Umm.. "Private time"?



  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    paint him in chocolate sauce!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I guess how much you burn would depend who was on top....I need to switch things up a bit so I can burn more calories during our "private time". He'll like it :smile:

    plus "on top" gives you a little extra ab workout, bonus! :wink:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I guess how much you burn would depend who was on top....I need to switch things up a bit so I can burn more calories during our "private time". He'll like it :smile:

    plus "on top" gives you a little extra ab workout, bonus! :wink:

    Go for it ladies! Imagine all the happy couples if women used men as their workouts!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    the people of mfp are celibate and therefore have no clue what you may be referring to. we need you to explain with a more detailed description.

    at least this is what i have been led to believe by being beaten over the head with the damn (darn) pg-13 rule.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Man: I'm almost there!!

    Woman: Wait!!! I need at least another 3 minutes to get in 10 minutes to reach my calorie burn for the day!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I guess how much you burn would depend who was on top....I need to switch things up a bit so I can burn more calories during our "private time". He'll like it :smile:

    plus "on top" gives you a little extra ab workout, bonus! :wink:

    Go for it ladies! Imagine all the happy couples if women used men as their workouts!

    lol! oh yes I get plenty of "fun workouts" on top of my regular workouts...I don't count the cals for the fun workouts tho..I just considered those a bonus, in more ways than one :laugh:
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    I think it depends on how........strenuous and....adventurous your "private time" is....I actualy once wore an HRM (he was slightly confused LOL) and in 2 hours I burned about 984 calories! You could always try to test it out if your guy is game for it? Have fun! ;)
  • ladyrhees
    Um....I'll just say I have great arm definition *hee*....definitely get a better workout on top. *grin*
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Honestly, the 125 calories for 30 mins is only a basic guideline. The only way to really get an accurate count of calories burnt for those exercises that are not in the data bases is with a HRM.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think it depends on how........strenuous and....adventurous your "private time" is....I actualy once wore an HRM (he was slightly confused LOL) and in 2 hours I burned about 984 calories! You could always try to test it out if your guy is game for it? Have fun! ;)

  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I always wear my HRM, its a little cumbersome and unromantic but I love to see the burn!!!!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    We call that "sexercise"

    hahaha Love it! I have always thought about that. Also what about private time with yourself LOL
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I doubt a HRM will give you an accurate burn for activities like this. Your excitement is a big part of the reason why your HR goes up during sex... That's different from HR going up during a boring run.
  • robinellis
    Man: I'm almost there!!

    Woman: Wait!!! I need at least another 3 minutes to get in 10 minutes to reach my calorie burn for the day!

    LOL this is tooo funny but totally what would be going on in our house!
  • JaimeBrown5
    Hm.. good point.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Guys typically burn more than women. Well if they are doing it

    About 600 cals an hour for men (user discretion of course) and 250 for women (unless she's buck wild then double that).
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Guys typically burn more than women. Well if they are doing it

    About 600 cals an hour for men (user discretion of course) and 250 for women (unless she's buck wild then double that).

    It all depends like I said early! I wore an HRM once and was very close to 1,000 in two hours! But then again, I guess I am kinda "buck wild" as you said LOL
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Well, you would need to be doing all the driving to have a significant burn. You can't be a pillow princess and burn calories. :laugh:
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    I keep threatening to wear my HRM one day, but I have yet to try it! :laugh:
  • vespaberrie
    vespaberrie Posts: 86 Member
    I'd always wondered why sex wasn't in the exercise database.... we get credit for housework. I know I burn more calories having sex than doing house work... plus it's more fun. :tongue: