside on Sunday and I'm going to the Y today so I'll be able to run on the treadmill so at least I'll get my time in. At 57, completing my first 5K is a wonderful accomplishment and I can't wait to do it! I could really use some encouragement, though, ad I'm glad I found this thread!

    It's not how fast you go... it's just about finishing. That's what I have to keep in my head. Keep it up!!
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I am in week 2, day 3 is on Friday, but day 1 and 2 were not bad at all. I do have my fears for the upcoming weeks, I've seen a lot of people on here doing C25K, but I don't see many 250lb + people doing it..

    Ya know what's cool about running? It doesn't matter what you look like, who you are, how tall, how short, cute, fugly ,mean, sweet, etc You are getting off your butt and running...BE PROUD!!!!!!
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm doing "Run Your Butt Off" which is very similar to C25K and I'm up to 2 minutes walking, 8 minutes running. I run very slowly, but my goal is to keeping running, not be any kind of speed machine. My first race is November 19th and I'm really excited about it. I was a little sidetracked in September; had bronchitis, my husband was sick, my sister got married and now it has rained for four days straight. But I completed the run outside on Sunday and I'm going to the Y today so I'll be able to run on the treadmill so at least I'll get my time in. At 57, completing my first 5K is a wonderful accomplishment and I can't wait to do it! I could really use some encouragement, though, ad I'm glad I found this thread!

    YAY for you!!! My first 5K is Oct 30th then I have a 5 mile on NOv 6th and a 5K on Nov 24th ! You can do it!! Please feel free to add me as a friend,,,I'll be on your team :)
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm doing W5D2 tomorrow and Friday I'm dreading the D3 20 min run.

    I'm at the exact same place! Did W5D1 yesterday and will do D2 either tomorrow or Friday, weather permitting. I know that I can run a mile non-stop (have done it 2x) but 20 minutes??? Sheesh!

    My stinkin' shin splints are back too...makes it more difficult but I just deal with it. :grumble:

    I NEVER thought I would be a runner!!! :drinker:

    I have a shin splint problem too...feel free to message me if ya want some pointers :)
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm doing W5D2 tomorrow and Friday I'm dreading the D3 20 min run.

    I'm at the exact same place! Did W5D1 yesterday and will do D2 either tomorrow or Friday, weather permitting. I know that I can run a mile non-stop (have done it 2x) but 20 minutes??? Sheesh!

    My stinkin' shin splints are back too...makes it more difficult but I just deal with it. :grumble:

    I NEVER thought I would be a runner!!! :drinker:

    I have a shin splint problem too...feel free to message me if ya want some pointers :)

    Add me as a friend if you like!

  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    I have done C25K and graduated and did my first 5K back in 2010.

    Now that I had fallen off the wagon, and gained some. I have hopped back on and want to start running again.

    This time around my day1 wasn't so pleasant. But I'll keep chugging along. :)
  • alirae75
    I'm doing a 6 week version. Basically 4 days running instead of the 3. Just started my 3rd week!