Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Helen, One day is now in the past and you will be fine! We all slip up occasionally, it is how we deal with it long term that matters. I have a saying that has been running through my head lately. "Win today and Repeat" If we only focus on today it makes every bit of difference. I hope your 5 yo is feeling better--and once TOM goes you will be much better! Have you tried chewing ice chips? I would chew them on my way home from night shifts it made a difference. Also sometimes a brisk walk or jumping jacks will get you out of the tireds enough to thwart cravings. When I quit working nights I lost 10 lbs, just because of my tired sugar cravings...Have a great one and just focus on today!
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    I weighed myself this am and it was not good. Up! :mad: I would like to blame it on weighing after exercising this am. But it is my own fault. I did not exercise for several days and then ate like it was my last days on earth! So my weight is 158.2.
    It didn't feel good going down nor did it feel good afterwards! This am it felt horrible but I feel I am back on track. After a few days of being on track I plan to ponder why/what allowed me to do this to myself!

    On a different note my son's girlfriend asked me to train for a run with her. She knows I have been doing a walk/jog on my own. I have plenty of time to think this over. It is a 4 mile run. I have never ran unless forced to in highschool. So there is some thinking to do.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Thanks, Debbie!

    I forgot to mention that I got my new pedometer. I am LOVING it!! A nice, slim design that slips right into my pocket. I'm already at 1700 steps, and that's just from dropping off my daughter at daycare and walking to my office from the staff parking lot. I'm excited to try it out all day today, aiming to 10,000 steps by the time I get home. Nothing like a new gadget to get you up and moving!

    I got the Omron HJ-303. Here's a link if you want to check it out:
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    I was the same this morning :( Working on logging all my calories this week. I have done amazing Monday and Tuesday. So my goal this week is to keep it up. I really feel like I can conquer the world when I do good on my diet and exercise :) I am looking for 2 pounds this week so I am determined not to fall off the wagon.

    I am going to avoid sweets of any kind this week. I made a protein shake last night that surprisingly satisfied my sweet tooth. 1/2 cup pure pumpkin, 1/4 cup bobs red mill whey protein, 1 cup skim milk, ice and a packet of stevia. Blend in the magic bullet and it was amazing!!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I'll join the epic fail group. I was not feeling well yesterday so I didn't cook dinner, so my hubby decided McDonalds...

    I will never understand why I overeat on foods that don't make me feel good. and why I overeat on it. its like something gets set off in my brain that I have to finish it all! I hate it.

    new day though.. I'm going to hit the gym hard this week, work my butt off at home in the evenings... and try and stay on track calorie wise the rest of the week. its all I can do.
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    WooHoo! 168.2 this week, I almost forgot to post.
    NSV: lost 1 inch. (.25 in hips, .5 in waist, and .25 on the right thigh).
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Geez, it's like the mere mention of "trigger foods" sends us all over the edge. I didn't post my trigger foods yesterday, but maybe I should have, because last night I went to a bar to watch the Tigers game, and ended up getting fish and chips. I ate way more than I should have, and felt sick afterward. My trigger foods are definitely bar foods like that: French fries, grilled cheese, chicken fingers, cheeseburgers... It's hard for me not to order that kind of stuff when I'm in a situation like I was last night. I think I'll have to start eating dinner before I go out, so I don't feel like I have to order something there. Anyway, best of luck to everyone, and don't let one bad meal ruin the rest of your day or one bad day ruin the rest of your week!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Geez, it's like the mere mention of "trigger foods" sends us all over the edge. I didn't post my trigger foods yesterday, but maybe I should have, because last night I went to a bar to watch the Tigers game, and ended up getting fish and chips. I ate way more than I should have, and felt sick afterward. My trigger foods are definitely bar foods like that: French fries, grilled cheese, chicken fingers, cheeseburgers... It's hard for me not to order that kind of stuff when I'm in a situation like I was last night. I think I'll have to start eating dinner before I go out, so I don't feel like I have to order something there. Anyway, best of luck to everyone, and don't let one bad meal ruin the rest of your day or one bad day ruin the rest of your week!

    Those are total trigger foods for me too. Especially the cheesy stuff. Grilled cheese, Cheese sticks, Quesadillas. Yum. Luckily I don't keep the stuff I would need to make that stuff in the house and haven't been out to eat in awhile.
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok, I am going to admit that my eating is out of control!! There, now I can begin to improve it! I WILL NOT be left behind any longer! My weight for this week is still 212. Next week a new LOWER number WILL take its place!!! I'm not sure what to name as a trigger food but my goal for the week is to stop when I'm full even if others are still eating!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I was the same this morning :( Working on logging all my calories this week. I have done amazing Monday and Tuesday. So my goal this week is to keep it up. I really feel like I can conquer the world when I do good on my diet and exercise :) I am looking for 2 pounds this week so I am determined not to fall off the wagon.

    I am going to avoid sweets of any kind this week. I made a protein shake last night that surprisingly satisfied my sweet tooth. 1/2 cup pure pumpkin, 1/4 cup bobs red mill whey protein, 1 cup skim milk, ice and a packet of stevia. Blend in the magic bullet and it was amazing!!

    that does sound so good! I'm going to try that out soon. thanks for sharing
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I promised a recipe and here it is. It's one of my favorites: chicken-chile tostadas. If you want to bring down the calories, omit the tortilla and eat on a big huge bed of lettuce or mixed salad greens. I love having it for lunch that way. Bon appetite!

    Wanted to share a little success with you all today. I ate on the run, stopped at Good Times for a bite to eat. I decided that I had to keep it in check even though I was stopping for fast food. So I limited myself to just a chicken sandwich no fries, no shake. It satisfied my craving for fried deliciousness, but also kept my pride in check because I didn't let it take me over the edge. And, I'm going to finish today UNDER calories after my workout and still get an evening snack, even after eating fast food.

    Happy day! :happy:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    {And from the shadows...she emerges.....}

    Hi All!

    I haven't been keeping up with the thread but am hoping that everyone is having a successful challenge! I'm trying diligently to get back into the groove of staying active with MFP & the challenge. My exercising has gotten better and more consistent; now I need to focus on posting everything into my diary.

    A small NSV...I posted everything for today and was able to end the day under my calorie goal...the first time since my hip injury sidelined me. 1 day down; next focus will be to do it again for Thursday.

    Have a great Thursday evening! :flowerforyou:
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I think there's something about fall that makes us just want to eat! Particularly the nice comfort (aka trigger) foods we all love so much. Yesterday wasa much better day for me, they had Qdoba brought in and I just didn't eat it. I did still go out to dinner with a friend so I'm sure I was over calories but it was nice healthy dinner so I'm okay with it. Yesterday I decided if I'm going to be tempted I'll at least plan for it so I found out today will be Panera again at work so veggie sandwich and salad only. No bread or cookie without looking up the nutritional info first and deciding if its worth it because most likely its not!

    We all have bad days here and there and that's why we're in this group to support each other through it. It not worth beating ourselves up about it! I think setting these goals and doing challenges helps keep us moving in the right direction. Its about putting in our best effort and as long we do that we'll all get to our goals eventually even if we do have a cookie or some nachos every once in awhile :flowerforyou:
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Last night me and my husband went out for a run in the country. It was so beautiful out and I enjoyed every moment (even when I was sure I was going to die running up the last hill) :laugh:

    So we come home and I make baked chicken etc and we eat it then I make myself a real pumpkin smoothy with bobs red mill plain whey protein. What does my husband do (who has lost 35+ pounds to my 7!!!!) he goes out and gets a root beer float!! GRRRRRRR Thank goodness I am feeling strong and could tell him "no thank you" when he asked me if I wanted one. Sweets are one of my trigger foods and once I start, I can't stop, after I have a sweet then I need to have something salty and it is a pathetic spiral down from there!! I was super proud of myself and when he got home I let him know that his "treat" was over 600 calories!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I have not had one single sweet since Sunday and I am so proud of myself. It is my TOM and usually I am all over the sweets!!
    Looking forward to a BIG number on Tuesday! :drinker:

    Happy Thursday everyone!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member

    We all have bad days here and there and that's why we're in this group to support each other through it. It not worth beating ourselves up about it! I think setting these goals and doing challenges helps keep us moving in the right direction. Its about putting in our best effort and as long we do that we'll all get to our goals eventually even if we do have a cookie or some nachos every once in awhile :flowerforyou:

    Hellz to the yeah Ellen! :heart:
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    Happy Wednesday – I mean, Thursday! It's time to review our chart! (Sorry it’s one day late…)

    Remember, you are only included in the chart if you reported a weight this week. Late weigh-ins are always accepted and will be added to the spreadsheet (link listed below).


    A nice improvement over last week! AND, we even crossed the “100 lbs” mark! This is FANTASTIC, considering we’re reaching the half-way point in the next 1-2 days.

    Congrats to the following members who moved "up" in the colors (white to yellow or green / yellow to green):

    :flowerforyou: ceejay000
    :flowerforyou: Huskeryogi
    :flowerforyou: inshapeCK
    :flowerforyou: kylakesgal
    :flowerforyou: LeslieRoyale
    :flowerforyou: Michelle228
    :flowerforyou: Tissues

  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Happy Wednesday – I mean, Thursday! It's time to review our chart! (Sorry it’s one day late…)

    Remember, you are only included in the chart if you reported a weight this week. Late weigh-ins are always accepted and will be added to the spreadsheet (link listed below).


    A nice improvement over last week! AND, we even crossed the “100 lbs” mark! This is FANTASTIC, considering we’re reaching the half-way point in the next 1-2 days.

    Yey for concrete data! WTG everyone!!!!! I promise next wee, you'll see better number from me and this time I WILL NOT SLIDE back to previous weight, but will hold tight and find the 150s holding me with open arms!
    Congrats to the following members who moved "up" in the colors (white to yellow or green / yellow to green):

    :flowerforyou: ceejay000
    :flowerforyou: Huskeryogi
    :flowerforyou: inshapeCK
    :flowerforyou: kylakesgal
    :flowerforyou: LeslieRoyale
    :flowerforyou: Michelle228
    :flowerforyou: Tissues

  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey all...I have been M.I.A. this past week....we had 3 kids here all week here on fall break and we've been going and I've been working, so I decided to take a week off....I'm late on the weigh in but still holding at 152....hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to getting back on track with you guys!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Hey all...I have been M.I.A. this past week....we had 3 kids here all week here on fall break and we've been going and I've been working, so I decided to take a week off....I'm late on the weigh in but still holding at 152....hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to getting back on track with you guys!

    Been missing you! Was just about to send you a million messages asking where you were. holding steady is a good thing.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey all...I have been M.I.A. this past week....we had 3 kids here all week here on fall break and we've been going and I've been working, so I decided to take a week off....I'm late on the weigh in but still holding at 152....hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to getting back on track with you guys!

    Been missing you! Was just about to send you a million messages asking where you were. holding steady is a good thing.

    Thanks Olivia :) It's been stress city here but this next week should be much more smooth sailing :)