which is better...

...to be way under on calories but at your macro goals, or to get a little closer to your calorie goal and go over on macros such as carbs?

For example, I have almost 400 calories left for today but I'm right at my carb limit (I'm a carboholic, so this number is rarely low for me). Normally if I have ~100 calories left, I'll eat some fruit or veggies just to get myself at least to net 1200 cals. So what should I do? Stop eating for the day and just be way under calories? That'll mean I will only net about 950 calories today - yikes. Or do I eat something else tonight and just accept being over on carbs?

Hopefully this doesn't seem like over-analyzing. But I'm close to my goal so small decisions can really impact if/when I will reach my goal. Thanks!


  • I would just east something healthy and go over on carbs if need be. It is only one day and I think it's better to eat a healthy meal/snack and consume closer to your calorie goal then to not eat at all just to stay under carbs.
  • eat something w/o carbs
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    Do you have something High Protein in the house that you can indulge in like a Greek Yogurt or something? I will often do that to sort of "balance out the chart" so to speak. I'm liking mine with a teaspoon of home made strawberry jelly stirred in.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I would just east something healthy and go over on carbs if need be. It is only one day and I think it's better to eat a healthy meal/snack and consume closer to your calorie goal then to not eat at all just to stay under carbs.

    Agreed! Besides, if you don't eat all your calories you'll get scolded by MFP.
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I would def eat some lean protien and veggies. No carbs (including fruit). You need the calories.
  • Eat an apple. I used to try and watch everything now I only watch my calories.
  • cweenie08
    cweenie08 Posts: 7 Member
    i'd eat something light to get to about 1000 cals for the day. have a handful of carrots, or another veggie that you like. or, go for something high in another macro, like protein. something good would be some non fat cottage cheese- relatively low in carbs but very high in protein.

    and then i'd try to plan better for the other days. plan out your intake before you eat it so you can make sure to hit the calorie goal and stay under on the carbs.

    best of luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Unless you have a medical issue with carbs, I wouldn't worry about going over them. I always aim to go over on my protein, but I let the rest fall where they may.
  • JaniseCookston
    JaniseCookston Posts: 49 Member
    I would definitely say eat all your calories no matter what the nutrients are measuring. I personally never really paid close attention to those numbers and I have lost 30 pounds with MFP. The most important is overall calories.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    All good ideas! I'm usually close to the limit with carbs, but today was particularly carb-y because I was stuck in class all day with baby carrots and granola bars to eat. Any other ideas for a high-protein snack? I already ate dinner so I don't exactly want to eat a steak right now!