In need of friends, encouragement and support.....

Hey everyone,

My name is Katie.....I have already lost 3.5 stone but recently gained a stone of that. I feel really down but this week have turned a corner and want to lose the stone I have gained and finally get to my target weight. I seem low now but when I am back in my routine I could be a huge help to others out there as I have been through two years of dieting. PLEASE check out my photos if anyone needs encouragement to see just how much of a difference weight loss CAN make to your life...but right now its ME in need of some support!

Can't wait to hear from some of you and make some dieting friends! I am really keen to make friends with people in the USA as its somewhere I am obsessed with and want to travel around soon....I am from the UK.



  • purplebabe2025
    purplebabe2025 Posts: 383 Member
    OMG. 3.5 ur amazing. I've never been able to lose such an amount. I just seem to look fit without actually losing anything. I'm hoping this will work in ny favour and u have all the support in me. Add me pls
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member

    I am a sahm who is on her own weightloss journey. I too need encouragement on those rough days like today. I am exhausted, messy house and all I want to do is lie down. Let's be buddies!

  • arosmith79
    arosmith79 Posts: 250 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far!!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    You are a rockstar LOSER! You already lost it once you can do it again. No shame in that. We have ups and downs. Better to lose one stone back that you re-gained now instead of having to start all over like I am doing. You can do THIS!
  • KatieVxox
    Thanks so much! The replies have put the smile on my face I have desperately been longing for lately! :) x
  • paper_doll_
    Wow!! Great job on the weightloss so far!! We all need encouragement and support on this journey and am always willing to offer words of support, advice or just lend an ear.
  • KatieVxox
    Thanks so much :)
  • KatieVxox
    YES! Definitely! I will write a blog asap with my journey from start to now...... xx
  • chocolatefairey
    Hey feel free to add me for support, I'm really good at it :)
  • TerryEllis
    I started last Monday and I have to say I lost 5 lbs last week. I did change may calorie intake last week to 1000 calories and kept with it. I always find the first week is the hardest. This week I upped it to 1200 and still on board. I started a weight management support group here at my work and had our first meeting yesterday. Approx 20 people showed up and everyone is enthusiastic. We are going to have weigh-in one a week and various incentives. Excited about our future.

    Good luck in you endeavor.
  • KatieVxox
    Thank you! wow 5lbs is amazing!! go you!! Good luck to you too x