October Challenge ~ week 1 ~ Wenches aWeigh (closed group)



  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm here :)

    This weekend was very busy and now I have the week from hell at work. Going for my annual doctor appointment tomorrow, I'm sure she'll be very pleased with me.

    I made myself take a walk tonight knowing I needed to do something for exercise today. Worked at home last night and again tonight, have I mentioned that work is crazy this week. Of course I work with Europe so I have 6 hours to communicate with them by the time I get into work at 7am. Oh and they all want all of their quotes during my morning.

    I walked down stairs at work today and then 5 min later back up to my office and I was huffing and puffin. I really think I am fighting something because I am in the best shape I have been in over 5 years, I usually run up the stairs and barely be winded. Sorry ladies but I'm going to take it easy for a few days until I feel more like myself.

    Take care all! :flowerforyou:
  • Julie,

    Sorry about your internet issues. Been there, done that. It is not fun:grumble:


    Do not apologize one bit for taking it easy. I tell everyone "Listen to your body. It will tell you when it needs some down time." I would rather you take things slow for a few days then go full speed ahead and cause yourself to be more worn down.:flowerforyou:

  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    Good Evening Me Maties!!!!

    Yer scurvy captain feels the need ta apo- apol- apoli- apolig- DANG! (Out with it, ye scurvy coward!) APOLOGIZE!!!! I have been holed up in me cabin, furiously scrawlin' da higher schoolin' logs (poorly), keepin' a whip trained on da gangly youths in me care at the fishy school, trying to Colonial da corn de pop fer the scouts of boy, tryin' to eat somethin' beside da nasty hard tack, drinkin' the sweet water of loss, and tryin' desperately to keep moving me booty... I been MAJORLY screwed when it comes ta these... Me apolo...- well ya know what I mean - comes in with the fair mess I have made of this here fair ship.... I beg ye mercy as to me continued captaincy....

    Sonia, Captain(?) o the fair ship Wenches a'Weigh
  • IggyL
    IggyL Posts: 181 Member
    Sonia you're a riot! I'll be completely honest, this month has sucked for me this far. I can't get in gear. The weather has cooled off and I'm finding it very difficult to drink the required water. I've done pretty good staying under my calories, execpt for a few days, it is the 64oz of water that is making it so I can't claim that point. As for exercise, what exercise? Now that I have a dog bit with 2 puncture wounds on my right arm, I have to be careful to not aggrevate them. On a separate note, I bought a Walk-Away DVD that has another 5 mile walk with a resistance band (came with it). Looking forward to getting back on track even if only for cardio to start. I will get back on track, it is just going to take me a bit to do it.
  • I think our boat sank. :ohwell:

    But we're still the greatest wenches on MFP! :drinker:
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    I believe it went down in the tortilla triangle...

    There was a pea soup fog...

    Unfortunately we ran into the iceberg lettuce in the thousand islands...