Can anyone help me understand why I am not losing weight?


I honestly feel like I've improved my diet and exercise habits over the past few months (and most recently, during my short time here) by leaps and bounds and the scale is just.not.moving. ugh!! I have shrugged it off for weeks and just kept going but I don't understand it. I know I could decrease my carbs and sugar and increase my protein, and my calories tend to creep up sometimes into the 1800-1900 range, but I am 184 pounds and formerly consumed 2800 calories a day on average, wouldn't a 1000 calorie a day reduction make a difference?!

I would understand this if I was 140 looking to lose 10 pounds, but not at 184 when I have 45 pounds to lose. Ugh, so frustrated, and I'd appreciate any and all advice. My diary is open for anyone who cares to look:)



  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    Try to lower your fat & sugar intakes. Also try to work out 4-6 days a week. Make sure you're drinking 8 glasses of water a day, minimum.

    Good luck to you!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i cant really give you advice because im in exactly the same dilema, i have reduced my calories as much as possible, i exercise a lot and still not losing ive been stuck at 181 for 3 weeks now! so frustrating isnt it!
  • LFDBabs
    LFDBabs Posts: 297 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? Sometimes the scale can be deceiving. Try to focus on how you FEEL and how your clothes fit. I can sympathize with your frustration. I'm in the same boat. Lost 4 pounds in my first two weeks, now nothing. BUT, don't give up!
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    I would say, drink more water, and also working out is the key for me.. maybe working out more, and getting support from a dietitian will not hurt.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I too can sympathize. I have been here for 4 months and only lost 7 pounds. Good luck to you!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Looks like you have a sweet tooth. Those Lara bars and cookies aren't doing you any favors. You track your sugar, but you continue to go over on sugar. See about keeping your carbs under 150 grams. See about snacking on raw almonds and sunflower seeds.
  • I had the same issue because I was always watching the calories and not the numbers from Carbs, Protein and fat. But the simple math is this, what I have found to be helpful is NO process quick fixes, like hidden sugar in fat free items! Watch your actual "fat" calorie numbers, it does not always have to be related to how much calories you consume but where those actual calories come from which is your carbs, protein and most importantly fat. Good luck :):smile:
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    If you are not already, Drink a glass of water before every meal and during. Also, are you feeling satisfied after your meals and snacks? I have found that if I plan a low carb meal with veggies and end with a piece of fruit, I feel satisfied but not overly full. I follow the 40/30/30 rule (carbs/protein/fat). Maybe try having small meals/snacks through out the day and make sure that you are getting an hour of excercise per day. It doesn't have to be strenous - walking will help. Then try adding in strength training.

    Also, go back to your diary when you were losing and see what worked for you. Old habits are hard to break and sometimes they creep back in. Take a fresh look - you might be surprised.

    Good luck!
  • Are you using MFP to calculate your calores burned during exercise or are you using a heart rate monitor? If you aren't using a HRM, I would strongly suggest that you get one. I got mine at Target for $40, it's a New Balance. Looking at some of the numbers you have in for calories burned, just don't seem very accurate.
  • TVstfne
    TVstfne Posts: 19
    What do you have your calorie levels set lose 1 lb/week? I looked at your diary for the past few days and there were several days where you did go over your goal by a few hundred calories. Don't take that wrong, because if you are 1,000 calories down from what you were eating that is GREAT! But you are probably eating the equivalent of your "Maintenance Level" so you aren't losing, but you aren't gaining...When you were eating 1,000 calories more, you were probably gaining a little bit every week and didn't realize it (that's how we all got to where we are, right? ;-) ) So you ARE making a difference. But if you truly want to lose and not just maintain, then you need to stay at/under your allotted calories every day.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Looks like you have a sweet tooth. Those Lara bars and cookies aren't doing you any favors. You track your sugar, but you continue to go over on sugar. See about keeping your carbs under 150 grams. See about snacking on raw almonds and sunflower seeds.

    If you have a sweet tooth, try a piece of fruit like clementines and peaches and pair with string cheese or cottage cheese. These snacks help me feel satisfied. I also like a handful of trail mix once in a while.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Here's the best advice I can give (and what worked for me these past 10 months):

    -Log every bite, log every workout
    -MEET your calorie goals set on MFP to lose 1lb/week
    -Don't fall BELOW those goals after logging workouts--your body will not let go of that extra weight

    Eat as cleanly as possible. Eat every 2-3 hours. Pre-log your workouts and spread those extra calories around with healthy whole foods.

    Here's my stats:
    I'm now at my goal weight, 135 lbs, 5'6"

    In order to lose the 1lb/week my settings were to eat 1,260 per day
    I typically burned 300-500 calories/day depending on the workout

    500 burned would be feeding my body with 760 cals. No way!

    So, I pre-logged my workouts and spread those extra cals around to MEET my 1,260 goal.

    Total intake of food was typically around 1,760 for me personally. On those particular days I was TAKING IN more than that 1,260 but meeting the goals MFP set for me to lose that lb/week
  • Don't despair hon. It could be that u r building muscle and muscle weighs more but in the long run, will also burn more. Or it could be that ur body is still trying to adjust to ur new lifestyle so it will take some time before it starts to co-operate.

    Try not to let ur calorie intake fall below 1,200 calories for the day as this means that ur body is starving, though u don't feel it. Ur body needs all the nutrition in order to work well and burn calories. U can try the Jillian Michaels 4-3-2-1 pyramid scheme which has been working for me so far...4 servings of fruits and vegetables, 3 servings of protein, 2 servings of grains (whole grains; no white breads, biscuits, rice or pasta) and 1 serving of sweet (no more than 200 calories though).

    Just keep pressing on and have faith in urself. Try not to watch the scale so much; concentrate on ur waist as there is where all the "bad" fat lies. And note, if u r not trying to lose weight for the right reasons (i.e. a healthier u, better health, etc.) then this can also slow down the process.

    All the best with ur journey. And feel free to add me if u wish.

    Cheers :)
  • ValMcB
    ValMcB Posts: 44
    Could be a number of factors, not enough water, not eating enough, exercising is replacing fat with muscle weight.
    Did you do measurements when you started? Do any of your clothes fit more loosely?
    Check your measurements and make sure you track them as well, but only recheck every week or 2, that will help.

    I was STARVING for a few days last week. Seriously wanted to just chow down, ate over my calorie amounts a few times but stayed under calorie limits because of exercise. I am allowed 1720 so don't care what I did for exercise I try and keep it under that. BUT I found I had some under 1500 cal days and think my body went into starvation mode and clung to everything.
    Apparently I needed to eat and eat more than my calorie limit. And this week I've dropped again! Yeah!

    I guess the best advice I can give is to eat if you are hungry but within reason. Have good roughage, especially, and if you need to kick things up a notch have twice as much salad or an extra apple. And LOTS of water!
    Good luck, hope it helps and you drop again soon!
  • Are you using MFP to calculate your calores burned during exercise or are you using a heart rate monitor? If you aren't using a HRM, I would strongly suggest that you get one. I got mine at Target for $40, it's a New Balance. Looking at some of the numbers you have in for calories burned, just don't seem very accurate.

    I'm using MFP to calculate calories burned during exercise. I have a HR monitor but I don't think it calculates calories burned. Hmmm.
  • Could be a number of factors, not enough water, not eating enough, exercising is replacing fat with muscle weight.
    Did you do measurements when you started? Do any of your clothes fit more loosely?
    Check your measurements and make sure you track them as well, but only recheck every week or 2, that will help.

    I was STARVING for a few days last week. Seriously wanted to just chow down, ate over my calorie amounts a few times but stayed under calorie limits because of exercise. I am allowed 1720 so don't care what I did for exercise I try and keep it under that. BUT I found I had some under 1500 cal days and think my body went into starvation mode and clung to everything.
    Apparently I needed to eat and eat more than my calorie limit. And this week I've dropped again! Yeah!

    I guess the best advice I can give is to eat if you are hungry but within reason. Have good roughage, especially, and if you need to kick things up a notch have twice as much salad or an extra apple. And LOTS of water!
    Good luck, hope it helps and you drop again soon!

    I am definitely deficient in water. There is definite room for improvement there. Thank you!
  • Here's the best advice I can give (and what worked for me these past 10 months):

    -Log every bite, log every workout
    -MEET your calorie goals set on MFP to lose 1lb/week
    -Don't fall BELOW those goals after logging workouts--your body will not let go of that extra weight

    Eat as cleanly as possible. Eat every 2-3 hours. Pre-log your workouts and spread those extra calories around with healthy whole foods.

    Here's my stats:
    I'm now at my goal weight, 135 lbs, 5'6"

    In order to lose the 1lb/week my settings were to eat 1,260 per day
    I typically burned 300-500 calories/day depending on the workout

    500 burned would be feeding my body with 760 cals. No way!

    So, I pre-logged my workouts and spread those extra cals around to MEET my 1,260 goal.

    Total intake of food was typically around 1,760 for me personally. On those particular days I was TAKING IN more than that 1,260 but meeting the goals MFP set for me to lose that lb/week

    Awesome. You are where I want to be!!! I'm 5'6" also. Congrats on your weight loss.
  • Looks like you have a sweet tooth. Those Lara bars and cookies aren't doing you any favors. You track your sugar, but you continue to go over on sugar. See about keeping your carbs under 150 grams. See about snacking on raw almonds and sunflower seeds.

    If you have a sweet tooth, try a piece of fruit like clementines and peaches and pair with string cheese or cottage cheese. These snacks help me feel satisfied. I also like a handful of trail mix once in a while.

    The sweet tooth is typically the worst at night (when I should be in bed)! Probably more a problem than my sweet tooth is my late bedtime spent watching tv. I need to go to bed earlier!!
  • What do you have your calorie levels set lose 1 lb/week? I looked at your diary for the past few days and there were several days where you did go over your goal by a few hundred calories. Don't take that wrong, because if you are 1,000 calories down from what you were eating that is GREAT! But you are probably eating the equivalent of your "Maintenance Level" so you aren't losing, but you aren't gaining...When you were eating 1,000 calories more, you were probably gaining a little bit every week and didn't realize it (that's how we all got to where we are, right? ;-) ) So you ARE making a difference. But if you truly want to lose and not just maintain, then you need to stay at/under your allotted calories every day.

    I have it set to lose 2 lbs/week. Should I change it to 1 lb/week? You are right, I was gaining...
  • How are your clothes fitting? Sometimes the scale can be deceiving. Try to focus on how you FEEL and how your clothes fit. I can sympathize with your frustration. I'm in the same boat. Lost 4 pounds in my first two weeks, now nothing. BUT, don't give up!

    Hmmm, about the same. I "feel" better in them but they are still tight in all the same places:(