How to reduce night cravings/hunger

falmeira Posts: 10
edited October 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
I do pretty well during the day to stay within my meal plan, but at night, specially when at home, it is kind of difficult to fight the urge for carbs and sweets.
How do you do?


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Find something to occupy yourself with. Sounds more like boredom eating than anything.

    If you are ACTUALLY getting hungry at night, have a filling snack. I usually do a protein shake. They are very filling and a great snack. Or just try some water to see if it eases the hunger pangs.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    What time do you eat dinner? You may be eating too early or not eating enough during the day so you feel that way. As time goes on and your body changes, those feelings will ................... be more manageable. =)

  • I usually try and limit what I keep in the house. That way if I am craving something, it's either healthy or portioned so I can't eat too much of it. I try and drink water and if I'm truly craving something, I make a healthier option of what I really like to satisfy my craving without going insane on calories.
  • I found that sugar free Popsicles do the trick if I ever get a late night craving.
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    A mango usually does the trick for me, mangoes are very healthy, taste quite sweet and take away the craving for a long time.
  • ameerah77
    ameerah77 Posts: 37 Member
    I find it so challenging. I used to get home in the evenings and binge on salty and sweet foods. I try not to keep chips or cookies in my pantry because if I have a craving for it and am home, I usually won't put in the extra effort of driving to the store, just to get it. I'll allow myself a yogurt or sugar free pudding or jello to make up for it. I still find it to be a challenge though...
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Some peanut butter on celery is pretty satisfying.
  • Last night, my sweet tooth kicked in so I had 1/3 of a sweet baked potato with a drizzle (1/8 tsp) of maple syrup. It did the trick!

    I also freeze fresh blueberries and then add them to 1/2 cup of fage nonfat yogurt a drizzle of vanilla, some stevia for sweetness and let it sit in the freezer for 5 minutes. Another yummy snack at night.

    On nights when I clearly haven't eaten enough I will have a banana with 1 TBS of Almond butter. That is a 200 calorie snack but if I am hungry and ih ave the calories left I do it.
  • SCR56
    SCR56 Posts: 64 Member
    I don't keep junk food in the house anymore. I just can't be around it. My step kids hate it, but oh well.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Drink a crap load of water, lol. Some times if we don't eat out of boredom our bodies finds ways of telling us we are thirsty. I try to have something super low in calories or workout enough to eat a little more. A bowl of cereal, hard boiled egg whites, celery, raspberries,blue berries, Jell-o,pudding, oatmeal...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,243 Member
    I have the same curiousity about night cravings....but I do NOT like the advice to "drink water" (for me). I have a REALLY tiny bladder and if I drink ANYTHING after 7:30 pm, I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night (which is TERRIBLE, because then I CANNOT get back to sleep).

    So, although I drink between 12 and 14 glasses everyday - I do ALL that drinking by the time I finish supper!

    I, too, have removed all "junk food" from the pantry. But, between 8:30 and 9:30 at night, I think about eating CONSTANTLY, and sometimes just break down and cry because it is SO HARD not to munch on SOMETHING. Maybe it's boredom...but, I don't think so. I think it has been my routine, for 24 years, to munch on something as soon as I put kids to bed...and this linkage, in my brain, is really, REALLY difficult to mentally get over.

  • @dopeitUp
    I am actually very busy studying at night over 10h, but staying awake until way late makes me hungry. I tried the protein shake last night, and it worked. Let's see how it works in the ext few days. Thanks again for advise
  • @Deja_blu
    You might be right in that dinner time being too early, i will try having a late dinner, and see how it goes
  • @StarFuryZ
    Believe me, those popsicles are great.
    I tried the edy;s no sugar added, they are like 25 cal e/o, but then i eat 5!!
  • Try to eat more protein for dinner so it keeps you fuller for longer....I found hot green tea helps curb my appetite as well...If I know I don't have any more calories left I'll do that..If I do I'll have a small snack...Last night was the perfect example I drank two glasses of water and a bowl of strawberries :)
  • @Krystonite
    Never tried Peanut butter and Celery, hmmm
    Does it taste good?
  • @ Shannon_Stallone
    Thanks for advise. I think i will stick w/ the protein shake for a bit.
    i found myself checking how many calories i have left, and when hungry and at the gym, i think I am going to burn 100 more cal to be able to eat a bit more, LOL
    Thanks again!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Shift a greater portion of your calories towards the evening and budget a big meal for yourself later at night.
  • You should be eating about every 4 hours so if you're still awake 4 hours after eating dinner, have a healthy snack to satisfy your hunger. Also make sure your dinner includes a lean protein, I find that always having protein in my meals helps to keep me full for longer. If I feel myself starting to get a craving for something I make a cup of tea to keep myself occupied (obviously if its late make it decaf).
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