i need motivation and support

Well i just started back working out. I feel like **** all the time. My self esteem is very low right now. I just joined LA Fitness gym last Wednesday. I worked with a trainer on friday couldn't even get out of bed Saturday or Sunday. Monday i did nothing at all. Tuesday i walked on the treadmill for forty min on 3.0 burned bout 400 calories. I felt great. But, my spirit not really high about any of it. I Don't know if it's because i'm alone trying to get it done or what. I've tried finding others who would like to workout or just for support or just to talk to but nothing. I am on my way to the gym today to do another minutes on the treadmill but i have no energy behind it. I am an emotional eater so at this point i'm really just trying to focus on my goals and keep going. Anyone have any suggestions for me? Well anyway if anyone looking for a workout partner please let me know. I really could use a workout friend someone who understands what i'm going through. I weigh 278 I have lost 3 or 4 pounds so far just really by changing my food habits. My goal is 80 more pounds.


  • xsnuffyx
    xsnuffyx Posts: 26 Member
    Hey msshay feel free to add me Im going through alot of the same things, but we can do this! :)
  • daylewinslow
    you're in good company - we're rooting for you.
  • neonpinknoodles
    Add me! I have been in your shoes as has most of us. I still am working on getting moving and getting the motivation to get out of bed and hope on the elliptical! Right now im fighting a knee injury which is making it tough but im fighting threw it! You just need to stay focused and you will acheive your goals! You can do it!
  • momma_kathleen
    HAY! that is why we are all here! on the days when you just fell like you are NO WAY going to the gym, get up and get your butt down there! i am at the point where i feel like crap when i DONT get that cardio...it really is addictive and a perfect way to replace all the goodies...i also drink massive amounts of Honest Tea Passionfruit flavor...zero calories and gives me the sweets i crave while making me smile like i'm gettin away with something! post often, people here are great and feel free to friend request me!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    stick with the exercise and eating well. Break it down into managable segments. When I first started I had a goal of working out 3x a week. Sometimes I still have to revert back to doing that same thing.

    It takes awhile to get into a new groove. It's frustrating and irritating and can feel very lonely. Just become more active on the boards or with friends on here and that will help keep you active. I find if I say what I have to do then I do it so I can report back that it's done.

    Hang in there!
  • heatherlovesmk09
    heatherlovesmk09 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been watching that tv show on MTV " I use to be fat" and it has really motivated me. Plus I have a wedding to get ready for and I want to loose atleast 100 lbs
  • KaylaWeber87
    KaylaWeber87 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey girl....I know how you feel. It is very hard to stay motivated. You can add me if you want, I have a big weight-loss goal ahead of me, and I could also use the encouragement and motivation from others. :) Feel free to message me anytime!! :) Kayla Sons
  • xlovemehalwaiyzx
    Keep your head up. I work out by myself also. But i feel it as more relaxing. With having someone next to me or talking to me while working out who isn't pushing me like a trainer is hard. It's harder for me to consintrate. But just like you lst week i felt extremely unmotivated at my 6th weigh in and only seeing a 1/2lb down. It's better than a gain. But i was directed to this site and i love it here. Everyone is really nice. And it's been keeping me motivated. Another thing that keeps me motivated when i work is my goal on why i'm trying to lose weight and tone up. (for my wedding dress) so i just image running after it. (as crazy as it sounds) But it helps me go faster and longer. :) i'm here if you would like to talk to me! you can add me! But like i began with KEEP YOUR HEAD UP. WE ALL CAN DO IT!!!

  • KaylaWeber87
    KaylaWeber87 Posts: 14 Member
    That's awesome!! You can do it!!! :) I have Netflix, and I keep The Biggest Loser playing all the time! lol It keeps me motivated! :)
  • Chartarr
    If you love dancing and all different types of music you should find a local Zumba class!!!! It is fun and amazing!!! You can burn from 500-1000 calories in just one class!!!!!

    I feel your struggle, but with hard work and determination you can do anything you put your mind to!!!!
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    Your post just made me so sad. You are doing a fantastic thing for yourself and you need to realize this. I know the journey can seem endless, but you will get there. Have you ever read "The Secret"?? Sometimes just focusing on changing your thoughts can be more instrumental than any other part of the journey.

    I wish you the best of luck. You are wonderful!!:flowerforyou:

    Oh BTW...I so get the emotional eating thing... I am one too.

  • msbrowneyes85
    Im here for ya and will add you. We can help support each other! I know its not as good as having a workout partner but mfp has so many people willing to help and motivate including myself :smile: Just hang in there your doing great so far! Maybe if you wanted to you could get a few people on here and just email back and forth daily that way you feel like you have someone every day and hopefully that will help motivate you and lift your spirits alittle more completely up to you but i would be willing to check in and email to help if you like. I always have my days where i do really good and then just kind of get in a slump and dont want to do anything. I weigh 257 so i completely understand where your coming from :)
  • lynkly
    lynkly Posts: 5
    You are on the right track by 'wanting' to loose the weight - now you need to 'act' on it!
    90% diet - 10% exercise....check out a nutritionist that goes to the gym...they can provide you with a basic healthy eating plan. That is what I am doing and I am never hungry because I am eating TRUE foods your body craves. eg: Breakfast - start off with 3 scrambled or fried (omega 3) eggs; 1 apple and 20 almonds.....try that for a couple of mornings and watch your hunger fade. Of course you need to eat healthy ALL day but a breakfast is an excellent way to start. Remember always eat TRUE foods; nothing processed; chemically enhanced; or artificially sweetened. Focus, focus, focus is what my husband always says :)
  • hopeful620
    Celebrate the fact that you are still persevering! You could just as easy not go to the gym or walk on the treadmill, but you are Choosing to do this! Good for you! Congratulations for following through. Each step you take (both figuratively and physically) brings you closer to your goal. Way to go!