i had 1000 cals + what to do?

okay my cal goal is 1200! i had todAY 2804 CALS!!!!!! withoutt even knowing it's mostly allll healthy 400 cals are unhealthy...

i didn't even know ihad that much that's the worst part............ i'm so frustrated... what shall i do :(? i don't want to gain weight so how many cals shall i burn to maintain my weight today? i am willing to workout now
i'm 18 140 pounds almost at least i think since my scale is broken and 5'4 is my height


  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    One day of over indulging is ok...exercise as you normally would .Drink water, and DON"T STEP ON THE SCALE.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Go back to your normal caloric intake, keep drinking water and exercise as you normally would. You will be fine, don't panic.
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    exercise like a ****ens tonight
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    huh? i cant say Charles ****ens on here?
  • Exercise and start over tomorrow. That's what the great thing is about this site and about your lifestyle change. If you mess up one day, you start over the next.

    This is not a diet but a lifestyle change and there will be days that we go over. You just make up doing exercising the next week.

    You can do it.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    One day of over indulging is ok...exercise as you normally would .Drink water, and DON"T STEP ON THE SCALE.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Go back to your normal caloric intake, keep drinking water and exercise as you normally would. You will be fine, don't panic.

  • huh? i cant say Charles ****ens on here?
    Thanks for the second post. I was trying to figure out the bleeped-out word, and I couldn't get it.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    take a walk or get a workout in and don't worry about it! That's why I loke to log it before I eat it, it's not so likely to creep up on ya that way.
  • Mynue_Jeens
    Mynue_Jeens Posts: 98 Member
    One day of over indulging is ok...exercise as you normally would .Drink water, and DON"T STEP ON THE SCALE.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Go back to your normal caloric intake, keep drinking water and exercise as you normally would. You will be fine, don't panic.


    Double this!
  • if you want to know how many calories you can eat to maintain your current weight you can change you settings to maintain current weight (instead of lose 1 pound or 1/2 pound or 2 pounds). see what that number is just as a reference point then you can change it back to your original setting
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    Forgive yourself for a bad day...it'll be pretty impossible to exercise 1000 calories off in one day, but make an effort to burn "some" calories either by walking or going to the gym. Most likely you'll burn around 200 but...tomorrow is a new day. Start fresh and maybe don't set your calorie goal to 1,200 if that is to far from an amount you are comfortable with. Perhaps bumping it up to 1,500 is more doable for you? Yes, more calories every day means *slower* weight loss but what's worse, eating 2,300 calories a day or eating 1,500 a day? By the way, you'll still lose if you only eat 1,500 a day, so no worries. Most people are so polar opposite that they don't realize that they need to go at a more comfortable pace, and I'm finding that out myself.
  • yeah i guess i'll do that! this happens every once in a while, im changing my weight loss goal and i'm going to workout too hopefully i'll maintain my weight if not lose!!!!
  • Relax. Exercise a bit. Drink some tea or cold water. 2,000 calories doesn't mean your diet is ruined. Just work out extra hard or consume less tomorrow. 2,000 isn't even a pound, so you'll be okay.