Is your workplace diet friendly?



  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    We constantly have stuff left out, sweets, etc., but on the flip side, we also have a really nice free gym in our building that I should use more often than I do, so I can't complain too much, lol.
  • MrWoodles
    MrWoodles Posts: 1 Member
    What bugs me is that because I'm a male in his 20s, people are constantly trying to pawn off their extra desserts and such on me. "You're a young guy, you'll eat anything!"
  • More or less. On occasion someone brings in baked goods and puts them in our kitchen for everyone. But no one pressures you to eat it. And we get 1/2 hour a day (apart from lunch) to go out and walk.

    That 1/2 hour for a walk is awesome!
  • alpepp
    alpepp Posts: 55 Member
    Uh, almost everyday someplace in the building or program is serving lunch. I lost a fair deal before I started working here in July, fell off the wagon and have gained about half back. :(
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 499 Member
    HECK NO!!! There is pizza here every other day. My office mate brings MCdonalds, DQ and fried burritos into the office to eat and it SUX cuz it smells so good!!!!
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I work for an attorney's office and my boss is allergic to Gluten products so he and I eat different items. It's rather nice to know that I can stock our fridge with all the healthy food I want and thats what I have to snack on.. however during the holiday season everyone sends us gifts from sandwich platters to cookies and cakes. There's where I just smile say thank you, wait for them to leave then send it to the trash can... lol
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    Mine did not used to be until a year ago. I work for a small company so we were fortunate enough that they provided our breakfast and lunch foods for many years. So this in turn meant alot of high sodium sandwiches with cheese, lots of snack foods, donuts and alot of diet coke. Well I am the accountant/office manager for this company so when we made budget cuts last year that was the first thing I cut! Yes I made the choice to eat those things and I take responsibility for that but it is much easier to avoid your food weaknesses (mine is salty snacks) when they are not available to you. We all prepare our own meals now and if there is any type of food brought in it is always Subway. We all have lost weight by cutting this crap out of our lives. It helps that our whole office is on board with this decision though and if something not so good is brought in we all are now to the point we can walk past it and ignore it. So much freedom in that!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Absolutely not...I am a cake decorator at a grocery store bakery. Luckily, since being there, I have only gotten 2 things in 8 months. You become immune to it after awhile.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    We have tons of leftover meeting food daily. Cakes, muffins, pastries, etc. Usually the catered meetings do have a fresh fruit platter too, so if I feel the need to eat something, there's that. Also, my admin always has a giant bowl of candy on her desk (currently, it is peanut butter cups) as well as other snacks like pretzels or animal crackers. Also, at least once a week someone will bring in some treat they made, like cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc. I probably gained 10 pounds after starting this job. Cutting out all of the office food alone probably helped me greatly!
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    Reading this as I stare at a bowl of PB cups, whoppers, and mini chocolate bars on officemates desk. Haven't given in yet. Trying to stay strong. :)
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That 1/2 hour for a walk is awesome!

    It's great! And we have a little mini-park next door with a 1/4 mile walking track.

    I've only worked here since January though so maybe I spoke too soon - don't know what the holidays are going to be like! I don't mind too much anyway. I will take a small piece if someone brings in a special homemade something; otherwise I remind myself that I can buy my own candy and baked goods whenever I want them, so I do NOT have to eat them just because they are available.
  • deedeefelldown
    deedeefelldown Posts: 57 Member
    Not at all. I'm right next to the vending machines and every time I turn around there is birthday cake.
  • MDfour
    MDfour Posts: 20
    Not even a little bit. On top of the candy bar shop in the break room right across from my cubicle, there are donuts or bagels or cake or cookies or chips or all of the above that someone will have brought in every single day. It's also holiday season, and our entire floor is supposed to either bring a dessert to share for the department party or pay 5 dollars. Most people bring desserts, and all the leftovers stay in the break room after the party (and there are always a million tons of leftovers - about 50 people bring in desserts to serve 100.)

    However, the company is pretty health-focused, so about twice a week we get emails about healthy snack ideas. So that's a plus.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Mine definitely isn't!

    We're totally undermanned so there's not much time off for PT! On top of that, the hours can be strange which cause eating time problems! On top of that... when someone passes a test/examination (which seems to be a least once a week!) they have to bring in cakes... likewise when several have had a test, the top scorer and the bottom scorer have to bring in cakes/sweets! Usually iced doughnuts!

    Started to get better with people baking their own treats which means some healthier alternatives and better portion sizes... (if you give in to the temptaion!) and they're trying to factor time in to people's work shifts for COMPULSORY PT due to the branch/Trade (Air Traffic Control and Assistants) seeming to have one of the highest fail rates for the RAF Fitness Test. High levels of stress don't help admittedly and when you're not having chance to burn off the adrenaline you inevitably end up stressed, higher levels of cortisol in your blood, higher blood pressure etc... And generally speaking...we're all caffeine loaded too!

    Val xx
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Is your job diet friendly?

    mines is not, since it's halloween season, candy is EVERYWHERE. hershey chocolate, reese cups, snickers, you name it. the office has it. On top of that a manager brought in rolls, bagels, and muffins to work for the office.

    Eh, yeah I know EVERYONE is not on a diet.

    No my workplace is not eat healthy friendly in the least. It is up to me to adhere to my own goals without being tempted.

    I don't have sweet, starchy cravings any longer so it doesn't affect me with what anyone else eats or has on their deak.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Heh - as I was reading this thread, a co-worker brought in donuts. :laugh:
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    My work almost always has snacks and food in the backroom! It's hard to say no, and sometimes I eat something small, but I now always bring my own snack or lunch to work so that I know exactly what I'm eating and that it's good for me.
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    I work at a school, but we have our own dining service. It can be really bad for the diet if you want, but it can also be a tool to help you eat more healthfully. We have free breakfast and free break food in addition to the free lunch and you can eat lots of pastries and sweets in the morning and fried, cheesy things for lunch. There are healthy options though, and we have lots of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Since I have joined MFP I have been able to stay away from the temptations (chicken tenders, chocolate chip scones, fettucine alfredo) and instead head for the salad bar, the fruit bar, the brothy soups, and the veggie burger patties. It sure takes a lot of willpower though!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    There is only 12 people in our company. There is a break room, but only a soda machine, no candy machine etc.
    Very seldom someone will bring a sweet, they are more likely to bring something from their garden. No one would push a food item, or ask, "should you be eating that?" There is a sidewalk where its popular to walk at lunch. My boss is OK with me using space to practice Tai Chi on my break if I want. He's also OK with me changing into my exercise wear before I leave work.
  • amaion17
    amaion17 Posts: 27 Member
    i work at the elementary school cafeteria so, not always. but i pick and choose and its portion controlled so its not too bad.