Can anyone help me understand why I am not losing weight?



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Awesome. You are where I want to be!!! I'm 5'6" also. Congrats on your weight loss.

    Thank you!!
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I see a lot of meals where you are eating what I consider "snacks" for the entire meal. For example, Lara bars are a great snack or part of a meal but they will not give you the right balance of carbs, protein, and fruit/veggies. I would try to have 1 serving of protein, 2 servings of fruit/veggie, and 1 serving of carbs at every meal. I use the separated plates for kids that keep the food from touching. They are visual reminder of what needs to be on my plate. The carbs and protein go in the quarter section and the veggies/fruit go in the half section. It's easy to do. For example, I may have whole wheat pasta with turkey sauce and a salad for a meal. It also seems like you're not eating breakfast every day. Some people say it's not necessary to do that but I find that the scale gets stuck for me if I don't eat breakfast.
  • ValMcB
    ValMcB Posts: 44
    I am definitely deficient in water. There is definite room for improvement there. Thank you!

    I was bad about water too. I am a nurse, I don't have time to pee! LOL So I have a 24oz travel mug that my goal is to finish on my way to work, 20 min drive. Then I refill it and do the same on the way home. That has helped so much!

    But at home I take my favorite glass (cheapo from walmart but love the color and it holds 4 cups!) and fill it up, when I finish it I log 4 cups. Seems so much easier than drinking a glass at a time! And I found that I drink more when I use a straw. Weird? Dumb? Mental? I don't know! But it works! LOL!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    I peeked in your diary, and I agree with adding more water, but I would also take a look at your sodium levels. A lot of the energy/supplement bars have higher sodium than we think, and I notice you like those. MFP sets the sodium default at 2500mg, but I've read you only need 600 mg a day (more if you exercise). I wondering if increasing your protein intake would help. Your carb:protein:fat ratio seems pretty high, and protein would help repair muscles if/when you work out, as well as keep your body fuller longer. Good luck!
  • momma_kathleen
    Oh my goodness, have i BEEN THERE! my weight loss is very slow also...are you getting cardio? and have you tried to go very low carbs? i have found that if i stay away from the starches for now, even if they were "allowed" by my calorie count, and consistently get the cardio for a full hour at least five days, i have started to see the scale creep down...but remember, unless you want to starve it off, you are going to lose it slowly, like it was gained...sorry you are frustrated, but keep showing up and doing the exercise and food and stay away from the scale for a week or so! try focusing on how a certain pair of pants fit or something else! i was getting too much sodium and actually went UP a pound one week! yikes! the next week i was down 4...hang in there!!!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Hiya, I agree about the sodium - it's a kicker! Up your water and do your measurements rather than your weight for a while - if you're exercising you may notice the difference in your measurements where you're firming up.
    I doubled my water intake and the difference was astounding.
    Don't give up! Good luck - we all know it's really hard work x
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Try to lower your fat & sugar intakes. Also try to work out 4-6 days a week. Make sure you're drinking 8 glasses of water a day, minimum.

    Good luck to you!

    Agree with this 100%.... I didn't look really far back, in your diary, but you do seem to be going over your fat allowance frequently (and by a lot on a few days). Also, maybe swap one of your categories to add sodium instead to see how you're doing with that.

    Good luck..and give it a little time before you stress. You haven't been at this all that long yet, and your body needs to adjust to the fact that its getting a healthier and lower calorie foods.
  • lauradel9
    I think you may want to incorporate more greens and fresh veggies, and lean protein, and less processed foods and meats. in addition, make sure you are eating plenty of dietary fiber and drinking plenty of water. i take kelp to support my thyroid function and also drink yerba mate and green tea to promote some weight loss. aside from weight loss, i suggest truvia over splenda since truvia is also a no calorie sweetener but much healthier. :)
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I was in the same position for ages. I found a combination of several changes worked for me. Feel free to check out my blog if you're interested.

    I understand how frustrated you must feel but just keep at it. You have received some great advice here, just don't give up. You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • FitMissVicky
    FitMissVicky Posts: 51 Member
    I started at 196 and have lost 20lbs as of today's weigh in. I'm using MFP to track but my calorie allotment and approach comes from a doc and nutritionist I'm working with. Here's what I've been doing, and it's helped me lose about 1-2 lbs a week.

    Daily calorie goal: 1800
    3 meals and 3 snacks daily (eating every 2-3 hours)
    minimum 300 calories per meal and 150 calories per snack
    protein every time I eat

    I don't count my carbs or track sugar but have found that focusing on protein and ensuring that I have plenty of lean protein and fresh veggies has helped a lot with the sugar cravings. When the cravings do hit, I try and make healthy choices. I still enjoy wine and beer regularly, even though I know if I cut that out I would lose more. My doc's advice is to make sure I am living the life I enjoy; that way any changes I make will be sustainable. I don't eat back my exercise calories although I am exercising regularly.

    If you eat out a lot, you might find there are hidden calories - I travel and eat out a lot for work so this has been the most challenging part for me. I make sure I have some nuts at work so I don't miss my snacks and am tempted to overeat at meal time.

    Looking at your diary my advice would be to try eating more lean protein and veggies and making sure you are eating every 2-3 hours. I restructured my settings so I could track morning, afternoon and evening snacks. Although MFP considers my 1800 calories to be maintenance, it is actually working for me.
  • gelarae
    gelarae Posts: 4 Member
    It may not be the most popular, but after reading Wheat Belly this weekend, I'm cutting the carbs. Most definitely, I'm cutting wheat products, but I think I need to go ahead and reduce the carbs in my diet as well for other reasons. What do you have to lose, except some weight???

    Good Luck!
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Right no offence but what was the point of mfp giving you a target if you arent going to follow it? It says 1200 to lose 2lbs a week. I was 191lb at 5"7 and ive stuck to 1200 religiously upping it to 1300 when i had totm. I am now down to 180.

    Those numbers are there for a reason, being given 1200 every day and eating 1800/1900 a day isnt going to help.

    Yes coming down from 2800 a day must be a shock but it has to be to lose weight!

    Dont ignore the formula, its worked for many others and if you want to eat more, exercise more!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I'm using MFP to calculate calories burned during exercise. I have a HR monitor but I don't think it calculates calories burned. Hmmm.

    I think you misunderstand. Using the HRM helps get a more accurate depiction of how many calories you burned.
  • zta1989
    zta1989 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for starting this post. I've been frustrated since I've been at this for about 6 weeks now and have only lost 6 pounds (3.5 in the first week). I looked back through my diary and checked how much sugar and sodium I was having and it was off the charts on many days. While I met the calorie goal (or came in under b/c of exercise) and stayed in check on fat and carbs, the other little things that don't show up in the online diary unless you change the settings and don't see something else weren't within reasonable limits.
  • TVstfne
    TVstfne Posts: 19
    One tip to help with nighttime snacking...try brushing your teeth earlier. I don't know about you, but brushing my teeth is sort of a psychological trigger that I'm DONE eating for the night (plus a lot of things don't taste too good when you have that mint taste still in your mouth.)
  • stupidthick5150
    you should have you thyroid checked that might be why your not losing weight